PG Club Meeting – Thursday, October 20th @ 7:30pm

Our club meeting is this Thursday! Our October meeting will feature Belgian Strong Ales!

PG Treasurer, Craig Corley, will be hosting the commercial tasting, and he’ll have some fine examples of the styles.  As usual, anyone who brings a keg of Belgian Strongs will be in the running for a $25 CCHBS gift certificate if his/her beer is chosen the Best of the Night.

El Rincon Criollo, our club’s local Cuban & Spanish restaurant, will be selling food at our meeting! Food service will begin at 7pm. They will be offering plates of rice, beans, plantains & a choice of 1 meat (chicken or pork) for a discounted price of $7.50. Sandwiches will also be available at a discounted price of $7.00.

You will want to make sure you have a good meal before our PG October meeting with many strong Belgian Strong Ales being served. So, come support CCHBS’s neighbor, El Rincon Criollo, and enjoy their delicious food while enjoying the October beer offerings.

Our October meeting will be a busy one. Here are some of the topics:

  • Pacific Brewer’s Cup awards will be given out at the meeting.
  • As is tradition, at the October meeting the membership of the Pacific Gravity Homebrew Club will nominate candidates for Club Member of the Year!  (Nominations can also be made by email to by 11/19/11. Also, see President’s article on PG website for more details or contact any PG Board member.)
  •  Also, as is tradition, at the October meeting the membership of the Pacific Gravity Homebrew Club will nominate candidates for Club Officer positions. The elected offices are President, Vice President, and Treasurer. Anyone who is interested in performing much needed service to the club is urged to run for office. (Nominations can also be made by email to by 11/19/11.  Also, see President’s article on PG website for more details or contact any PG Board member.)
  •  There will be announcements & sign up sheets for many upcoming PG events, such as: 

                   NOVEMBER 12th “Go North” Road Trip
                   NOVEMBER 5th: Learn to Brew Day
                   DECEMBER 4th: First Sunday & Holiday Party Setup
                   DECEMBER 10th: PG Holiday Party

  • Raffle tickets can be purchased from Terry Molloy, PG Raffle Guy & Fundraiser. We always need raffle prizes, so if you have any used equipment you want to donate, it is much appreciated. Glasses, “excess” commercial beers in the monthly style and gift certificates are always appreciated.
  •  PG merchandise will also be available for purchase.

 See you all at our meeting on Thursday!
