All Pacific Gravity news.

It’s Time to Do the Dues!

It’s March and that means its time for our annual Pacific Gravity membership dues collection.  All club members need to pay their dues to keep their membership active until March 2025.  Annual dues are $42 for individuals or $63 for couples and are prorated for members who joined the club within the last year.

Keep in mind that your dues are the primary way we fund such club activities as club parties, monthly meetings, club brews and much more.  Your paid membership also ensures that you’ll continue to receive the many club benefits available, access to various brewing activities, discounts and information.

There are several ways you can renew your annual dues.  Club Treasurer, Craig Corley will be collecting dues at the upcoming March club meeting and other upcoming club events.  You can go old school and send Pacific Gravity a check to PO Box 2451, Culver City CA 90231. And for the ultimate in convenience, you can renew your dues online via the PayPal links below:

Individual Membership – Full 1-year Renewal:

Couples Membership – Full 1-year Renewal:

Along with your dues renewal, we need all members to complete a Membership Application/Liability Waiver. And in the case of couples memberships, we need this for both members.  You can fill out and submit your Membership Application/Liability Waiver at the following link:

All current club members should have gotten a renewal notice via email detailing their dues renewal amount and member information on file. This is a good opportunity to update our membership records, so please let Craig know of any changes to your member information (address, email, phone, etc) or include changes with your check/renewal form.

For any individual members who might be interested, the couples membership provides full membership status/benefits to both partners of a couple including membership cards, emails, etc. Note that the couples membership is optional, couples can continue with one partner being an individual member and the other being their guest.  It’s an additional $21 to upgrade your individual membership to a couples membership and you’ll need to include your partner’s name and email along with your payment.

Have questions about your dues or how much you owe? Check with Craig at the March club meeting or by email at

Pacific Gravity Holiday Party 2023

Greetings Pacific Gravity!

We are throwing our annual Holiday Party on Saturday 12/09/2023!

But first we need your help!

This Sunday 12/03/23 we will be doing the setup (and drinking beer!) over at Neil’s, so come on down and lend a hand! Not only do we need help with setup we will also need supplies from those that could supply:

  • Beer – Details/Sign up Info below
  • Firewood
  • Tree
  • Outdoor fire pit
  • Propane heater\outdoor heater
  • Chairs
  • Tables,
  • E-Z ups (canopies)
  • Power strips
  • CO2 Tanks

Holiday Party Setup and First Friday Event for the month of December. :
When:  Sunday, December 3rd at 12:00pm.
Where:  12966 Rubens Ave, Los Angeles, CA. (at Alla Road)

Holiday Party Clean up will be Sunday, December 10th at 10am – Please help out if you can.

Holiday Party Details

The Holiday party will be a Neil’s Duplex on December 9th at 5:00PM.  Also, we will announce the Member of the Year Award and the Brewer of the year award.

You can help! 
Although the club will be providing much of the main dishes this is still a pot luck party and your favorite party dish will sure be appreciated!
The menu should mostly reflect past holiday parties featuring Carbonnades ala Flamande, meat on the BBQ, deep fried turkeys, spiced ham and much more!

So if you have a favorite family holiday recipe and want to share it with the rest of us, this is your chance!  If you have any questions about what to bring you can ask me  Suggestions would include any kind of main dish but especially all side dishes, veggie dishes, salads, desserts and appetizers!

Got beer?  We need all types of beer, meads, cider and sodas for this event.  Pull out your favorite holiday beverage, dust off the bottle or keg and bring it down!  We’ll have the Wave of Beer set up to help dispense your holiday homebrews.  If you plan to bring beer, soda or other seasonally festive beverage, please contact Carl at: & let him know what you will bring.  Everyone who signs up in advance will have a festive tap tag.

This is an outdoor event…it will be cold!  Please plan accordingly!

Bring a chair if you can!

Holiday Party:
When: Saturday, December 9th, at 5:00 PM.
Where: 12966 Rubens Ave, Los Angeles, CA. (at Alla Road)

PG Member Survey:If you haven’t had a chance to fill out the survey,  please join us and take a few minutes to answer these 4 questions:

Click Here for The Pacific Gravity Member Survey

PG News:

  • Holiday Party is December 9th, 2023 – 5pm


See you there

Cheers and Happy Holidays!

