Pacific Gravity Summer Party July 29, 2023

Greetings Pacific Gravity!


This year’s summer party is set for July 29, 2023 and will be held at Dean Sussman’s Highland’s home located at 1310 Amalfi Drive, Pacific Palisades.


The theme for this year’s summer party is the American BBQ! We’ll be spotlighting burgers, smash burgers and hotdogs.

However, this being a ‘bring a plate’ potluck event we want you to bring your favorite dish along to the event as well; any dish is welcome, feel free to bring all your American BBQ side dish classics.

The summer party is a volunteer’s event, and we need lots of Read more

Pacific Gravity Summer Party Saturday, July 23rd

Greetings Pacific Gravity!

Time for some blether, braw and fizzy juice!

This year’s summer party is set for July 23, 2022 and will be held at Dean Sussman’s Highland’s home located at 1310 Amalfi Drive, Pacific Palisades.  It is sure to be a wee beastie!

The theme for this year’s summer party is the Scottish Highland Games!  So, grab your kilt, your sporran and your brogues and join the fun!  We will feature a haggis and our own poet laureate Reed will offer up our address to the haggis!  There will be other Scottish inspired foods as well, Scottish eggs, clapshot, salmon, and more!

However, this being a ‘bring a plate’ potluck event we want you to bring your favorite dish along to the event as well; any dish is welcome, so the menu is WIDE open for you to bring your best scran and show off your culinary skills!

The summer party is a volunteer’s event, and we need lots of volunteers!  Volunteers will be needed for set up the day before and clean up of Dean’s house the day after.  We pay all volunteers in beer at the event, all-you-can-drink in fact; the only catch is we need you to brew the beer so we can use it to pay the volunteers!  Lot’s of beer!

We also need your sodas for the non-alcohol drinking crowd, if you have a good soda recipe; this is a great place to show it off.

Along with our best beer of the party judging we will also host this year’s drink competition!  Bring a batch of your favorite non-beer or non-alcohol (sodas count!) summertime drink and we will judge it and announce a winner at the event!

As always with the pandemic, we expect everyone to be fully vaxxed and/or non-symptomatic.  Please be careful and remain safe at all times.

Stay tuned for additional details!

Pacific Gravity’s Summer Party Checklist

Saturday, July 23, 2022 – 2pm to 10pm

Location:  Dean Sussman’s – 1310 Amalfi Drive, Pacific Palisades, 90272



Checklist for ALL party attendees:

  • Bring BEER, BEER & more BEER!  Also, bring sodas or a non-beer beverage for the Beverage” competition!  Please email what you are bringing to Carl at
  • FOOD – sign up to bring any dish to our POTLUCK party. (the club will supply some food but we need YOUR dishes too!) We need ALL kinds of food: appetizers, sides dishes, main dishes (pre-cooked), desserts, etc. All your specialty dishes are welcome!  We need LOTS of food to go with all the beer so please email us at what dishes you will add to our feast!
  • VOLUNTEERS – we need YOU to help make this a successful party!  Please email us at .  We have lots of volunteer opportunities!
    • Setup on Friday night – starting at 6pm
    • Food prep on Friday – please contact Chef Ian to help
    • Cleanup on Sunday morning – starting around 10am
    • Bartender shifts – 1hr. (please see Carl on Saturday to volunteer)
  • Beer Equipment  (email Carl at:
    • Jockey boxes
    • CO2 cylinders
    • Bags of ice for jockey boxes
  • Other Equipment needed for the party.  Please let us know if you have any of the following and would be willing to loan to us for the party. Please email us at: . We will email confirmation back if we need you to bring items on Friday night during setup.
    • Tables
    • EZ Ups/Canopies
    • BBQs
    • Power/extension cords
    • Extra coolers/ice chests

Don’t forget to bring and things to know:

  • Bring BEER & other beverages
  • Bring FOOD – Scottish themed or any food that goes with beer!
  • Fee for all adult guests is $10 per guest. Kids are free. (Current members are free.)
  • Payment for past due membership – cash or credit
  • Chairs and Blankets
  • Bathing suits and towels, if you want to use the swimming pool.
  • Sunscreen
  • Jackets & sweaters for the evening
  • Cash for Raffle tickets
  • PG merchandise will be available for sale at the Front Desk.
  • Note for food contributions, we will NOT have use of a kitchen for heating or cooling so please plan accordingly. Please label your food containers so that we can get them back to you.

