2010 Club Board Elections

Fall is here and its time for our annual elections for the Club’s Board of Directors.  We’ll be accepting nominations for the 2010 Club Board at the October club meeting and will hold an election at our November club meeting. Club President, Craig Corley has decided its time to take a break from running the club, so we’ll be selecting his replacement.  And depending on his replacement (we have a few who have expressed interest), we’ll have a couple of other positions to fill as well.  The rest of the current club board members have expressed an interest in serving for another year.

Beyond the open board position(s) we need to fill, we’re always looking for new members to get involved.  To make it easy for club members to get involved, we have part-time positions as well as the full-time positions. The full time board includes the elected officers (President, Vice President and Treasurer) and the appointed officers (Competition Coordinator and Activities Director).  The part time positions include the Webmaster, Publisher, Club Chef, Fund Raiser, Ladies Events Coordinator, Road Trip Coordinator, Style Tasting Coordinator, So. Cal Home Brew Festival Coordinator and more.  The part time positions tend to focus on one event or task and do not require regular attendance at the board meetings. We’ll even tailor part time positions to utilize the skills set of anyone who volunteers.  If you’re interested in the joining the club board, contact Craig Corley at President@PacificGravity.com.