Pacific Gravity First Saturday September 2nd, 2023 – Project Barley Square

Greetings Pacific Gravity!

As summer winds down and the 3 day weekend approaches joins us this Saturday September 2nd at the UK inspired Project Barley Square in Torrance for some real ale and fish and chips. For those that are unaware Project Barley took over Yorkshire Square Brewery facility and are continuing the tradition of British influenced food and Cask Ale. We’ll get started around 12:00pm. Project Barley opens at 11am for brunch.

Project Barley Square
1109 Van Ness Avenue
Torrance, CA 90501

South Bay Brewing Supply is just 2 block away, (1311 Post Av).  While you are in the neighborhood, plan your next brew day now and pick up everything you need for your next brew day.

PG News:

  • Our next club meeting will be at Tortugo Brewing on the 21st of September and it’s Festbiers and Amber lagers month.
  • Board Member Elections are upcoming.  Nominations will be held at our September and October club meetings.
  • Elections for Board Members (President, Vice President and Treasurer) will be held at our November club meeting, along with voting for the Club Member of the Year.

Upcoming Competitions

September – Pacific Brewers Cup (Long Beach Homebrewers)

  • Registration open, deadline September 23
  • Dropoff at Stein Fillers in Long Beach starting September 7th.
  • You can bring them to the club meeting September 21st and Carl will drop them off at Stein Fillers.
  • Judging at La Jara Brewing October 7th in Norwalk.  Please sign up to judge or steward.

October – California State Competition

  • This is the last competition of the 2023 Brewer of the Year Cycle. The winner will be announced at the Holiday Party.
  • Registration is now open at .
  • You must ship your entries to the bay area between September 30th and October 12th. Entries due by October 12.
  • Judging October 28th – November 5th in the Bay area.

Upcoming Styles of the Month

  • September – Festbiers and Amber lagers
  • October – IPAs
  • November – Amber and Brown Beers
  • December – Holiday Party

Upcoming Events

  • September 21st: Club Meeting at Tortugo Brewing Company Styles includes any Festbiers and Amber lagers
  • September 23rd: Pacific Brewers Cup Deadline
  • October 7th: La Jara Brewing Pacific Brewers Cup Judging.
  • October 12th: California State Competition Deadline

Pacific Gravity Summer Party July 29, 2023

Greetings Pacific Gravity!


This year’s summer party is set for July 29, 2023 and will be held at Dean Sussman’s Highland’s home located at 1310 Amalfi Drive, Pacific Palisades.


The theme for this year’s summer party is the American BBQ! We’ll be spotlighting burgers, smash burgers and hotdogs.

However, this being a ‘bring a plate’ potluck event we want you to bring your favorite dish along to the event as well; any dish is welcome, feel free to bring all your American BBQ side dish classics.

The summer party is a volunteer’s event, and we need lots of Read more

Monster Brew and Yard Sale with Scholb Brewery

There are still spaces available for the Monster Brew with Scholb Brewery on August 5, 2023. Cost is $35 per batch.  This event works just like the Smog Monster Brews in the past.

Scholb Monsterbrew Full Details

They will also hold a Yard Sale for your unwanted homebrew equipment.  Even if you don’t want to get in on the wort, you can bring items to sell or buy.  Please note if you stuff doesn’t sell, you MUST take it back home afterwards.

Important Note:  If you want wort, you must sign up no later than Saturday, July 29th (Summer party day). You can order one or two 5-gallon batches. Sign up at:

First Saturday July 1st, 2023 – Smog City Torrance

Greetings Pacific Gravity!

July’s First Friday is actually a First Saturday on the 1st of July. Porter has graciously agreed to host us this month at his Brewery and Taproom in Torrance at the 1901 Del Amo Blvd Location. We invite all PG members to come and joins as we support Jon Porter and Smog City as they have supported us throughout the years. Join us starting at 12:00pm


Smog City Brewing
1901 Del Amo Blvd.
Torrance, Ca. 90501

Food Trucks:
Baserriko Peppers

Pacific Gravity Club Meeting Thursday, June 15th at Tortugo Brewery

Greetings Pacific Gravity!