It is great that we can all get together in person, but as always we encourage and expect everyone will be vigilant about their own health to ensure the groups safety!  Please observe all safety precautions and stay home if you do not feel well.

Pacific Gravity Octoberfest

Greetings Pacific Gravity,
We have chosen to celebrate Octoberfest!

We will actually be holding our celebration on the last official Oktoberfest weekend on October 2nd!

So get out your dirndl’s and lederhosen and chicken dance your way over to Dean’s Backyard Biergarten for our Octoberfest celebration!
Pacific Gravity Octoberfest
Saturday October 2, 2021  2:00 PM
Dean’s Biergarten:
1310 Amalfi Drive, Pacific Palisades CA

We will have beers on tap and festival style foods for your enjoyment!  Master Chef Ian has worked up a special menu serving up all the traditional style of German style fest foods!

The Wave of Beer will make its usual appearance.  If you have a keg to bring, (either beer or soda) please let Carl know and he will make up a festive Bavarian tap tag.

Due to the pandemic we will have to enforce some new protocols for the protection and safety of all.

  • We ask that all attendees are vaccinated and can provide proof of same upon request.
  • This event is NOT a pot luck event!  There will be no self-serve of food or beverages.
  • The club will set up our “land-locked” food truck stall in Deans yard serving up all the traditional style of German style fest foods!  You just walk up, place an order and your food will be handed directly to you from one of those poor bastards working the food stall (Rob and I).
  • All beers will be served in a 1 time use plastic glass by the beer-tenders working the bar.  No self-pouring allowed.  This will limit cross contamination.
  • Bottle sharing will still be encouraged with the hope that all participants remain self-aware and be cautious.

We hope to make this event a safe as possible while still maintaining a biergarten vibe for the participants.  We hope to see you all there!


Ian Fraser
President, Pacific Gravity

Upcoming Events:

Pacific Brewers Cup

Sign up to judge or steward now at
Entry Registration starts October 15th
Entry Organizing October 30 at Tortugo Brewing Co.
Judging Day:  November 6th, 2021 starting at 8:30 AM at Tortugo Brewing Co.

Pacific Gravity 25th Anniversary Summer Party Virtual From Smog City Brewing!

Greetings Pacific Gravity!

I hope this message finds you all safe and healthy as we continue to shelter in place through the summer!  We are holding this club together using technology, innovative thinking and good friends in brewing!  As you all may have guessed by now, there will be no summer party at Dean’s party pad this month!  And it is a real shame too as we had finally convinced him to allow us to dig a pit in his yard (this year only!) for a whole pig roast to celebrate our 25th anniversary!   He was also going to empty his pool and allow us to turn it into a skate park!  That would have been a rocking event!  Oh well!  The pandemic has forced us to change our plans!  That 25th anniversary version of our summer party will have to occur next year.

This year we will be virtual and we are serving you up a great one to celebrate with your fellow club members!  Jon and Laurie Porter have graciously agreed to host our 25th Anniversary Virtual Celebration of our annual summer party.   For those of you who have been attending our virtual club meetings and first Friday’s will have some clue about how this is going to work.  Porter has put together what we consider a fantastic package of extremely drinkable beers plus a gift for each member who participates!

The plan for this summer party is this, you buy the beer package from Smog City (link: )  Then cook yourself what ever summer party food you want to eat, then join us Saturday July 25, 2020, starting at 4 PM on the virtual Zoom meeting and drink Smog City beer and eat and enjoy being with your friends (virtually)!

