Club Meeting-April 21

Wow! Time flies when you’re drinking beer. Seems like we were just drinking Stouts and Bocks. Now it’s time for the April styles, Porters, Smoke Flavored and Wood-Aged brews. If you have any homebrewed beers in these styles, please bring kegs or bottles to share at the meeting. As usual, the beer voted Favorite of the Meeting will get the brewer a $25 CCHBS gift certificate.

As usual, Audrey and Mimi, our esteemed Activities Directors will have a selection of fine snacks. I may bring some smoked popcorn (or maybe just burned).


If you are going to the Southern California Homebrew Festival (4/29 – 5/1) and haven’t paid, PLEASE show up at the meeting and see Vic Macias, SCHF Coordinator. Vic will also be holding a short meeting of those who will be going to the Fest, in order to give out some very important information, as well as answering any questions you may have.


Kurt Periolat is going to start working on our next road trip, so if you have any suggestions for destinations, please let him, or one of the other Board members know. You can always send Kurt, VP Reed Wilson, our Activities Directors, or me an E-mail with any ideas you may have.


There will be a Club Only Competition held at the meeting featuring BJCP Category #22C-Wood-Aged Beers. If you have any of that style you’d like to enter in the COC competition, please bring a bottle or two to the meeting. The one chosen by our judges will be entered in the AHA Club Only Competition-at no cost to the entrant. PG will pick up the tab for the entry and shipping.

Meeting starts at 7:30pm behind Culver City Homebrew Supply and ends at 10. Looking forward to seeing you all.

Michael Steinberg

President-Pacific Gravity