Our meeting this month will take place on Thursday, June 15th, 2023 at Tortugo
Brewing Co, located at 916 W Hyde Park Blvd, Inglewood, CA 90302.

We will get started about 7:30 PM.

June Monthly Meeting; Thursday 6/15/2023 at 7:30 PM
Tortugo Brewing Co.
916 W. Hyde Park Blvd.
Inglewood,  CA  90302
(424) 227-9963


Style of the Month is Pale Beer:
Carl will be hosting this months commercial Pale beer tasting. Please feel free to bring in any of your own homebrew Pale beers if you got them. Of course as always all home brew styles are welcome to share

Dues are DUE!!
The end of this month is your last chance to pay due without penalty, so if you have not had a chance yet, please take care of it. Please note that unpaid dues will need to be paid for entry into our Summer Party July 29th.. Please fill out the wavier as well if you have not already.

Individual Membership – Full 1-year Renewal
Couples Membership – Full 1-year Renewal
Prorated Membership – Partial year Renewal
Membership Application/Liability Waiver at the following link:

AHA in San Diego: June 22th, 2023:
If you are planning on going to the AHA this year in San Diego, Please reach out to Carl.

Summer Party: July 29th, 2023
Our annual summer party is coming up and we are hoping you all can attend. With so much going on as AHA creeps up and on the heels of Temecula, We are seeking volunteers for both beer and event setup/breakdown. More details to come… in the meantime, let’s get brewing and fill our taps.

Monster Brew with Scholb Brewery: August 5, 2023

NEW Monsterbrew Info – Sign up Now

Once again, we did not get enough wort sales to hold the Smog Monster Brew, but Strand Brewers have set up a Monster Brew with Scholb Brewery on
August 5, 2023. Cost is $35. Scholb has a smaller brew system, so the event is less likely to be canceled.

They will also hold a Yard Sale for your unwanted homebrew equipment.

Sign-up are now open at

It is gratifying that we have resumed gathering in person, but as always, we encourage and expect everyone will be vigilant about their own health to ensure the groups safety!  Please observe all safety precautions and stay home if you do not feel well.

We hope to see you all at our meeting!


Upcoming Styles of the Month

  • June – Pale Beers
  • July – Summer Party (All styles, All fermented Beverages welcome)
  • August – Wheat Beers
  • September – Festbiers and Amber lagers
  • October – IPAs
  • November – Amber and Brown Beers
  • December – Holiday Party

Upcoming Events

  • June 15: Club Meeting at Tortugo Brewing Company Styles includes any Pale Beers
  • June 22th – 24th: AHA in San Diego
  • July 1st or 8th First Saturday – Details TBD
  • July 29th – Pacific Gravity Summer Party 2023 – Get Brewing!
  • August 5th – Monster Brew at Scholb Brewery

Monster Brew Canceled, RIP Fred Waltman

I have two items of bad news, one considerably worse than the other.

It is with deep regret that I report the passing of our founder, Fred Waltman. Fred started Pacific Gravity with Steve LaBrie in 1995 after breaking off from the Woodland Hills-based Maltose Falcons.  He also founded the Culver City Homebrew Supply Company.
He remained passionate about beer with blogs, guides and travel writings that made many of us who knew him envious. He was our cat herder on the annual Europe trips and many of the folks he introduced us too remain friends to this day. Here is a picture of Fred along with his cousin Jim (left) at the Uerige brewery on Sticke day, 2010.

For those of you in the local area, we will hold an impromptu “Lift a Pint for Fred” memorial tomorrow night (June 2) at Firestone Propagator starting about 5 PM.  We will  also have a tribute to his memory at the June club meeting on June 15th at Tortugo Bowery.

