May Club Meeting Tomorrow, 5/17

It’s IPA night at our monthly club meeting tomorrow –  Thursday, May 17th, at Culver City Home Brewing Supply.  We get things started at 7:30pm out back of the store, so bring your best homebrew or even a commercial beer and get to know some of your fellow club members!

Commercial Styles of the Month:  India Pale Ales (IPAs), of which we’ll have a selection of great commercial beers to wet your palate on a warm spring evening.

Homebrew Kegs of the Month: India Pale Ales.  Favorite keg each month wins a $25 gift certificate to CCHBS, so check out the upcoming style of the month on the website and start brewing!  If interested in bringing a keg of your own to an upcoming meeting, sign up with our VP Dave, either at the club meetings or via email at:

COC: No Club-Only Competition this month, but on the horizon are Porters this summer.  You can always contact Carl, our Competitions Coordinator, for more info or email him at:

OC Road Trip:  Our trip to Orange County is coming up in less than a month, so if you’d like to hop on the bus and take a ride down to check out the Bootleggers and Old Orange breweries with fellow PG members and enjoy some great beers and laughter on Saturday, June 9th, please sign up at the meeting and reserve your seat with the low fee of only $20.  We need to know if there are enough interested parties to make this trip happen, so if you are interested, make sure to let Kurt know at the meeting, or you can shoot him an email at:

By-Laws: We received feedback from a couple of members regarding the bylaws draft that went out last month and our By-Laws Committee has not finished discussions in order to have a final draft ready to vote on this month.  They will continue finalizing the draft and hopefully have it out for your review again very soon with a tentative plan of voting to finalize it at the June meeting.  The board will also take this time to seek legal and tax consultations as we proceed towards filing for Non-Profit status.  Thank you all for your participation in this important process and if you have any questions, please contact our Committee Chair, Dan Hakes, at:

Annual Dues: If you haven’t renewed your dues yet, please remember to pay your dues and help keep our club running.  Dues are $30, but remember to pay them at this meeting to avoid the $5 late fee.  Our Treasurer, Craig, will not be at the meeting, so please see Terry or Audrey.  Any questions can be directed to Craig at:

Club of the Year Shirts: For those of you who are still interested in joining the cool kids and getting your very own Anchor Club of Year shirt, we have a precious few left, so pick yours up at the meeting.  Shirts are $30 each and our resident Fundraiser, Terry, will have them on display at the meeting.  If you are interested in assisting Terry with the raffle or have brewing-related items to donate to upcoming raffles, please email him at:

Raffle: Our ever-enthusiastic Fundraiser, Terry Molloy, will be selling raffle tickets for $1 each.

Payments:  All checks can be made out to “Pacific Gravity” and only 1 check is necessary for all your club events, dues, & purchases!

SCHBF: Big thank you to Victor for a wonderful job coordinating a wonderful weekend and thank you to all the volunteers who made it such a success.  If you have photos, stories, or any feedback to share, Victor is compiling it all so shoot him an email

Looking forward to seeing you all on Thursday, sharing some great beers, and celebrating the end of a long week!



Any questions or comments, email me at:
