On March 5th, 2016 @ Smog City Brewing Company and its Brewmaster, PG’s Jon Porter, will be hosting their third Pacific Gravity Monster Brew!
About the date, Yes I know its backed up to PG’s First Friday at Irish Times, but March 5th was really the best available date for PG and Smog City. So Club Member Up and make it one amazing PG event filled weekend, but make sure to plan ahead doing any Yeast starters.
Jon Porter and Dan White will be developing the base wort for this event with the theme “English”. A marris otter base, with just a small amount of carafoam and acidulated malt to keep ph in spec. This will be a great starting point for just about any lighter beer.
Keeping with past monster brews, the recipe can be the base for whatever creative endeavor you might want to do. For the hop heads, boost up the bitterness with your favorite English or American hop tea to make an awesome IPA, or darken it up with roasted malts to make a porter or stout. Use your imagination to make the most awesome beer ever. Each person will need to pitch a yeast of their choice, add adjuncts to the wort, dry hop in secondary, or do nothing special to it at all.
You can always contact Carl at Competitions@pacificgravity.com for any suggestions and once we have the actual recipe values Carl can work on a “How to Modify my Monsterbrew” post.
The cost will be $30 for each 5 gallons of wort. Everybody will be guaranteed 1 batch, and if mash volume permits, a second or third batch. Please sign up as soon as you can, by dropping an email at President@PacificGravity.com or singing up at the next club meeting on Feb. 18th.
Yeast and any additional ingredients you wish to add are not included. You can bring your yeast to the brewery, or pitch it at home. If possible, please pay in advance. You can Pay at our next Club Meeting Feb. 18th or you can drop off a check at Culver City Homebrew Supply.
Be sure to include title on an evalope “Monsterbrew Smog City” your name, telephone number, and E-mail address. All checks made out to Pacific Gravity Homebrew Club. Lastly you must pay in full at the day of the monsterbew. We take Cash, Check, and Credit Card payments.
If you paid in advance, but find you cannot attend, a 24 hour notice must be given in order to obtain a refund. On event day, all monies collected will be given to Smog City Brewing. Such notice may be sent to Pacific Gravity Treasurer, Tim Bardet at treasurer@pacificgravity.com or to the current board members at board@pacificgravity.com.
Some of us may want to purchase more than 10 gallons. Initially, only 5 – 10 gallons may be purchased. However, if there is wort left over at the end we will hold a lottery to determine who may get an additional 5 gallon allotment. Bring an extra fermenter if you are interested.
Don’t forget to bring a sanitized fermenter for each 5 gallons you buy!
Fermenters MUST be either plastic or stainless steel. Absolutely NO Glass fermenters will be allowed in the brewery due to the danger of breakage on the tile floor. You may bring small glass vessels with yeast or other additions, however. Please make sure you fermenter has a wide opening so we can use the fire hose when it is time to pour in the wort. Plastic buckets are ideal, but you can use a Cornelius keg if you want. Please do not bring any skinny-neck containers. Our aim isn’t that good!
The event will be starting EARLY, at 7:00AM. If that is too early, you may show up by 12 noon and still get your pre-purchased wort. Of course, you’ll not get to take part in the actual brewing. Projected ending time will be 1:00 PM. Smog City Brewing Company is at 1901 Del Amo Blvd., Ste B, Torrance, CA 90501
Please park on the WEST side of the building to keep the tap room lot open.
The tap room will be opening to the public at noon.
Smog City will have coffee and other breakfast items in the morning. As well Porter will arrange for a food cart later that afternoon.
In addition Porter will be supplying tasting samples of some of his fine brews during the mid morning. Cut off time for free pours will be determined by Porter. Probably close to 11am, after that beer will be available for purchase.
Thank you and we will post more info about this event as is comes, also at some point we will open it up to the other clubs around the area.
Lloyd Johnson President@pacificgravity.com
Carl Townsend Competitions@pacificgravity.com
Tim Bardet Treasurer@pacificgravity.com
The Board board@pacificgravity.com