Come join us, lift a pint to Fred’s memory.
— Ian Fraser

In other news,  we regret to announce that the Smog City Monster Brew scheduled for this Saturday, June 3rd has been canceled. We were unable to to sell enough batches to make it viable for Smog City (39 out of the 55 minimum needed).  For those of you who pre-paid via PayPal, you should have received separate notice of refunds. Please don’t show up at Smog City Saturday morning, no one will be there until their regular hours. Also, please share this information with anyone you know who might have been planning to join us.

As a heads up, planning is underway to hold a monster brew and yard sale at Scholb Brewery on August 5th, 2023, jointly hosted by Strand, Long Beach, So Cal Cerveceros, and Pacific Gravity brew clubs.  Look for details in the coming weeks.

Craig Corley
Pacific Gravity Home Brewers Club

It’s Time to Do the Dues!

It’s March and that means it’s time for our annual Pacific Gravity membership dues collection.  All club members need to pay their dues to keep their membership active until March 2024.  Annual dues are $42 for individuals or $63 for couples and are prorated for members who joined the club within the last year.

Keep in mind that your dues are the primary way we fund such club activities as club parties, monthly meetings, club brews and much more.  Your paid membership also ensures that you’ll continue to receive the many club benefits available, access to various brewing activities, discounts and information.

There are several ways you can renew your annual dues.  Club Treasurer, Craig Corley will be collecting dues at the upcoming March club meeting and other upcoming club events.  You can go old school and send Pacific Gravity a check to PO Box 2451, Culver City CA 90231. And for the ultimate in convenience, you can renew your dues online via the PayPal links below:

Individual Membership – Full 1-year Renewal

Couples Membership – Full 1-year Renewal

Prorated Membership – Partial year Renewal

As an incentive to pay your dues early, we’ve got a past year’s Pacific Brewers Cup or LA Belgian Brew Challenge tee shirt for those who pay their dues before or at the March meeting.  This is limited to the stock we have on hand and you will have to pick up your tee shirt at the March club meeting.

Along with your dues renewal, we need all members to complete a Membership Application/Liability Waiver. And in the case of couples memberships, we need this for both members.  You can fill out and submit your Membership Application/Liability Waiver at the following link:

All current club members should have gotten a renewal notice via email detailing their dues renewal amount and member information on file. This is a good opportunity to update our membership records, so please let Craig know of any changes to your member information (address, email, phone, etc) or include changes with your check/renewal form.

For any individual members who might be interested, the couples membership provides full membership status/benefits to both partners of a couple including membership cards, emails, etc. Note that the couples membership is optional, couples can continue with one partner being an individual member and the other being their guest.  It’s an additional $21 to upgrade your individual membership to a couples membership and you’ll need to include your partner’s name and email along with your payment.

Have questions about your dues or how much you owe? Check with Craig at the March club meeting or by email at

Club Meeting Thursday (8/18) at Tortugo Brewing

Hope your summer is going well!  We have one more chance to party before fall sets in.  Please join us Thursday August 18th at Tortugo Brewing Co, located at 916 W Hyde Park Blvd, Inglewood, CA 90302.   We will get started about 7:30 PM.  We will have a recap of the Summer Party (thanks Dean!), as well as announcements of upcoming events such as club elections, upcoming First Friday or Second Saturdays, and important news about upcoming homebrew competitions such as Pacific Brewers Cup and the California State Homebrew Competition.

Our President Ian will be be pouring commercial samples of our styles of the month Wheat and Witbier.  And, of course, if you bring your homebrews to share, we will have a full slate of enjoyment.

We have no organized food plan this month, so please plan on dropping a few buck on Torgugo’s grill, or eat before the meeting.

Hope to see you there!

August 18:  Club Meeting at Tortugo Brewing Co, located at 916 W Hyde Park Blvd, Inglewood, CA 90302
September 2:  First Friday at Tortugo
September 15:  Club Meeting at Tortugo Brewing Co.
September 3 – 25:  Entry Drop-off Window for Pacific Brewers Cup
October 8, 15: (Maybe other dates too) Judging at Project Barley Brewery & Pizzeria


  • August – Wits and Wheats
  • September – IPAs
  • October – Festbiers and Amber lagers
  • November – Dark beers
  • December – Holiday Party, all styles