SoCal Homebrewers Fest – reminder and payment info.

Greetings, all.  I’d like to thank everyone that signed up and paid their camping fees for the SoCal Homebrewers Fest at the March meeting.  The Fest is only about 6 weeks away now, so I wanted to remind those interested in attending to read my previous post for all of the pertinent info.

In addition, as there is only one more monthly club meeting left before the Fest, I encourage those of you who haven’t paid to do so at your earliest convenience.  As usual, you can drop your payment off at CCHBS – please put your check (made out to Pacific Gravity with “Ojai Camping” on the memo line) or cash in an envelope and send me an email at to let me know it’s there.  There is no paypal option this year.

In order to avoid certain problems we ran into last year, we’ll be setting a cut-off date for camping fee payments as the close of business at CCHBS on Saturday, April 28th.

Thanks all.  Looking forward to another great Homebrew Fest!