It has been suggested that I send out some recipes from summer party favorites of the past for folks to use if they so desire, which I will do in a follow up post.

The beer package from Smog City will include:
2 From LA wit Love (a very easy drinking White Ale)
2 Sabre Tooth Squirrel (a Smog City classic hoppy Amber Ale)
2 Amarilla Gorilla (West Coast IPA)
1 Bourbon OE (Barrel Aged Barleywine)
Plus each order will include a complimentary Smog City Tulip Glass to drink your beer from!
The cost of the entire package is $33.00.

The great thing about Smog City is they will deliver your summer party beers right to your door!  No need to raid Ian’s garage!  It should be noted that if you order $50 or more, your delivery is free!    So, check out their website and add on another 6 pack to your order and receive the free shipping option!  Please remember to tip your driver though!

The PG beer package will be available starting on Friday July, 17, 2020.
Our Summer Party virtual event will occur on Saturday July 25th starting at 4 PM till…
Jon and Laurie will be joining us to talk about how Smog City is doing during the pandemic, their upcoming plans to open new locations and talk about the beers!

We are trying to incorporate door prize giveaways as well, so there will be prizes!
Please look for my follow up post with favorite recipes from Summer parties past.

We are not posting the Zoom link publicly but all members should have received an email invitation with all the details.  If you did not get the email but want to join the meeting send me an email at and I will forward it to you.

I hope to see you all on Saturday!
Topic: Pacific Gravity Summer Party
Time: Jul 25, 2020 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Ian Fraser
Pacific Gravity Homebrewers

Summer Party Reminder!

We will feature different kinds of jerked meats paired with black beans, coconut rice, fried plantains and mango salsa. We will also feature your ginger ales and ginger beers to accompany our feast, so get brewing people! We will extend our theme into the decorations and music; as well as having a couple of surprises that will complement our theme just fine. So what can you do to help? I am glad you asked! As always this party is a giant pot luck, so if you have a special dish to share we want to try it! It does not even have to match the theme! We rely on our members for appetizers, desserts and side dishes and they have never let us down!Our summer party theme will be grooving to the rhythm of the Caribbean.  It is coming THIS SATURDAY, AUG. 3rd at 2:00 PM at Dean’s Pac. Palisades party pad:  1310 Amalfi Drive.

Also this party is really about the beer, we need beer, lots of beer! All kegs donated to the party will be eligible for the best beer of the fest prize and bragging rights to the brewer. We will also be judging the ginger ales and ginger beers as well and recognizing the winner of that category also! So pull out those old Bermuda shorts, weave yourself a thatch hat and come boogie down to our summer jam!

Here is a party checklist for ALL attendees to keep you in the groove!

  • Club Dues: If you haven’t paid already, please do so at the summer party!
  • Bring BEER, BEER & more BEER! Also, bring sodas or a non-beer beverage featuring GINGER for the “Best Ginger Beverage” competition!  Please email what you are bringing to Carl at
  • FOOD – sign up to bring Jamaican dishes to our POTLUCK party. (the club will supply some food but we need YOUR dishes too!) We need ALL kinds of food: appetizers, sides dishes, main dishes (pre-cooked), desserts, etc. All your specialty dishes are welcome! We need LOTS of food to go with all the beer so please email Ian at what dishes you will add to our feast!
  • VOLUNTEERS – we need YOU to help make this a successful party! We have lots of volunteer opportunities!
    • Setup on Friday night – starting at 6pm
    • Food prep on Friday – please contact Chef Ian to help
    • Cleanup on Sunday morning -starting around 10am
    • More setup and food prep on Saturday morning – between 10am and 2pm
    • Bartender shifts – 1hr. (please see Carl on Saturday to volunteer)
  • Beer Equipment (email Carl at:
    • Jockey boxes
    • CO2 cylinders
    • Bags of ice for jockey boxes
  • Other Equipment needed for the party. Please let us know if you have any of the following and would be willing to loan to us for the party. We will email confirmation back if we need you to bring items on Friday night during setup.
    • Tables
    • EZ Ups/Canopies
    • BBQs
    • Power/extension cords
    • Extra coolers/ice chests
  • Charity Donation Goods – Our partners at The People Concern provided us with a list of what they need most for the summer:
    • NEW underwear for men and women (all sizes)
    • Sunscreen
    • Light t-shirts for both men and women (all sizes)
    • Shorts and skirts/summer dresses (all sizes)
    • Travel size toiletries
    • Granola Bars
    • Water

