Stuffed Sandwich Trip, Monster Brew, Competitions
Greetings Pacific Gravity! Happy New Year!
I hope you all enjoyed and have recovered from your holiday festivities!
Next week will be our first club meeting of the new year at usual time and place:
January Monthly Meeting; Thursday 1/18/2024 at 7:30 PM
Tortugo Brewing Co.
916 W. Hyde Park Blvd.
Inglewood, CA 90302
(424) 227-9963
Our Style Of The Month is Winter Beers, so break out your winter warmers and spiced what-nots for everyone to enjoy and learn from.
We look forward to kicking off the new year right!
To that end, February’s “First Saturday” will be at the Stuffed Sandwich on Feb 3 and Marlene’s theme of the month will be “Barleywines and Strong Ales”. Details will be coming in a future email.
Also, the Southern California Homebrewers Festival is coming up May 3 & 4 at Vail Lake near Temecula. If you would like to camp, please make sure you let Terry know by this Monday 1/15 so he can make sure we reserve a space for you when he meets with the committee next week. I went for the first time last year, and I gotta say, it really lived up to the hype – a huge amount of fun camping with the club (and meeting other clubs) and attending the massive festival with more homebrew taps than I have ever conceived of.
See you all next Thurs 1/18 at Tortugo!!
Parker Waechter
Pacific Gravity Homebrewers
We are throwing our annual Holiday Party on Saturday 12/09/2023!
But first we need your help!
This Sunday 12/03/23 we will be doing the setup (and drinking beer!) over at Neil’s, so come on down and lend a hand! Not only do we need help with setup we will also need supplies from those that could supply:
Holiday Party Setup and First Friday Event for the month of December. :
When: Sunday, December 3rd at 12:00pm.
Where: 12966 Rubens Ave, Los Angeles, CA. (at Alla Road)
Holiday Party Clean up will be Sunday, December 10th at 10am – Please help out if you can.
Holiday Party Details
The Holiday party will be a Neil’s Duplex on December 9th at 5:00PM. Also, we will announce the Member of the Year Award and the Brewer of the year award.
You can help!
Although the club will be providing much of the main dishes this is still a pot luck party and your favorite party dish will sure be appreciated!
The menu should mostly reflect past holiday parties featuring Carbonnades ala Flamande, meat on the BBQ, deep fried turkeys, spiced ham and much more!
So if you have a favorite family holiday recipe and want to share it with the rest of us, this is your chance! If you have any questions about what to bring you can ask me Suggestions would include any kind of main dish but especially all side dishes, veggie dishes, salads, desserts and appetizers!
Got beer? We need all types of beer, meads, cider and sodas for this event. Pull out your favorite holiday beverage, dust off the bottle or keg and bring it down! We’ll have the Wave of Beer set up to help dispense your holiday homebrews. If you plan to bring beer, soda or other seasonally festive beverage, please contact Carl at: & let him know what you will bring. Everyone who signs up in advance will have a festive tap tag.
This is an outdoor event…it will be cold! Please plan accordingly!
Bring a chair if you can!
Holiday Party:
When: Saturday, December 9th, at 5:00 PM.
Where: 12966 Rubens Ave, Los Angeles, CA. (at Alla Road)
PG News:
See you there
Cheers and Happy Holidays!
This Saturday, October 14th is our annual Pacific Gravity Chili Cook-off and The Molloy’s were generous enough to host us (yet again) for the club meeting and the chili cook-off. ![]() **This replaces the 3rd Thursday club meeting and the club meeting will be held at the Chili Cookoff.** We will be conducting our annual chili cook off and all members are invited to bring a crock pot of homemade chili to enter. Fabulous prizes (well, bragging rights and a beer) will be given for the chili voted as “best” and “most unique”. The style of the month is IPAs and Brian will be hosting this month’s commercial tasting. We will also be accepting nominations for Board Member positions of President, Vice President, and Treasurer and nominations for Member of the Year. The Elections will be held at our November meeting so this month is the last month to put in your nominations. Location: |
PG News:
Servus Pacific Gravity! |
For October we will be moving back to a Friday evening event to be held at Upshift Brewing in El Segundo
Upshift Brewing Company
339 Indiana St,
El Segundo, CA 90245
Chili Cookoff – October 14th, 2023 – Club Meeting
Our October Club meetings will also be our annual Chili Cookoff event and it will be held October 14th at Terry Molloys. Final details to follow.
We are fast approaching the end of the 2023 Brewer of the Year with just two more competitions to go.
First up: Pacific Brewers Cup, which is being run by Long Beach Homebrewers this year.
Registration is currently open at , with the deadline of September 23. This is a full-on competition with all BJCP styles.
The dropoff location is at at Stein Fillers in Long Beach. But, if you bring your entries to the September club meeting at Tortugo on Thursday, September 21st, I’ll hand carry them to Long Beach Friday morning. Judging at La Jara Brewing on October 7th in Norwalk. Please sign up to judge or steward using the above link.
The the last competition of the 2023 Brewer of the Year Cycle is California Homebrew Competition. Registration is now open at .
You must ship your entries to the bay area between September 30th and October 12th. Entries due by October 12. Judging will be held October 28th – Nov 5th in the Bay area.
The winner of the 2023 Brewer of the Year will be announced at the Holiday Party!
PG News:
Upcoming Competitions
This year’s summer party is set for July 29, 2023 and will be held at Dean Sussman’s Highland’s home located at 1310 Amalfi Drive, Pacific Palisades.
The theme for this year’s summer party is the American BBQ! We’ll be spotlighting burgers, smash burgers and hotdogs.
However, this being a ‘bring a plate’ potluck event we want you to bring your favorite dish along to the event as well; any dish is welcome, feel free to bring all your American BBQ side dish classics.
The summer party is a volunteer’s event, and we need lots of Read more →
There are still spaces available for the Monster Brew with Scholb Brewery on August 5, 2023. Cost is $35 per batch. This event works just like the Smog Monster Brews in the past.
Scholb Monsterbrew Full Details
They will also hold a Yard Sale for your unwanted homebrew equipment. Even if you don’t want to get in on the wort, you can bring items to sell or buy. Please note if you stuff doesn’t sell, you MUST take it back home afterwards.
Important Note: If you want wort, you must sign up no later than Saturday, July 29th (Summer party day). You can order one or two 5-gallon batches. Sign up at:
Greetings Pacific Gravity!
July’s First Friday is actually a First Saturday on the 1st of July. Porter has graciously agreed to host us this month at his Brewery and Taproom in Torrance at the 1901 Del Amo Blvd Location. We invite all PG members to come and joins as we support Jon Porter and Smog City as they have supported us throughout the years. Join us starting at 12:00pm
Smog City Brewing
1901 Del Amo Blvd.
Torrance, Ca. 90501
Food Trucks:
Baserriko Peppers