February Club Meeting Tomorrow – Barleywine

Hi everyone, tomorrow’s club meeting will be featuring the highly regarded Barleywine style of Ale.  Because this is such a high gravity beer, Mimi Bardet has kindly arranged to have a more substantial food offering on hand at this meeting – Pizza by the slice will be available for $2.  So please bring a bit more cash than usual and make sure you eat something before or during the meeting.  We start promptly at 7:30, and end at 10:30 sharp.  Some meeting highlights:

– The Club Only Competition style is Barleywine, bring 3 12 oz bottles of your brew if you want to enter – Details here

– This is your only opportunity to signup and pay for the Monster Brew on March 9th ($30) at a club meeting.  Payment must be in advance and the deadline is February 28th!

– Signups and payment ($45) for the April 20th road trip to San Diego.  We will open this up to other clubs after this meeting, so secure your spot.

– Commercial tasting conducted by yours truly and Kurt featuring classic examples of the Barleywine style.

– Homebrew of the Meeting competition with a $25 gift certificate as a prize.  The style for the meeting has been extended to include Barleywines, Old Ales, and Strong Lagers.  Feel free to bring them in bottles, I doubt you have many kegs of this style sitting around!

– I will be bringing a couple of different vertical flights of Barleywine from my personal collection.  If you have a bottle or two that you’d like to share, please bring them.

– We will be making some announcements about membership renewals (starting in March) and a new volunteer incentive system.


Club Meeting This Thursday – Belgian Ales

Hi Pacific Gravity, due to the club only competition schedule our style tasting this month will be Belgian Ales.  If you been to the Belgian meeting in years past, you know that this is one you don’t want to miss.  Craig Corley will be hosting the commercial tasting, so prepared to be impressed with the selection.  But the showcase of every homebrew meeting is the beer that YOU bring.  Any Belgian ale is welcome at the event of course, from the modest Belgian Pale Ale to the monstrous Quadruple.  I’ll be bringing the Spiced Cherry Dubble featured at the Holiday party, so if you didn’t get a chance to try it there you can get another look at it.  If you are not kegging yet, or don’t have any Belgians in kegs, bring a few bottles to the meeting. Its a great way to get to know other brewers in the club.  And even if you don’t have a Belgian beer, bring what you have, from Mild to Impy Stout your fellow club members will appreciate it.

The meeting starts at 7:30 and we will be wrapped up with the put-away and raffle by 10:30.  I’m looking forward to seeing you there!


Board Elections at the Meeting this Thursday

Just a quick reminder that we will be holding elections for three board positions this Thursday.  The current nominees are David Mauceli, President, Noelle Cross, Vice President, and Tim Bardet, Treasurer.  We’ll hold nomination open for a couple more days just in case anyone wants to run.

Also, we are holding a vote for the Club Member of the Year on Thursday.  This award recognizes and  honors significant contributions & involvement by club members.  The current nominations are listed below.  Nominations will be closed on Tuesday night.

Dan Hakes
David Mauceli
Craig Corley
Carl Townsend
Norm Zettlaw

Club Meeting Thursday Oct 18th

Join us for the monthly third Thursday club meeting at the Culver City Home Brewing Supply Company.  The festivities officially start at 7:30 PM.

Strong ales of any type are the style of the month, and we will be holding a Club-Only taste-off for Old Ale, BJCP style # 19C.  Bring three 12 oz bottle if you want to enter.  Kegs are still needed to keep the evening well lubricated.

Topping the agenda for the evening are nominations for the 2013 elected officers.  As of this writing, nominations include David Mauceli for President and Noelle Cross for Vice President.  We are actively looking for a nominee for Treasurer.   Additional nominees for all three positions are still open.  If you are interested in joining the board as either an elected or appointed officer in 2013, please contact any of the current officers.  We will be holding elections at the November meeting and will be finalizing the appointed offices in January.  Also this month, we will be holding nominations for Club Member of the Year.  This selection recognizes / honors significant contributions and involvement by club members.   The winner will be announced at the Holiday party.   All currently paid members eligible for nomination, except last year’s winner and perennial party host, Neil Saund.