Don’t forget to bring and things to know:

  • Bring BEER & other beverages
  • Bring FOOD – Jamaican themed or any food that goes with beer!
  • Fee for all adult guests is $10 per guest. Kids are free. (Current members are free.)
  • Payment for past due membership – cash or credit
  • Chairs and Blankets
  • Bathing suits and towels, if you want to use the swimming pool.
  • Sunscreen
  • Jackets & sweaters for the evening
  • Donations for Charity – clothes, toiletries, new socks/underwear, kitchen kits, cleaning supplies, etc.
  • Cash for Raffle tickets
  • PG merchandise will be available for sale at the Front Desk.
  • Note for food contributions, we will NOT have use of a kitchen for heating or cooling so please plan accordingly. Please label your food containers so that we can get them back to you.

DATE:    Saturday, Aug 3, 2019
TIME:    2:00 PM
PLACE:  1310 Amalfi Drive, Pacific Palisades

Pacific Gravity Summer Party Checklist – Start Planning Today

The PG Summer Party is less than two weeks away!  Please see the checklist below to get ready for the big day.

Saturday, August 3, 2019 – 2pm to 10pm

Location:  Dean Sussman’s – 1310 Amalfi Drive, Pacific Palisades, 90272





Checklist for ALL party attendees:

  • Bring BEER, BEER & more BEER! Also, bring sodas or a non-beer beverage featuring GINGER for the “Best Ginger Beverage” competition!  Please email what you are bringing to Carl at
  • FOOD – sign up to bring Jamaican dishes to our POTLUCK party. (the club will supply some food but we need YOUR dishes too!) We need ALL kinds of food: appetizers, sides dishes, main dishes (pre-cooked), desserts, etc. All your specialty dishes are welcome! We need LOTS of food to go with all the beer so please email Ian at what dishes you will add to our feast!
  • VOLUNTEERS – we need YOU to help make this a successful party! We have lots of volunteer opportunities!
    • Setup on Friday night – starting at 6pm
    • Food prep on Friday – please contact Chef Ian to help
    • Cleanup on Sunday morning -starting around 10am
    • More setup and food prep on Saturday morning – between 10am and 2pm
    • Bartender shifts – 1hr. (please see Carl on Saturday to volunteer)
  • Beer Equipment (email Carl at:
    • Jockey boxes
    • CO2 cylinders
    • Bags of ice for jockey boxes
  • Other Equipment needed for the party. Please let us know if you have any of the following and would be willing to loan to us for the party. We will email confirmation back if we need you to bring items on Friday night during setup.
    • Tables
    • EZ Ups/Canopies
    • BBQs
    • Power/extension cords
    • Extra coolers/ice chests
  • Charity Donation Goods – clothes, toiletries, new socks/underwear, kitchen kits, cleaning supplies, etc. See more info on PG website or on website


Don’t forget to bring and things to know:

  • Bring BEER & other beverages
  • Bring FOOD – Jamaican themed or any food that goes with beer!
  • Fee for all adult guests is $10 per guest. Kids are free. (Current members are free.)
  • Payment for past due membership – cash or credit
  • Chairs and Blankets
  • Bathing suits and towels, if you want to use the swimming pool.
  • Sunscreen
  • Jackets & sweaters for the evening
  • Donations for Charity – clothes, toiletries, new socks/underwear, kitchen kits, cleaning supplies, etc.
  • Cash for Raffle tickets
  • PG merchandise will be available for sale at the Front Desk.
  • Note for food contributions, we will NOT have use of a kitchen for heating or cooling so please plan accordingly. Please label your food containers so that we can get them back to you.





