February 2012 Board Meeting Minutes

February 2th 2012

In attendance: Audrey Hill-Lindsay, Dave Mauceli, Craig Corley, Carl Townsend, Victor Macias.

Not in attendance: Kurt Periolat, Terry Molloy, Dave Stickel, Dan Hakes as new By-Laws Committee chair

A. PresidentAudrey

1. New Board Structure: Any more support or distribution of duties needed?  Treasury- asset management might need more assistance.

2. Transparency: Publishing of board meeting minutes each month is well received thus far.  Recommend making available to only active club members though, and for things like by-laws or budget- need password or member login.

3. By-Laws: Received feedback from current board & a couple other past board members.  Committee requested & in process of being set-up, Dan Hakes appointed new chair.  First meeting scheduled Sun 2/12, 4pm @ Dan’s house.  Other committee members: Craig, Carl, Ian, Tim, Tom R., Luis, Mimi, Victor, Audrey & Dave (as Pres & VP).  Dan drafting letter to general membership to announce committee & call for other volunteers to join process.  Audrey sent Dan all drafts, sample by-laws (Tom R gave us his by-laws & articles of incorporation) & will send any other feedback received.  Email is set-up (bylaws@pacificgravity.com) and currently forwards to Audrey & Dan.  Tom Rierson proposed separating by-laws & more detailed club procedures- need to discuss at first meeting.  Goal- prepare draft for general membership review. Board set timeline for committee to follow: progress report @ March board meeting & draft ready for general membership review at April board meeting.  General membership to review in April with feedback due at end of April, only members with current dues will receive email.  Final draft published to membership by May club meeting for review & vote at June club meeting.

4. Club Legal Status: Need Articles of Incorporation drafted.  TIN already obtained, can transfer over once legal entity.

5. 2012 Calendar of Events: Monster Brew Sat March 3rd.  OC Road Trip (The Bruery, Bootleggers, possibly Anaheim/Noble/Old Orange/Taps) was tentatively scheduled for Sat April 7th.  Kurt– need to push back until later in May or June so as not to conflict with sales for Monster Brew & SCHBF, will have 3 club meetings to promote & can invite Strand/Yeastside to join, need to decide on timing.  Eagle Rock Brewery- possible First Saturday in April.  City Tavern- Sat or Sun – would like us in.  Trux Stop- Tomm Carroll offered to host a FF.  Carriage House – does Dan want to host usual FF?  Overland Café- Tomm Carroll thinks won’t be ready until late spring, maybe June or July FF. Summer Party – no word from Dean; one more try, then back to Christmas in July @ Neil’s unless other venues arise.

6. Club Meeting: Timeline went well in Jan, same plan this month.  Recruit volunteers to bring food for meeting.

B. Vice PresidentDave

1. Club meeting kegs: Voting process- white board worked but needs more promoting.  Will continue with sign-up sheets to get more kegs each month.

2. Club of the Year Presentation- plan to have ready by beginning of October.

C. TreasuryCraig

1. Finance: Submit any outstanding expenses to Craig.  Committees- must give budget, clear goal, and timeline for submitting receipts (necessary for budget & financial planning).

2. Current Balance: $6880.55 as of 2/2/12, includes $1785 for Anchor road trip & $325 for COY shirts, 2011 Holiday Party actual as of 2/2/12 (Expenses- $1325 vs. $3200 budgeted).

3. Annual Budget: 2012 Budget- March 2012 to Feb 2013, draft presented Feb 2012, approve at March 2012 board meeting, based on previous years’ income/expense.  Currently have deficit of $2130- need to work on plan to close this gap-Need more Fundraising options!  Income = $8100 (dues, raffle, fundraisers, summer party guest fees).  Expenses = $10230.00 (Admin, Awards, Board, Club Brews, Club Meetings, Competitions, Equipment, Parties, Flyers, Storage, Website), (Road Trips & SCHBF = $0 as long as sell enough to cover costs).

4. Paypal: TIN obtained, but still issues with Paypal, need to upgrade to a Business account to use TIN (Craig will look into cost).

5. Membership: 246 members, including 4 lifetime members as of 2/2/12.  New Members- 11 new members in 2012 ($330) – target 60 new members, 61 new members in 2011 ($1792.67) – target 78 new members Current Members- 17 members due or past due in Feb 2012, 225 members paid thru March 2012.

