LABW opening gala – Soda wanted!

Hey all you soda makers! The Los Angeles Brewers Guild is requesting your talents to contribute to the Non-Alcoholic refreshment tent at the LA Beer Week opening gala beer festival on June 20th. Fellow PG member Jonathan Porter of Smog City Brewing Co. is heading up the effort to put together an assortment of awesome non-alcoholic beverages for people to enjoy.

Here’s the details:

Sodas and other NA crazy beverages must be ready to go by Friday, June 19th and must be made to pour on draught via corny kegs. We’re asking for 3-5 gals (or more if you want to go all out!) per type and are offering to trade one VIP ticket per keg for the fest that day. The guild will also reimburse you for the cost of making the soda! Ever wanted to try making that crazy hibiscus ginger lemonade with jalapeños and horseradish? Now’s your chance! (actually, please don’t make that one 🙂 )

We don’t have all the details worked out for pouring, but we’re asking that if you come to the fest, you also spend time at the tent pouring and talking to people about your creation.

If you need CO2 for carbonation, or even a loaner keg, please email Porter at for questions, comments, concerns, and to let us know that you want to participate!


