Do you like India Pale Ale?

Well if you do, you should be excited about the May club meeting this Thursday!  This year May is for IPA, and I know of at least 4 people bringing kegs of IPA to the meeting.  Do you have a keg or bottle of IPA that you would like to share with club members?  Bring it along, and you will be elligible for the Beer of the Meeting award, which gets you a $25 gift certificate to Culver City Home Brewing Supply.

Do you really love IPA?  How would you like to host the commercial tasting this meeting?  It’s pretty easy, you buy up to $150 of delicious IPA (Beverage Warehouse is our preferred supplier) that you love or have always wanted to try.  Chill it, bring it to the meeting, open bottles after announcements, and make about 100 new friends.  Sound great?  Email me at and I will give you the lowdown.
