Brown Ales at the June Meeting – call for kegs and style tasting volunteer.

Hi everyone, are you excited about the club meeting next week on June 21st?  You should be because the style of the month is Brown Ales!  What’s a brown ale, you ask?  My friend, what ISN’T a brown ale?  Sure, BJCP category 11 (English Mild, English Brown Ale) is a good place to start.  But there is also 10C American Brown Ales, malty and bitter and freshly hopped.  So if you made a black IPA recently, why not call it an American Brown Ale and bring it to the meeting?  Then there is 17C Flanders Brown Ale.  That’s a Brown Ale, isn’t it?  Do you have an Irish or American Red ale that didn’t quite turn out red?  Did you use too much dark malt in your Amber Ale?  Got a bock that you are dying for feedback on?  You may not be eligible for the beer of the meeting competition, but everyone will appreciate you bringing your beer.  If you let me know what you are bringing at the address below, I’d sure appreciate it!

Are you interested in running the commercial tasting this month?  While it might be difficult to find commercial examples of English Mild in bottles, American breweries are turning out some pretty good brown ales these days.  Send me an email at and you can go shopping for beer on the club’s dime.
