Pacific Brewers Cup – Kickoff Meeting Thursday Jan 30th

Pacific Gravity is holding our Kick-Off meeting Logo-rev0 for the 2014 Pacific Brewers Cup this Thursday, January 30th at 7:30 PM.  Although it seems like Pacific Brewers Cup is a long ways off, you’ll hear a lot about it in the upcoming months because this year, we are running it!    The last two years Strand Brewers Club and Long Beach Homebrewers did a bang-up job and have set the bar high.  This is one of the best competitions we have going.

Everybody is welcome to attend.  We will be meeting at Kingsley Toby’s place at 11169 Braddock Ave in Culver City.  We are soliciting help from folks who can help out with the organization.

We need help with several of the key positions, including soliciting sponsorships, steward coordination, publicity, finance and a host of other details.   As we go forward, we will be asking for help in the bottle organizing session, and help day-of with judging, stewarding and clean-up.   And or course, you need to brew and enter!

If you can attend, please RSVP to Kingsley at and me at

Thanks, and hope to see you there.

