May Board Meeting Minutes

Pacific Gravity Board Meeting Minutes May 2nd, 2012

In attendance: Audrey, Dave M., Craig, Carl, Victor, Kurt, Terry, Dave S., Dan H..

Not in Attendance: N/A

By-Laws Committee: Dan Hakes

  • Draft out for membership review by 5/3- only 2 comments received (change voting approval ratio from 3/4 to 2/3 when voting out board member or club member), board voted unanimously to make both changes.  Send to bylaws committee for vote as well by Sun 5/6, then if approved by majority vote, edits will be made to draft.  Dan will resend to membership via email & post on website stating changes & any feedback on these changes only, plan to continue with approval vote at May club meeting.
  • Motion of bylaws needing to be presented by being read aloud @ May meeting made by Ian- Dan took vote with 9/5 & 1 abstaining not in favor of this being a necessity.  Board discussed process of adopting bylaws, no evidence found to support this being necessary step, including IRS website.  Reviewed guidelines for committee and how it operates with the board- has task to complete (create bylaws draft & present to board), but does not govern process of adoption, though concerns and any necessary details should be discussed in committee, then chair presents outcome to board.
  • Voting: Dave M will send out web post for voting details & handle process (ballots @ meeting & emails by midnight day of club meeting), Dan will cross-check votes.  Craig will get most up-to-date list of current members (those eligible to vote) to Dave before club meeting & set-up “” email to forward to Dave M.  All board members are current with dues, 2 from bylaws committee need to be – Dan to ask them & Craig to put out reminder to all past-due members prior to May club meeting.
  • Club Charter: Bylaws committee has completed their task once bylaws are approved, new committee forms as “Charter Committee” with all bylaws members welcome to continue on this committee as long as they are in good standing with club (dues paid).  Task of committee is to create club charter, outlining operations of the club and expanding upon bylaws.  Updates will be given monthly or bimonthly at board meetings by committee chair and if not completed by the end of calendar year, a progress report will be made to incoming board in 2013.  Dan appointed to be chair & accepts.  Will send out web post to recruit members for this process with first meeting 6/6, pending bylaws approval.
  • Articles of Incorporation & legal filing: Dave M working with friend, Tony, regarding how this process in establishing non-profit status for “501(c) (7), Social & Recreational Clubs” works.Update by June board meeting regarding what specifically we need to do & what he needs.

President: Audrey

  • Calendar/Upcoming Events: Second Saturday @ Eagle Rock Brewery with Yeastside Brewers: 5/12, Spring Club Brew: Sat 5/26/12 @ Carl’s, FF: 6/1/12 @ The Carriage House (7pm)- Dan to post article on website, possible Dogfish Head event @ Four Points 6/2, OC Road Trip Sat 6/9, First Saturday 7/6 @ City Tavern (3:30pm), Summer Party Sat 7/21 @ Neil’s, FF 8/3 @ Four Points Sheraton Pool, AHA Mead Day Sat 8/4.
  • Road Trips (Kurt): OC on Sat 6/9, 11-5pm, leaving from CCHBS, $20, Bootleggers & Old Orange, Not many sign-ups thus far & only 1 paid, will promote via web post & at May meeting, if nothaven’t reached about 20 riders by then, plan to cancel trip (need 20-25 to break even).  Options for food available- food trucks most likely. May have beer to pour from Old Orange or Bootleggers at May club meeting.
  • SCHBF (Victor): 5/4-5/6 in Ojai, 40 paid campers as of 5/3/12, after camping fees paid ($675), have $785 budget for food & supplies. Have new COY banner, but need PVC supports for booth at fest- Audrey to get PVC
  • Summer Party: Sat 7/21 Oktoberfest theme, begin brewing for it now (Spring club brew will also promote this). Neil’s house for location, need to plan how to best use space, no pets or minors this year.  Budget based upon last year’s expenses, see Treasury report for details. Specific fundraising needs more planning, raffle off club brew system.  Will set-up committees for food, cooking, set-up & clean-up
  • Merchandise (Terry/Audrey): Terry: some quotes for new glasses, but need more specific details regarding shipping & taxes, also look into 1 vs. 2 color logos, present at next board meeting but email quotes to board prior if can, plan to receive order in time for summer party. COY shirts:18 left- broke even with cost ($1,508), $1,585 collected, could make $592 profit if all sold.  Terry will bring to SCHBF & Victor will include reminder in last email to campers. Leashes- made about 90 for SCHBF, if none left over, can make another batch if sell out there, supplies cost: $150, sell @ $5/each, profit can be $300

