May 19 Club Meeting

This Thursday we will all gather out back of Culver City Home Brew Supply to share American Ales (BJCP Category #10). Our tasting host will be newcomer to the job, Andy Caruso.

Snacks will be provided by Audrey and Mimi, our super duper Activities Directors.

Audrey has been busy making more beer leashes, so bring some extra cash or a check.

Leashes are $5, PG glasses, $6. $10 for both. What a bargain, and opportunity to support P.G. These items make perfect Birthday, Father’s Day, Christmas, or Wedding gifts.

We have  lowered the price of P.G. shirts. They are now $15, a bargain you shouldn’t pass up. Also, until we sell the current stock, we won’t be able to move on to our next shirt, with a different logo.

The meeting begins at 7:30, with announcements at 8, followed by the commercial tasting, and raffle at 9.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Thursday.

Michael Steinberg, President