Also available at the meeting will be the sign-up sheet for Big Brew/Jockey Box/Chili-cookoff day at Carl Townsend’s place this Saturday, Oct 20th.  Tubing is still available for jockey box builders, as is space for brewers and room for more chilis. The Wave of Beer will be making an appearance, so bring your kegs.

And don’t forget the usual festivities of the commercial tasting, raffle, and the jovial camaraderie of Pacific Gravity club members.

Hope to see you there
Carl Townsend
Competition Coordinator



August Club Meeting this Thursday 8/16

This Thursday, August 16th, is our monthly club meeting.  Our style of the month is Porters, Brown, Robust, and sweet Baltic.  Bring a keg of Porter to the meeting to be entered in our Homebrew of the Month competition and be eligible for a $25 gift certificate to Culver City Homebrew Supply.  Or if you just want to quench the thirst of your fellow brewers and get some valuable feedback on your technique and recipe, bring whatever you have and everyone will appreciate it.

I’m still looking for volunteers to host the Commercial Tasting this meeting so email me at [email protected] if you are interested.  Also, make sure you bring some cash for raffle tickets, our new club glasses, Club of the Year shirts, and other paraphernalia.

June Club Meeting this Thursday 6/21

Come celebrate the Summer Solstice at our June Club Meeting this Thursday, June 21st, at Culver City Home Brewing Supply.  We get things started at 7:30pm out back of the store, so bring your best homebrew or even a commercial beer and get to know some of your fellow club members!

Commercial Styles of the Month: Brown Ales, of which we’ll have a selection of great commercial beers to wet your palate on a warm summer evening.

Homebrew Kegs of the Month: Brown Ales.  Favorite keg each month wins a $25 gift certificate to CCHBS, so check out the upcoming style of the month on the website and start brewing!  If interested in bringing a keg of your own to an upcoming meeting, sign up with our VP Dave, either at the club meetings or via email at: [email protected]

COC: No Club-Only Competition this month, but on the horizon are Porters this summer, due in mid-July just before the Summer Party.  You can always talk to Carl, our Competitions Coordinator, for more info or email him at: [email protected]

Summer Party: Our annual Summer Party is coming up next month on July 21st!  We’ll be going over some of the details at the club meeting this week; look for more information to start rolling out on the website over the next few weeks.  Sign-up sheets for volunteers and kegs for the party will be out at the meeting, so please consider what types of volunteer jobs you would be interested in taking on and what beers, meads, ciders, or non-alchoholic beverages you plan to bring to the party.  As always, PG members in good standing (dues paid and current) get free admission, but if you’re not current with your dues, admission is $35 at the door (there’s your dues!).  In addition, this year, all members’ guests (including spouses) will pay $10 for admission. Read more

Brown Ales at the June Meeting – call for kegs and style tasting volunteer.

Hi everyone, are you excited about the club meeting next week on June 21st?  You should be because the style of the month is Brown Ales!  What’s a brown ale, you ask?  My friend, what ISN’T a brown ale?  Sure, BJCP category 11 (English Mild, English Brown Ale) is a good place to start.  But there is also 10C American Brown Ales, malty and bitter and freshly hopped.  So if you made a black IPA recently, why not call it an American Brown Ale and bring it to the meeting?  Then there is 17C Flanders Brown Ale.  That’s a Brown Ale, isn’t it?  Do you have an Irish or American Red ale that didn’t quite turn out red?  Did you use too much dark malt in your Amber Ale?  Got a bock that you are dying for feedback on?  You may not be eligible for the beer of the meeting competition, but everyone will appreciate you bringing your beer.  If you let me know what you are bringing at the address below, I’d sure appreciate it!

Are you interested in running the commercial tasting this month?  While it might be difficult to find commercial examples of English Mild in bottles, American breweries are turning out some pretty good brown ales these days.  Send me an email at [email protected] and you can go shopping for beer on the club’s dime.

