September Club Meeting

The September club meeting will be on Thursday, September 17th from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. at Culver City Home Brewing Supply. We’ll be featuring Belgian and French Ales as our style of the month and as always; we’ll have some homebrewed examples on tap to complement our monthly commercial style tasting (volunteer kegs are welcome).  Yours truly will be guiding us on a tour of Belgian and French Ales for our style tasting.  Please remember to bring some of your homebrew to share with us.  While you’re at it, bring some of your friends and maybe some new members.  As always we’ll be giving away lots of club swag and beer/brewing related goodies (donations welcome) in our monthly raffle.

We’ve finally finalized the design for the new club tee shirt and we’ll be taking pre-orders for the shirts at the club meeting.  We’re targeting $15 per shirt and plan to deliver them at the October club meeting.  Plan in letting us know how many, what size and style of shirt you want and if you can’t make the meeting, please email your pre-order to me at

With several club events upcoming, including the Chili Cookoff and Club Brew, we’ll have a number of sign ups and details to finalize. The Pacific Brewers Cup judging is on the Saturday following the meeting and we’ll be recruiting members to sign up to judge or steward at the competition.  We’ll be collecting entries for the upcoming European Amber Lagers (cat 3) AHA club only competition.  Of course we’ll also have the latest info on all upcoming club events, plan on joining us…
