october, 2015

2oct - 3oct 27:00 pmoct 3First Friday - The Doughroom7:00 pm - 12:00 am (3) The Doughroom


2 (Friday) 7:00 pm - 3 (Saturday) 12:00 am


The Doughroom

3409 Overland Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90034

Event Details

This First Friday will be a special one. Pacific Gravity will have a bi-annual bottle share at The Doughroom. Make sure you bring your best bottle (yes, only 1 bottle) to share with fellow Pacific Gravity members and patrons.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are bringing a bottle to share, you MUST purchase some food and drink as well.  Lets make sure to support The Doughroom so we can continue having awesome events there like this one!


Tad Johnstonvicepresident@pacificgravity.com
