Tustin Monster Brew on March 3rd

On March 3, 2012 the Tustin Brewing Company and its Brewmaster, PG’s Jon Porter, will be hosting their 4th professional style Monster Brew.

PG Brewmaster Carl Townsend and Jon have developed a new base wort for this event. This year we are going for a rye-based recipe with about 1/3rd rye malt and 1/3rd Vienna malt.  This will be a great starting point for a Roggenbier, American Rye beer, or if you are into lagers, a Vienna lager with a twist.  For you hop heads, boost up the bitterness with your favorite American hop tea to make an awesome Rye IPA.  Each person will pitch his yeast of choice, add adjuncts to the wort, dry hop in secondary, or do nothing special to it. For some great suggestions, see Carl’s article, How do I modify my Tustin Monster Brew?


The cost will be $30 for each 5 gallons of wort.  Everybody will be guaranteed 1 batch, and if mash volume permits, a second batch.

Yeast and any additional ingredients you wish to add are not included.  You can bring your yeast to the brewery, or pitch it at home.

Payment for the event must be done in advance.  We’ll be collecting money at the February meeting, or you can drop off a check at any time at Culver City Homebrew Supply.  Be sure to include your name, telephone number, and E-mail address.  Your last chance to reserve your spot will be Leap Day, Wednesday February 29th, so Jon can plan out the batch size.  You cannot order wort the day of the event.

You MUST be present at the event to get your wort. No friends will be allowed to pick up wort for you!  If you have paid in advance, but find you cannot attend, 24 hour notice must be given in order to obtain a refund. On event day, all monies collected will be given to Tustin Brewing. Such notice may be sent to Pacific Gravity Treasurer, Craig Corley or Vice President, Dave Mauceli

Some of us may want to purchase more than 10 gallons. Initially, ONLY 5 – 10 gallons may be purchased. However, if there is wort left over at the end we will hold a lottery to determine who may get an additional 5 gallon allotment. Bring an extra fermenter if you are interested.

Don’t forget to bring a sanitized fermenter for each 5 gallons you buy!


Fermenters MUST be either plastic or stainless steel. Absolutely no glass fermenters will be allowed in the brewery due to the danger of breakage on the tile floor. You may bring small glass vessels with yeast or other additions, however. If you have a fermenter with a small neck, bring a funnel to facilitate your fill.

We will have extra plastic fermenters and airlocks available for on-site purchase.  If you think you may need one, please contact Carl Townsend so that we can get a count. (see contact info below)


The event will be starting EARLY, at 6AM. If that is too early, you may show up by 12 noon and still get your pre-purchased wort. Of course, you’ll not get to take part in the actual brewing. Projected ending time will be between 1-2 PM.

Other clubs will be invited to participate, including the Long Beach Home Brewers, but the organizers hope that Pacific Gravity members make up the bulk of the brewers.


Tustin Brewing will have coffee, bagels, pastries, etc. for breakfast, and we will buy our own lunches towards the end of the brewing session. In addition, there is a Trader Joe’s nearby, and an early opening restaurant where you can get breakfast if you wish.

Tustin Brewing’s kitchen opens for lunch at 11am.

In addition Jon will be supplying tasting samples of some of his fine brews during the morning. Cut off time for free pours will be 11am. After that, beer will be available for purchase.


We will be carpooling down to Tustin. The trip is about 45 minutes at the early hour we’ll be traveling. If there is much return traffic, those who pitch yeast at Tustin may have a finished beer by the time they get home.


Jon Porter, Brewmaster, portertbc@gmail.com

Carl Townsend  CompetitionCoordinator@pacificgravity.com
Dave Mauceli    VicePresident@pacificgravity.com
Craig Corley      Treasurer@pacificgravity.com