6. Membership Dues Collection: 2011 Annual Dues Collected – 158 renewals for $4355 as of 2/2/12.  2012 Dues Collection- $6197.50 due from 239 members, expect to collect from 67%.  Start promoting in Feb 2012, send renewal notices & start collection March 2012.  Cut-off & late fees- due by May club meeting, then deactivated & $5 to reinstate, new pro-rated members not subject to this (important for planning of events like Summer party), still can renew dues @ door w/$5 late fee.

7. Club of the Year Shirts: Pre-orders – 13x$25 = $325.  Ordered 72 on 1/26/12, expect delivery on 2/10/12, cost = $1524.24. Sales – 61 shirts to break even, $275 profit if sold out. $25 pre-order price, $30 post-order due to cost of order, also losing $ on bus to Anchor. Need someone to handle these on Road Trip – Terry (NO giveaways!!! – we have little margin to work with, bring other PG shirts to give away to Anchor).

8. Anchor Club of the Year: Road Trip– Who will manage bus and riders- Kurt, Losing money unless we find more riders!!! (Currently about $1200 in the red). Hotel to Anchor for non-bus riders = 15 @ $10 = $150 (may consider increasing to make up for deficit).  Hotel – 28/30 rooms reserved as of 2/1/12.  New COY Banner– Victor to get quotes.  Liability– “PG Rules of Conduct” from by-laws draft to be utilized as liability waiver for this trip, need to add in “Hold Harmless” clause for purpose of road trip & re-evaluate as by-laws progress.  All riders need to sign when they get on bus- Kurt to oversee. Ceremony– Accept award & do the toast- Dave M.  Responsible for transporting Anchor Trophy – Terry.  COY Party- Saturday 2/18/12 1-5pm.

9. Storage: no progress on sites, Victor looking at some sites, accessible for board members before meetings & events.  Carl – storing the CDS at storage facility creates issues with handling & cleaning, so he’s offered to continue storing.  Inventory- primarily supplies – enough to merit small storage unit.

10. Fundraising: (Terry) Has raffle items for February meeting.

11. Merchandise: New glasses- discuss @ March board meeting w/possible contest for new glass design.  Leashes- plan to make more in March & for SCHBF- glass size announced late Feb to assure leash size.  Hats- requested, could do pre-paid/pre-order in spring. Shirts inventory- PG ($15), PBC ($20), COY ($30).

D. Competitions- Carl

1. 2012 Tasting Schedule: posted to website

2. COC Schedule: January 19th– Dark Lagers (no entries submitted), February 16th– Stouts (BJCP Category 13), April 19th– Scottish & Irish Ales, July or August- Porters (TBD), August or September- Light Hybrids (TBD), October 18th– Old Ales.

3. 2012 Competition Schedule: February- America’s Finest City (due @ CCHBS by Feb 9th, but date change due to online registration not opening until 2/8), March 19-28- AHA Nationals, April- Mayfaire, May- California State Fair, June- AHA Finals, July- Los Angeles County Fair, September- Pacific Brewers Cup- Strand Brewers hosting this year, October- California State Homebrew Competition.

4. Big Brews: Schedule one for April or May- target Summer Party.  Club Brew & Style Tasting- select BJCP Category to demonstrate brewing & style tasting for.

5. Monster Brew: at Tustin w/Jon Porter Sat March 3rd, cost- $30, time- 6am start, lunch around 11am/12pm, day of- Dave M in charge of money & tickets, target beers for SCHBF.

6. AHA Conference: Seattle June 21-23, who’s going?  Dave & Beth, maybe Carl, Falcons will be there.

E. CommunicationsVictor

1. Website: (Dave S. & Victor) Re-design in progress- positive reactions so far.  Upcoming changes: add 2011 COY in header & change logo, changing menu buttons for better flow w/more sub-menus, Ask the Brewmaster, Links: such as AHA, Cal Homebrewers, add “RULES OF CONDUCT” button and statement to “ABOUT” menu button (final draft pending by-laws), Privacy Policy should be created here as well.  Member login section- discussion forum, event RSVP, volunteer sign-ups, photo sharing- Stickel working on integration between Beerzine group page & website, still a bit clunky & but working on ironing out kinks.

2. Flyer: Victor to complete monthly- handout at club meeting & leave @ CCHBS, 25 copies, need to make available for download from website.

F. SCHBF- Victor

Cost: $40 (w/food), $20 (w/o food), estimate (based on last year): 39 w/food ($1560), 4 w/o food ($80) = $1640, total income estimate(less $675 camping fees) = $965 (use $ for food & supplies), donate firewood, charcoal, water.  Sign-ups to begin in Feb (indicate Veg/Allergies).  Committees for transportation, supplies, food- need to form soon.  Transportation of all necessary equipment / CDS – check in with previous volunteers.
