Competition Corner – December 2012 –> NOTE Special Deadline

Hope all you folks are having a great set of holidays!  In all the flurry of activity, please don’t miss the deadline for the next Club-Only Competition.  Because of shipping logistics, we have a special deadline of Sunday, December 30th at the Culver City shop.   This time, we are doing the “Un-Session Beers” (OG>1.040).  This competition covers BJCP categories 1C-E, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 6C, 7, 8C, 9D & E, 10, 12B & C, 13B-F, 14, 15, 16, 17B, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23.  Note that the low-gravity categories are excluded if the official lower end of the gravity range is 1.040 or below, even if your particular beer is over 1.040.   Seem like an odd rule, but hey, I don’t write these rules.

Since so many styles are eligible, we have a limit of ONE entry per person.  So, sort through your inventory and bring us your best shot.  We need one bottle for judging on the 30th, but you must be prepared to deliver two more to Carl if you win. (You can bring 3 bottles ahead of time if you like).  All entries must have the official rubber band label, which you can down load here: 

If your beer is the winner, you also need to fill out the entry form here:  The club picks up the entry fee for this competition, so there is no cost to you.

Also, if you can help out with the judging, we will be doing a session at the shop at 5:00 PM on the evening of December 30th.  We will set up at least two flights, so you can judge even if you have entered a beer.  If you can help out, drop me a line at

Despite the 2012 deadline, the winner will garner the first points of the 2013 Brewer of the Year award.  Speaking of which, let’s have a round of applause for Chris Simental who picked up the honors for the 2012 Brewer of the Year.  This is his 3rd win in 5 years, showing excellent brewing continuity.  Chris edged out the team of Kingsley Toby & Brian Holter by a single point.  Rounding out the list of top point getters, the team of Kristofor Barnes & John Rockwell tied Craig Corley for 3rd place, and Carl Townsend was in 5th place.

Looking more into the 2013 schedule, we will stick with the same seven main competitions we had in 2012 as well as the six upcoming COCs.  Of these, the three used by Anchor Brewing are the California State Fair, Mayfair and the California State Homebrew Competition.  If you have a limited amount of beer to enter, try hitting these three.  The winter season is a good time to get those beers going with clean-fermenting cool weather.

Like in past years, we have tried to align the monthly club styles with the COC competitions.  An updated schedule can be found at:  All styles are welcome at any club meeting.  However, the best beer in the listed styles is eligible for the best beer of the evening award, which comes with a $25 gift certificate to Culver City Home Brewing Supply Co.  We are also looking for folks to lead the monthly style tasting for the club meetings.  If you are interested, drop Dean Sussman a line at

In addition to the competitions for the Brewer of the Year cycle, we have two Pro-Am opportunities you may wish to enter.  The Maltose Falcons are hosting the Doug King Memorial Competition with entries due on Thursday, Jan 10, 2013.  The Best of Show winner in DKM will have their beer brewed at the Eagle Rock Brewery and entered into the pro-am competition at the Great American Beer Festival.   In 2010, Eagle Rock Brewery won a Gold Medal at the GABF in the pro/am category with the winner of the 2010 DKM, the renowned imperial red ale, “Red Velvet”.  This competition has limited styles for entry, so check the website for complete rules.

Also coming up, the Bruery in Placentia will  be holding the “Batch 1000” contest; a BJCP certified homebrew competition at their brewery and the winning beer will be brewed on their professional system and sold as their 1,000th batch of beer. The beer will be entered into the 2013 Great American Beer Festival as a Pro/Am entry and may even be distributed on a national level! And of course, the winner will be invited to The Bruery to help us replicate their award winning homebrew!  Entries are due by February 1st at either the Placentia or Anaheim locations. This competition also has limited styles for entry, so check the website for complete rules.

2013 Brewer of the Year Competition Schedule
December 30, 2012 – COC for Unsession Beers (OG>1.040).  NOTE SPECIAL DEADLINE!
February COC – Barleywine, BJCP Cat 19
February          America’s Finest City
April                AHA Nationals
April                Mayfaire
April COC      Extract Beers(All BJCP Cats)
May                 California State Fair
July                  Los Angeles County Fair
July COC  – Porter BJCP,  Cat #12
August COC – Style TBD
September       Pacific Brewers Cup
September COC – Amber lagers, BJCP Cat 3
October           California State Homebrew Competition
October  COC– Style TBD
