Entries by David Mauceli

Final Holiday Party Setup

Greetings members, we will be doing final preparation for the holiday party at Neil Saund’s duplex at 11 AM on Saturday.  We’ll be putting table cloths on tables, doing final prep in the kitchen, trimming the tree, and the like.  This is also a great time to drop off your beer as we will be […]

Holiday Party Preparation

Quick reminder, we will be setting up for the holiday party tomorrow (Sunday) at noon.  If you can make it, please come by Neil’s duplex (12966 Rubens Ave. LA, CA).  Also please plan to volunteer the day of the party for final setup and the day after for clean up.  Email vicepresident@pacificgravity.com to let us […]

Member of the Year Vote

If you didn’t vote for member of the year at the club meeting, you can do so via email.  Please send your vote via email toPresident@pacificgravity.com  You may cast up to two votes. Dean Sussman Tim Bardet Carl Townsend Noelle Cross Terry Molloy Jon Porter Also, you may vote for one of the following candidates for […]

Pacific Gravity Holiday Part December 7th

Greetings members, I’m happy to announce that the Pacific gravity Holiday Party will be on Saturday, December 7th.  The party is being graciously hosted by Neil Saund (address below).  We will get started at 6 PM and are schedule to complete the festivities at 11.  Members in good standing are invited and may bring a […]

September Meeting at Four Points LAX

Greetings members, I’m happy to announce the the Four Points Sheraton at LAX will be hosting our September meeting. I’ve you have been a member for any amount of time you will be familiar with this hotel and their extensive support of craft beer culture through hosting our First Friday events as well as beer […]

Goose Island Events and Summer Party Planning

Hi everyone, Happy Friday.    I wanted to let you know about some free events in July that feature some rare Goose Island products.  But first, I want to talk about volunteering for the Summer Party.  There is an organizing meeting on July 11th at Dean’s house.  If you are available to do some of the […]