April 9th, 2012 Board Meeting Minutes

In attendance: Audrey, Dave M., Craig, Carl, Victor, Terry, Dan H.

Not in Attendance: Kurt, Dave S.

By-Laws Committee: Dan Hakes

  • Draft ready for membership review: Board review by Sun 4/15 & submit any feedback, Dan to present to gen membership @ April club meeting & post announcement on website, Will send out via email to all “current” members for review by 5/3 with feedback going to “bylaws” email address, any significant comments to be reviewed by board at May board meeting and if necessary back to committee for rewriting, If no sig changes- goes to vote at May club meeting, otherwise back out for review by gen membership then with same timeline for feedback & vote at June club meeting, If cannot attend club meeting to vote, can send vote to “elections@pacificgravity.com”
  • Plan for development of Club Charter: Begin once by-laws complete, same committee & chair (Dan), but open up for others to join, Change name of committee to “Club Charter” and outline goals & timeline
  • Plan for Articles of Incorporation & legal filing: Need lawyer- Dave M has connection, plan to discuss further @ May board meeting

President: Audrey

    • Calendar/Upcoming Events: Yeastside Brewers Pasadena Pub Crawl: 4/21, Board Meeting: 5/2/12 @ Audrey’s Office (moved due to SCHBF), Second Friday @ Trux stop cancelled due to travel plans, Second Saturday @ Eagle Rock Brewery with Yeastside Brewers on 5/12, Spring Club Brew: Sat 5/26/12 @ Carl’s-Jockey Box build postponed till next Brew day due to timing & ordering of supplies, survey ready to go out to assess interest, FF: 6/1/12 @ The Carriage House (7pm)- Dan to post article on website, Craft & Folk Art Museum- Craft of Homebrewing Event TBA
    • Road Trips (Kurt): OC on Sat 6/9, 11-5pm, leaving from CCHBS, $20, Bootleggers & Old Orange, Need food plan- food trucks, delivery, Promote- see if Old Orange would like to come pour @ meeting, Coord. W YS/Strand- next trip plan 2nd pick-up point for inter-club event
    • SCHBF (Victor): 5/4-5/6 in Ojai, Paid Campers as of 4/9: 13 @ $40, 6 @ $20, Total: $640, Cost of Owl Court Campsite: $675, almost covered, Hauling plan coordinated with volunteers, Food Captains assigned & prep ongoing, more after sign-ups at April club meeting based upon number of campers and budget, New COY banner- approved by board, will order & have in time for SCHBF
    • Summer Party: Sat 7/21 @ Neil’s, Oktoberfest theme, Plan to look for other venue for Holiday Party, possibly lodge / hall, begin planning after SCHBF, develop committees for food, prep, & set-up, Fundraising?
    • Merchandise (Terry/Audrey): COY shirts (26 left), also old PG & PBC shirts, New glasses- 2 designs presented by Terry, Leashes- Audrey making double batch for SCHBF

Vice President: Dave

  • Asset Manager: help set-up inventory log for storage unit, bring supplies for meeting set-up, continue to define position
  • Club Meeting: responsible for meeting set-up, homebrew tasting & voting for beer of the month, water & cups, also recruiting Style Tasting Volunteers (best if pair of 2 & can include meeting food, budget $175 in total), encourage keg sign-ups for future club meetings

Treasurer: Craig

  • Finance: Current balance $6,082.38 as of 4/9, Tustin Monster Brew $319 profit, Annual Budget approved last month but deficit of $1,530 so fundraising needed, Bookkeeping- will get ledger for club meetings (w/receipts?), PayPal: cannot utilize until have legal status
  • Membership: 271 members, 10 new in March, 28 in 2012, 112 past-due in April, 56 due May 2012-Feb 2013, 99 paid through March 2013, collected $2,290.96 in dues as of 4/9 (86 renewals), Craig to continue announcing/collecting, Late fee of $5 after May meeting or 60 days after expiring (all dues up for renewal March of each year)
  • Club of the Year Shirts: 46/72 sold ($1,380/$1,508), need to sell 53 to break even, could make $592 profit if sell all
  • Storage: now have 4×6 unit @ StoreQuest, 1yr lease @ $1,046.40, will need to change name next year to renew to current Treasurer, Audrey & Craig keys, but Craig to make more, Dave M. (VP) to be asset manager, set-up inventory & check-out log, Audrey to start moving assets over
  • Q1 Income/Expense Summary: Income: $3,433.61 (Dues: $3,076.69, Fundraisers: -$81.08 due to shirt sales thus far, Raffle: $438), Expenses: $807.94 (Admin: $62.30, Best Meeting Beer Awards: $75, Club Brews: -$274.48 due to profit from Monster Brew, SCHBF: -$560 for camping fees, Club Meetings Beer & Food: $281.33, Holiday Party Expenses: $285.63, Road Trips: $908.16), Net: $2,625.67

Competitions: Carl

  • Style Tasting Schedule: should start prepping for 2013 Q1 to give 1yr brew time
  • COC Schedule: July/August- Porters & August/September- Light Hybrids TBA due to AHA & Summer Party schedule, October- Old Ales
  • Competition Schedule: AHA Nationals judging in SD 4/13/4/14 w/results by 1st week of May (growler to Joe & Linda for transporting last 2 comp entries to SD), Mayfaire 4/12 w/judging 4/28 (sign up at http://competitions.maltosefalcons.com/2012Mayfaire/judgeform.php), CA State Fair 4/19 w/Peter Moran transporting to Sacramento (reimburse for gas $125), June- AHA Finals, July- LA County Fair, September- PBC hosted by Strand, October- CA State Homebrew Comp.
  • Tustin Monster Brew Recap: went smoothly this year, good organization & planning!

Communications: Victor

  • Newsletter: An unanticipated result followed the website posting of the monthly flyer – many people at the March meeting turned down the hard copy, citing having already seen it online.
  • Website: Touched base with Dave S. – he said there was no news on the “server move” or “message board” front, but that these things are on track as scheduled (4/15 for server, message board to follow)
