Upcoming Competitions and Important Dates
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County Fair Judging at the Culver City Shop – Sunday 7/29 at 5:00 PM
The Falcons have a record 300 beers to judge for the Los Angeles County Fair Homebrew Competition and they have asked us to help! We will be doing a preliminary judging round on Sunday, July 29th at 5:00 PM. Come on by and help out on what has always been a good competition for Pacific […]
Competition Corner – July, 2012
The next Club-Only competition is for Porter, BJCP category 12. Because of the Summer Party schedule, note the special due date of Friday, July 13th at the Culver City shop. If you have any one of these (or more than one) bring three 12 oz. bottles to the meeting and make sure you let Carl […]
Competition Corner – June 2012
June represents a slow spell for the competition season, except for those lucky enough to place in the AHA Finals competition. Judging will be this Thursday at the AHA conference in Seattle. Keep your finger crossed for the following first round winners:
Brew For The Cure!
Hello Home Brewers! The Brew for the Cure Homebrew Festival is happening May 13th. This is a call for entries. We need the great homebrewers of Southern California to jump into the fight against cancer and help us throw a kick ass party! It’s a chance to hang out with friends compete for prizes and get your […]
Mayfaire Prelim Judging Sunday April 22 at the Culver City Shop
The 34th Annual Maltose Falcons Mayfaire Homebrew Competition has had a record number of 555 entries, beating their previous record by over a hundred! They’ve asked us to pitch in, so we have scheduled a preliminary judging round for Sunday April 22nd at the Culver City Homebrew Supply Company. We will be starting at 5:00 […]
Competition Corner – April 2012
April is the thick part of the competition season and I hope your entries are ready. We have two competitions due within the next week. First up is Maltose Falcons Mayfaire. Entries are due at the Culver City shop by Wednesday, April 11th. In a change from previous competitions, only 2 bottles are needed. On-line […]
Competition Corner – March 2012
Well, I hope you all were quick to respond to the call for entries for the 2012 National Homebrew Competition. On-line registration went live on March 1st and the entire competition was sold out by March 4th! In addition to making good beer, you needed to be quick to win this competition. Assuming you got […]
AHA National Homebrew Competition online registration open NOW.
Greetings, all. Heads up – the online registration is now open for the AHA’s National Homebrew Competition. We’ll be accepting entries at the shop during the March meeting on the 15th for transport to the San Diego judging site, but the number of entries accepted for each site is limited, so register soon. You can […]