Save The Fest! Action Needed Now!

Hi Everybody:

As you may be aware, legislation has been drafted which will modify an existing bill that essentially prohibits events like the SoCal Homebrewers Festival.  The vote on the new legislation takes place on April 9.

That’s 4 days from now, but it is NOT TOO LATE to act.  You can make your voice heard by sending letters to (1) the GO committee chair, Isadore Hall and (2) your state representative if he/she is on the GO committee.  The list of the GO committee members is attached.  Here is a link you can use if you are unsure who your representatives are: Assembly Member  (Thank you Scott Burnell for the link).

And to make it even easier …

– A sample letter is attached that you can modify by adding your name and the name of the legislator.  Please delete any of the helpful notes embedded in the document.

-You don’t even have to go to the post office.  Email your completed letter document(s) to:   She will make sure they get directed to the appropriate person.

Thank you.

GO Committee members

AB 2609 Sample Letter
