Club Meeting This Thursday, November 21st at Tortugo Brewery

Please come join us for our last regular meeting of the year at our home base at Tortugo this Thursday 11/21 at 7:30. Our style of the month is is fruit/spice beers, meads, ciders & perries, so it should be an interesting one!

We will also be voting for member of the year and the board for 2025. If you have additional nominations, you may email by Wed 11/21 and they will be added to the ballot (or people can write in if need be). If you will be unable to attend, members may vote by email by sending to that same address.  Since we have such a large number of Member of the Year nominees, you may vote for 2 nominees.

Current Nominations:

Member of the year: David Ashe, Tomm Carroll, Craig Corley, Ian Frasier, Joe Kovatch, Terry Molloy, Eric Muhlheim, Neil Saund, Dean Sussman, Carl Townsend

    Board Nominees:
President – Parker Waechter
Vice President – Terry Molloy
Treasurer – Craig Corley

Holiday Party
The annual PG holiday party is rapidly approaching and will be held on Saturday 12/14 at Neil’s Duplex (12966 Rubens Ave, Los Angeles, CA. (at Alla Road)).

Carl will have a signup sheet at the meeting for kegs you will be bringing so he can make his traditional festive tap tags(tm). Chef Ian will be doing his culinary magic as always, but we always need some more salads, sides, deserts etc, so please start thinking about how you can dazzle with kitchen skills to match your brewing skills!

The Sunday before the party (12/8) at noon we will be doing setup for the holiday part as our “first friday” in December.  Please stop by and help out… many hands makes for light work and all that…

See you all at the meeting Thursday!

Parker Waechter – President, Pacific Gravity Homebrewers

November Monthly Meeting; Thursday 11/21/2024 at 7:30 PM
Tortugo Brewing Co.
916 W. Hyde Park Blvd.
Inglewood,  CA  90302
(424) 227-9963

Strand Monster Brew At Scholb 12/7 – Deadline approaching!
Sign up no later than November 29th! Strand Brewers club is hosting a monster brew at Scholb Premium Ales (2964 Columbia St, Torrance CA 90503) on  Saturday 12/7/2024 08:00-12:00 noon.  The cost is $35 for 5 gallons of wort (Dills Cornhole Pilsner) and is limited to 44 batches, so if you are interested, sign up with them soon at .

Upcoming Styles of the Month

  • November 2024 – Fruit/spice beers, meads, and ciders/berries
  • December 2024 – No style of the month (Holiday Party)

Upcoming Events

  • Nov 21 : Club Meeting at Tortugo Brewing Company – Style Fruit/spice beers, meads, ciders and perries
  • Dec 7    : Strand Monster Brew at Scholb
  • Dec 8    : Holiday Party Setup 12:00pm at Neil’s Duplex
  • Dec 14  : Holiday Party