Di PG Summa Party pan August 3!

Did de i-man ya de latest mon?  Dere will be jerk at our summer bashment! In fact dere will be lots of jerk!  Our summer bashment deme will be groovin’ fe di rhythm of di Caribbean.

We will feature different kinds of jerked meats paired with black beans, jelly rice, fried plantains and mango salsa.  We will also feature your gin’er ales and gin’er beers fe accompany our feast, so get brewin’ people!  We plan fe extend our theme into di decorations and dub as well, so if you’ve got di hot cris sounds and want fe expose the rest of us fe your music, bring your CD along fe the party!  We plan on having a couple of surprises in store that will compliment our theme just fine.  So what kyan the i-man do fe help?  I am glad the i asked!  As always dis ya bashment is a giant dutchy luck, so if the i have a special dish fe share i want to try it!  It does no even haffi match the theme!  We rely on our members for appetizers, desserts and side dishes and they have never mek i down!

Also dis ya bashment is really about the beer, i need beer, lots of beer!  All kegs donated to the party will be eligible for the best beer of the fest prize and bragging rights to the brewer. We will also be judging the ginger ales and ginger beers as well and recognizing the winner of that category also!  So pull out those old Bermuda shorts, weave yourself a thatch tam and come skank down to our summer jam!

Did you hear the latest mon?  There will be jerk at our summer party!  In fact there will be lots of jerk!  Our summer party theme will be grooving to the rhythm of the Caribbean.

We will feature different kinds of jerked meats paired with black beans, coconut rice, fried plantains and mango salsa.  We will also feature your ginger ales and ginger beers to accompany our feast, so get brewing people!  We will extend our theme into the decorations and music; as well as having a couple of surprises that will compliment our theme just fine.  So what can you do to help?  I am glad you asked!  As always this party is a giant pot luck, so if you have a special dish to share we want to try it!  It does not even have to match the theme!  We rely on our members for appetizers, desserts and side dishes and they have never let us down!

Also this party is really about the beer, we need beer, lots of beer!  All kegs donated to the party will be eligible for the best beer of the fest prize and bragging rights to the brewer. We will also be judging the ginger ales and ginger beers as well and recognizing the winner of that category also!  So pull out those old Bermuda shorts, weave yourself a thatch hat and come boogie down to our summer jam!

DATE:    Aug 3, 2019
TIME:    2:00 PM
PLACE:  1310 Amalfi Drive, Pacific Palisades

PG Summer Party — Are You Ready?

Pacific Gravity’s Summer Party Checklist

Saturday, July 29th – 2pm to 10pm

Location:  Dean Sussman’s – 1310 Amalfi Drive, Pacific Palisades, 90272



Checklist for ALL party attendees:

  • Bring BEER, BEER & more BEER! Also, bring sodas or a non-beer beverage featuring TROPICAL FRUIT for the “Best Non-Alcoholic Beverage” competition!  Please email what you are bringing to Carl at
  • FOOD – sign up to bring Hawaiian Luau-themed dishes to our POTLUCK party. (the club will supply some food but we need YOUR dishes too!) We need ALL kinds of food: appetizers, sides dishes, main dishes (pre-cooked), desserts, etc. All your specialty dishes are welcome! We need LOTS of food to go with all the beer so please email us at what dishes you will add to our feast!
  • VOLUNTEERS – we need YOU to help make this a successful party! Please email us at .  We have lots of volunteer opportunities!
    • Setup on Friday night – starting at 6pm
    • Food prep on Friday– please contact Chef Ian to help
    • Cleanup on Sunday morning– starting around 10am
    • More setup and food prep on Saturday morning – between 10am and 2pm
    • Bartender shifts – 1hr. (please see Carl on Saturday to volunteer)
  • Beer Equipment (email Carl at:
    • Jockey boxes
    • CO2 cylinders
    • Bags of ice for jockey boxes
  • Charity Donation Goods – clothes, toiletries, new socks/underwear, kitchen kits, cleaning supplies, etc. See more info on PG website or on website (
  • Other Equipment needed for the party. Please let us know if you have any of the following and would be willing to loan to us for the party. Please email us at: . We will email confirmation back if we need you to bring items on Friday night during setup.
    • Tables
    • EZ Ups/Canopies
    • BBQs
    • Power/extension cords
    • Extra coolers/ice chests