Vice President: Dave

  • Asset Manager: help set-up inventory log for storage unit, bring supplies for meeting set-up, continue to define position.
  • Club Meeting: responsible for meeting set-up, homebrew tasting & voting for beer of the month, water & cups, also recruiting Style Tasting Volunteers (best if pair of 2 & can include meeting food, budget $175 in total), encourage keg sign-ups for future club meetings.

Treasurer: Craig

  • Finance: Current balance $6,450.53 as of 5/2,  Annual Budget still has deficit of $1,530 so fundraising needed & additional expenses need to be approved ahead of time, cannot utilize PayPal until we have legal status.
  • Membership: 275 members, 3 new in April, 31 in 2012 ($905- target 60 new in total this year), 116 past-due in May, 33 due June 2012-Feb 2013, 123 paid through March 2013, collected $2,751 in dues as of 5/2 (108 renewals), Craig to continue announcing/collecting, Late fee of $5 after May meeting or 60 days after expiring (all dues up for renewal March of each year)
  • Summer Party Budget: $2,300 based on last year’s expenses (Food: $1,000, Supplies: $250, Rentals: $400, Awards/Raffle Prizes: $300, Equipment: $100, Other/Decorations: $250
  • Storage: being used & convenient, need more copies of keys though.

Competitions: Carl

  • Style Tasting Schedule: completed through June 2013 to give 1yr brew time, add Porters to March homebrew styles, Carl to send to Victor/Dave S. to post to website.  2013 Tasting Schedule: January- Belgian Ales, February, Barleywines, Old Ales & Strong Lagers, March- Stouts & Porters, April- English & Scottish Ales, May- IPAs, June- Wheat Beers, August- Meads, Ciders & Fruit Beers, September- Lagers.
  • COC Schedule: July- Porters (due 8/10/12, need to pick day other than summer party for judging) September- Light Hybrids (due 10/6/12, judge at Sept club meeting), October- Old Ales (due 11/10/12, judge at Oct club meeting), January/February 2013- Un-Session Beers (OG>1.040, due date TBA, but January meeting likely), March/April 2013- Barleywine (Feb meeting for judging).
  • Competition Schedule: CA State Fair- Peter Moran transported to Sacramento (no confirmation yet, gas not reimbursed yet), June- AHA Finals, July- LA County Fair, September- PBC hosted by Strand, October- CA State Homebrew Comp.
  • Spring Club Big Brew:– Sat 5/26 @ Carl’s, he will do web post with start time (10am?), address, any equipment needed, kegs to put on CDS, brewing with summer party in mind, food will be a bbq, bring side dishes.

Communications: Victor

  • Newsletter: An unanticipated result followed the website posting of the monthly flyer – many people at the March meeting turned down the hard copy, citing having already seen it online.  I’ll be printing fewer copies now.
  • Website: Dave S.- Gave invoices for web hosting to Craig.  Server transfer postponed until mid-May, will keep us informed.  Top priority of changes to website is adding the discussion board, create logins for all members in good standing, possibly create a few categories, somewhat like Yahoo group & plan to phase it out once this is up & running.  Plan for pilot run using board, Dan as bylaws committee chair, and any members who have posted comments on website in 2012 once server transfer complete.  Later add ability to RSVP to events & sign-up to volunteer, hopefully in time for summer party prep.