May Club Meeting Tomorrow, 5/17

It’s IPA night at our monthly club meeting tomorrow –  Thursday, May 17th, at Culver City Home Brewing Supply.  We get things started at 7:30pm out back of the store, so bring your best homebrew or even a commercial beer and get to know some of your fellow club members!

Commercial Styles of the Month:  India Pale Ales (IPAs), of which we’ll have a selection of great commercial beers to wet your palate on a warm spring evening.

Homebrew Kegs of the Month: India Pale Ales.  Favorite keg each month wins a $25 gift certificate to CCHBS, so check out the upcoming style of the month on the website and start brewing!  If interested in bringing a keg of your own to an upcoming meeting, sign up with our VP Dave, either at the club meetings or via email at: [email protected]

COC: No Club-Only Competition this month, but on the horizon are Porters this summer.  You can always contact Carl, our Competitions Coordinator, for more info or email him at: [email protected]

OC Road Trip:  Our trip to Orange County is coming up in less than a month, so if you’d like to hop on the bus and take a ride down to check out the Bootleggers and Old Orange breweries with fellow PG members and enjoy some great beers and laughter on Saturday, June 9th, please sign up at the meeting and reserve your seat with the low fee of only $20.  We need to know if there are enough interested parties to make this trip happen, so if you are interested, make sure to let Kurt know at the meeting, or you can shoot him an email at: [email protected]

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Do you like India Pale Ale?

Well if you do, you should be excited about the May club meeting this Thursday!  This year May is for IPA, and I know of at least 4 people bringing kegs of IPA to the meeting.  Do you have a keg or bottle of IPA that you would like to share with club members?  Bring it along, and you will be elligible for the Beer of the Meeting award, which gets you a $25 gift certificate to Culver City Home Brewing Supply.

Do you really love IPA?  How would you like to host the commercial tasting this meeting?  It’s pretty easy, you buy up to $150 of delicious IPA (Beverage Warehouse is our preferred supplier) that you love or have always wanted to try.  Chill it, bring it to the meeting, open bottles after announcements, and make about 100 new friends.  Sound great?  Email me at [email protected] and I will give you the lowdown.

April Club Meeting This Thursday the 19th

Join us for our monthly club meeting this Thursday, April 19th, at Culver City Home Brewing Supply.  We get things started at 7:30pm out back of the store, so bring your best homebrew or even a commercial beer and get to know some of your fellow club members!

Commercial Styles of the Month:  Scottish & Irish Ales, selected and poured by our Communications Director & valiant SCHBF Coordinator, Victor Macias.

Homebrew Kegs of the Month: Scottish, Irish, & English Ales.  Best keg of the bunch wins a $25 gift certificate to CCHBS, which happens at each meeting, so check out the upcoming style of the month on the website and start brewing!  If interested in bringing a keg of your own to an upcoming meeting, sign up with our VP Dave Mauceli, either at the club meetings or via email at: [email protected]

COC- Scottish & Irish Ales (BJCP Category #9): If you are bringing entries for the COC, you’ll need 3 bottles of your beer.  Please see Carl’s Competition Coordinator post for more info or email him at: [email protected]

SCHBF: For those of you planning to spend the weekend of May 4-6th camping with the club and enjoying what your fellow homebrewers have to offer by lovely Lake Casitas in Ojai, please make sure you have signed up and paid for the event.  We’ll also have a Keg signup sheet for all of your Fest Beer contributions.  This is 2 nights of camping with the Southern California Hombrew Festival all day Saturday and cost is only $40 (food included) or $20 (camping only).  You also need to join the California Homebrewers Association as this is your ticket to the fest.  Victor will have a short meeting after the announcements this week for those of you planning to attend; you can also shoot him an email directly with any questions at: [email protected]

OC Road Trip:  We’re heading to Orange County with our own bus stocked full of PG members, great beer, and laughter on Saturday, June 9th.  For those of you interested, you can sign up and reserve your seat on the bus for the very low fee of only $20.  See Kurt at the meeting, or you can shoot him an email at: [email protected]

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