Don’t forget to bring and things to know:

  • Bring BEER & other beverages
  • Bring FOOD – Hawaiian Luau-themed or any food that goes with beer!
  • Fee for all adult guests is $10 per guest. Kids are free. (Current members are free.)
  • Payment for past due membership – cash or credit
  • Donations for Charity – clothes, toiletries, new socks/underwear, kitchen kits, cleaning supplies, etc.
  • Chairs and Blankets
  • Bathing suits and towels, if you want to use the swimming pool.
  • Sunscreen
  • Jackets & sweaters for the evening
  • Cash for Raffle tickets
  • PG merchandise will be available for sale at the Front Desk.
  • Note for food contributions, we will NOT have use of a kitchen for heating or cooling so please plan accordingly. Please label your food containers so that we can get them back to you.

Charity Donation – IDEAS & SUGGESTIONS

Clothing  (all donations should be clean and, if used, in good condition.)

  • Sweat socks – for men, women and children
  • New underwear – men’s, women and children
  • Sweat shirts and tee-shirts for adults – all sizes especially larger sizes
  • Flannel and long sleeve shirts for adults
  • Pants and jeans for adults – all sizes especially larger sizes
  • Sneakers – men’s & women’s most needed
  • Shower shoes/thongs
  • Rain ponchos for adults & children

Personal & Household items

  • Hygiene Items (Travel or regular size)
  • toothpaste
    • toothbrush
    • deodorant
    • shampoo
    • disposable razors
    • bar soap
    • hand & body lotion
    • sanitary napkins & tampons
  • Blankets (preferably wool)
  • Backpacks or duffel bags
  • Sleeping bags for adults
  • Diapers – all sizes
  • Bedding: Twin size sheets, comforters and pillows. Please note pillow must be new.

Welcome Home Packages

  • Kitchen Kits (dish towels, dish soap, utensils, plates and cups, pots and pans etc.)
  • Bathroom Necessities (shampoo and conditioner, body wash/soap, hand and body towels, shaving cream, razors, etc.)
  • Bedroom Essentials (comforter, sheets, pillows, pajamas, slippers, etc.)
  • Cleaning Supplies (dust pan, broom, Windex, counter spray, toilet bowl cleaner and brush, etc.).

Upcoming Summer Events that can’t be missed!

Bus Party/Bus Trip to Stuffed Sandwich on Saturday, July 8th

Who’s going on Pacific Gravity’s road trip to Stuffed Sandwich on Saturday, July 8th?
Please let us know ASAP if you want a seat on the bus. And, please let us know if you will be going but not on the bus. We need to give Stuffed Sandwich an estimated headcount by the end of this week. Please email Mimi at at your earliest convenience this week.

Also, please note that Stuffed Sandwich has confirmed the lunch special as:
Half a sandwich (Ham, Turkey, Roast Beef, Italian Sub or veggie option) served with a side of potato or macaroni salad along with a pint of draft beer in a complimentary glass for $19.50 (a $25 value).  Note this is in ADDITION to your money for the bus ride. The sandwiches are huge, so this is a good lunch even for a big eater. We will collect orders for the special lunch as we board the bus on July 8th.
Please see the post for this trip on the PG website for more details.

Pacific Gravity’s Summer Party on Saturday, July 29th

A note from Chef Ian about our PG Summer Party on Saturday, July 29th:

WE ARE GOING ON A HUKILAU, A HUKI HUKI HUKI HUKI HUKILAU!  We are going to eat some ono kau kau!  At our huki huki huki huki hukilau!

