Reminder – Sign Up for Tustin Monster Brew Now

Remember to sign up for the Tustin Monster brew by Thursday, February 28th.  After that, we will open up any remaining slots to other local homebrew clubs.

Please drop an email to me at  and our treasurer Tim Bardet at  to reserve your slot.

The cost will be $30 for each 5 gallons of wort.  Everybody will be guaranteed 1 batch, and if mash volume permits, a second batch.

Payment for the event must be done in advance.  Please drop off a check ASAP to  Culver City Homebrew Supply.  Be sure to include your name, telephone number, and E-mail address.    You cannot order wort the day of the event.  Yeast and any additional ingredients you wish to add are not included.  You can bring your yeast to the brewery, or pitch it at home.

For more details about this event, please check my prior article at
