Summer Party Information!!!

The Pacific Gravity summer party is coming up fast!  It will happen on Saturday, July 26, 2014 at Dean Sussman’s party pad located at:

1310 Amalfi Dr.
Pacific Palisades CA 90272.

The party starts at 2 PM and continues on into the evening.  Entry is free for paid members, $10 for guests.

We still need volunteers to help make this party a huge success! How can you help? Here’s a list of ways:


We need your help setting up tables, beers, tiki torches, and decorations on Friday night at 6pm. Then, we need your help taking it all back down Sunday morning. As always, those generous enough to help set up and clean up will enjoy delicious beers and those who clean up on Sunday morning will enjoy more delicious leftovers than theycan shake a stick at and plenty of “hair of the dog” to help get them going! To sign up for clean up or set up please e-mail


Ian is our masterchef and he needs your help preparing food for everyone. To volunteer, please e-mail  As always, this event is a potluck and we’d like to encourage you to bring dishes that fit with the theme including appetizers, desserts, and side dishes.  Last year many of you brought dishes that made the party a huge success!  We hope you can repeat that effort again this year!   So far we are very light on food sign up from the members.  To sign up to bring food, email


The food this year is going to be a delicious Acadian style BBQ (think Cajun, Creole and southern!)  We welcome any and all main, side-dish, dessert or appetizer that you can think of!  Your participation in the pot-luck is what makes our party so spectacular!  The club will be providing a series of dishes that fit the theme BUT WE REALLY NEED YOU HELP TO PUT US OVER THE TOP!


After all, isn’t that what our club is all about!?  Our drink competition this year features lemon, any drink alcohol, non-alcoholic, beer, or soda that features lemon is eligible for our drink competition. Of course, all beers are welcome and we encourage you to drop off your keg at CCHBS by 5pm on Friday so they can be taken to the party. Please let Carl know that you’ll be providing a beverage so that he can create a label for your drink. Email Carl at

If you made a jockey box at our jockey box event or have a jockey box, please bring it so we can keep all these delicious beverages nice and cold!!  We need CO2 to dispense the beer!  If you have a CO2 tank that you can bring please email carl

Of course, be sure to have your name on any equipment that you bring to the party.


Wanna spend some quality time with the new and improved CDS (club draft system)? Volunteer for a one hour shift pouring beers for your fellow revelers by e-mailing Ramesh at


Sign up for a one hour shift working at the front gate checking in members, collecting entrance fees, and selling raffle tickets. Email Ramesh at


We need tables and canopies. Please bring your tables and canopies on Fiday’s set-up day!  Ian also requests that if you have a Weber BBQ and can bring it to the Friday set-up, please do so!  The more cook tops he has, the quicker we can all eat!  The food will follow last year’s serving plan, which seemed to be very well received,  and be continuous throughout the day instead of a dinner at 6 pm SO PLEASE PLAN ACCORDINGLY!  If you want to sit down at the party make sure you bring a fold up beach/camping chair with you.

We look forward to seeing you at party and thanks in advance for your generous volunteering!!

Party on, Pacific Gravity!