Aloha and shaka bra!  This year’s summer party will feature a Hawaiian style luau theme.  This particular theme is near and dear to our chef’s heart and soul as he was a long time native of the islands.  So expect him to pull out all the stops and try to create as close to a traditional style luau as we can get without actually digging an imu (oven) pit in Deans yard!  So get out your grass skirt and palm frond hat on and hula on down to Dean Sussman’s little grass shack in the Pacific Palisades.  The address is 1310 Amalfi Drive.  The date for our luau will be July 29th.

As usual this is a huge operation and its success will depend on massive amounts of member assistance.  First off we need beer, lots of it; if you brew now you still have time to get it in the keg for the summer party.  We also need sodas for the non-drinkers, if you ever wanted to make a soda, now is a good time to try it.  This year’s drink contest will feature ‘tropical fruit’.  Any alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink or beer that features a tropical fruit will be considered for this award.  Plus we will award the best beer an honor as well.

We will need all party attendees to bring food dishes to compliment our Chef’s luau feast. So, please start thinking what you will bring.

And, time to clean out your closets! We will have collection of charity donations for The People Concern (formerly OPCC). Charity Donation Goods to be collected: – clothes, toiletries, new socks/underwear, kitchen kits, cleaning supplies, etc ( )

Finally, we will need volunteers for all aspects of the party: setup-Friday & Saturday, food prep-Friday & Saturday, check-in, bartender shifts & cleanup-Sunday am.

So, please email us ( ) if you have questions or just want to sign up to volunteer!

First Friday (July 7th) in Redondo Beach

And, don’t forget that we have First Friday (July 7th) in Redondo Beach: Naja’s Place & King Harbor Brewing Taproom. (see PG website/calendar for more details)

Summer Party 2016 Recap!!

Well if you didn’t make it to the Summer Party this year, it was a blast and if you did make it you know what I’m talking about!!

So much great homebrewed beers and sodas. I counted at least 40 beers on tap with the Wave tap system, all the jockey boxes, and one on the recently fixed hand pump. There was multiple tables of amazing Mediterranean themed food coming from the Ian bbq kitchen crew. Things like Lam, Lemmon chicken, Tuna, and all the sides. Plus, all the excellent dishes, apps, and desserts brought by the members was incredible. Such things like Hummus’s, tabouli, fallafel, even some amazing Thai dishes, and the list goes on!! We also gave away a ton of prizes consisting of door prizes and raffle prizes during the day and end of the night. Everything from beers for the door prizes and a whole list of items for the raffle: books, glass wear, T-shirts, Firestone swag packs, Culver City Homebrew Supply Gift Certificates, a Big Mouth fermenter, a 5lb Co2 tank with regulator, and the grand prize a big Igloo mash tun and boiler pot burner. We had a crazy fun day of drinking, eating, swimming, and just chilling. You will see in the pictures that it was one of the day’s the fires where blazing back in the hillsides. It darkened the sky and through an orange’ish red hue over all of us that day, but we partied on.

A big Congratulations to a few people that brought beer and soda to the the Party. Tad and Ramesh for winning “Best Beer of the Party 2016” and to Craig Corley for “Best Soda of the Party 2016”. Tad and Ramesh won with their Firestone Walker Parabola Clone which was spot on and I though was better then the bottle of actual Parabola we where blind side by siding it with. Craig won with his amazing “SLaM Soda” which as stood the test of time and has proven once again that its soda to be recorded with.

A special Thanks you to all that brought donation for We had a good amount of good and money to turn in from the collection at the party, you can see it in one of the picture.

Thank you to all that brought beer, soda, and food to the party. Also thank you to everyone that brought beer despensing equipment, tables, pop-ups, ice, and other party supplies. Thank you for coming, for buying raffle tickets and PG gear. Thank you to all the guest who came to enjoy not only the summer party, but our passion as homebrewers. We had a great turn out that helped pay for putting on parties like this and continuing the support for the club. We could not have a party with out you, literally!

