Brew & Mead Day

Hello fellow Gravitiers,

There will be a brewing and mead making day at the wonderful host Neil
Saund’s house on Sunday January 23rd. Though it is not an official
club sponsored event, this will be an opportunity for those of you who
are interested in learning to make mead to gain some insight into the
process & even make a first batch. There will also be a number of
others brewing beer for your edification & experience. If you are
interested in either brewing or mead making, please email the
Activities Directors at: to
reserve a space.

Neil has kindly offered to help provide the honey & yeast for the
mead, but all brewers will need to supply their own equipment and the
Activities Directors can help you in understanding what you need to
bring to the event.

This will take place at Neil’s town house, same as the Christmas
Party, in Marina Del Rey. The address is: 12966 Rubens Ave, Los
Angeles, CA 90066.

There will be BBQ’s to grill on, so please bring proteins or veggies
of your choice and of course any other munchies you see fit to share
throughout the day. And of course beer in any fashion is welcome,
though if you need a jockey box to dispense it through, again please
email the Activities Directors at the address above.

Brewing will begin about 10am and continue throughout the day. If you
can let us know of your interest and attendance we can make sure that
everyone will have a space to brew, mentor to learn to make mead from
and supplies to serve food & beer from.

Happy New Year & Let’s kick off a wonderful year of Pacific Gravity in
2011. Thanks again to our host Neil Saund.
-Audrey & Mimi