Most of all we really could not put on a summer party like this with out these following people. The one’s that sacrifice so much time and effort to make sure everyone has a fun and fulfilled experience at these parties. Let me go down the list best as I can:

Thank you to Dean, you lending us your place every year is one of the greatest gifts we could get form you. I could not image a summer party any where else.

Thank you to Mimi Bardet and the Board (Michael and Tania Musgrave, Tim Bardet, Carl Townsend, Dean Sussman) for organizing the multitude of preparations and extra meetings needed to make sure every detail is taken care of and that the party runs as smooth as humanly possible. From what I saw it was a great team of people working together to make it happen and everyone that came had an amazing time. I can not thank you all enough for doing your parts and playing your rolls.

Thank you Ian and to the kitchen crew!! As always the food was mind blowing, every bite better then the last. The food you always prepare for these parties and events makes them that much more special.  I still talk about dishes I’ve had from years past and this year was just the same, excellent. Ian wrote me about some of the guys in his crew this year so I figured I could not say it better, so from Ian and all of us Thank you:
-Neil for the transportation, I could not cook without the equipment. Thank you!
-Luis for the Lemon Chicken and Friday night prep and Sat. cooking.
-For Reed for the Friday night prep and smelling like fish.
-For Rob Kadota whose rumor of being dead was proved false; you are still a rock star behind the grill, I know I owe you a tuna steak, still sorry not sorry for eating yours!
-For our host who showed off his knife skills…Sorry about the bread dough!
-And thank you all the beautiful people who brought dishes!

I also want to thank Carl Townsend and Tom Rierson for transporting and taking care of the “Wave or Beer” system. Thanks you Carl for always taking care of it and making sure its cleaned, as well as housing it. Thank you to Tom for the use of your truck transporting it around and also for fixing the Hand Pump this year so we could put a stout on it.

Thank you to Craig Corley for stepping in as Door Prize and Raffle announcer guy! Terry had to be out of town and Corley was our next seasoned vet in the art of raffling. You did a great job and I thank you for giving out some many great gifts to the masses! Especially the the special beers you when out an got for the door prizes.

Thank you to Dan Hakes as always for your use of the string lights you bring and set up every year! I really love the colored bulbs in them this year. Hope your Wash Summer Party went great, sorry I could not make it, but I did post it so hopefully some PG’ers showed up!?

Thank you for everyone that donated to the Party and Raffle this year. Especially to:
-Kevin and Greg at the Culver City Homebrew Supply Store for their donation of multiple Gift Certificates and other discounted items for the Raffle!
-Mark Takahashi, now brewer at Golden Road, for bringing a box load of 6 packs of various beers. We will still have some left over for this up coming club meeting to raffle off, because there was so much!
-Tad and Ramesh for the donation of the 5lb Co2 tank’s and regulator’s, plus some clean up parts from Culver City Homebrew Supply. One full tank set up was raffled off at the Party and the other ones regulator is now a permanent part of the clubs newly acquired 20lb Co2 tank set up!
-Also a big thank you to Tomm Carroll as well for donating a bunch of beers from his personal collections to the raffle. Also for the great experiniece had by all drinking more beers from your collection at “The Trux Stop Pop-Up Spot” you put on this year, it was so much fun.
-Thank you Michael Musgrave for the books we put in the raffle, and to anyone I might be missing that dropped off some great stuff that day.

Last, but not least I want to thank all of the volunteers that came to help set up, work the party, bartend, and brake down.  There are so many of you and your help at these events are key. You all know who you are and we all can’t thank you enough for stepping up and helping out.

Im sure Im missing some thank you’s? Here’s one, thank you for reading this post! Please feel free to add any recaps, thank you’s, or corrections in the comments section below this post on the PG website.

Cheers to awesome times and to next years Summer Party!!
Your Prez,

2016 Summer Party photo album on Facebook: