Special Vote for Brewer of the Year Rules

On Thursday, February 18th at the Club meeting, we will hold a special vote for the Brewer of the Year Rules.  The ballot language is included below.  Please review the issue now, so that you are prepared to vote. Voting at the club meeting will be conducted by written ballots at approximately 8:15 PM and results will be announced by 9:30 PM.  If you cannot attend the meeting, you have the option of voting on-line.   You can vote at any time by sending an e-mail to elections@pacificgravity.com .  Place the word “Vote” in the Subject line and either “Yes” or “No” in the body of the text.  On-line ballots must be submitted by 7:30 PM on Thursday February 18th.  If you vote on-line, you cannot vote at the meeting.

Official Ballot text:

Shall the rules for 2010 Brewer of the Year (posted to the website on Dec 30, 2009) be revoked and replaced with the rules that were in effect for 2009?

You may vote Yes or No on this question.


In order to promote brewing by women brewers and motivate additional kegs of beer at the monthly meeting, the following changes were made to the Brewer of the Year rules, effective January 1, 2010:

1)      The Queen of Beer Competition, open to ladies only, was added as one of the eligible competitions.

2)      The best keg of the Style of the Month at each club meeting and the best beer and special beverage the Summer Party were also added as 3 points each to the winning brewer’s point total.

The complete text for both sets of rules in question are included below with the significant changes noted in bold text.

In the hours leading up to the January meeting, Ian Fraser, Club Chef, and a Member of the Board called for a special vote on this issue.   Ian recommended repeal of the 2010 rules citing unfairness resulting from a limited-eligibility competition, and noting that the brewer of the keg of the month receives other benefits.  Due to inadequate time for discussion of the issues and the fact that some members could not attend the meeting, the vote was deferred to the February meeting.   In the intervening month, the Board has considered the discussions of all club members and has simplified Ian’s original ballot language.  The Board wishes to thank  all who participated in the discussion.

A Yes vote on the issue means that you believe both rule changes note above should be revoked.  Other rules remain in effect.

A No vote means that the 2010 rules should be retained as written.

At a minimum, these rules will be in effect for the remainder of 2010.

The Board recommends a Yes vote on this issue.

Carl Townsend
Competition Coordinator

2010 Brewer of the Year Rules (as posted to the website on Dec 30, 2009)

1)      All members or brewing teams in good standing of Pacific Gravity are automatically entered when they enter beers in selected competitions.

2)      If more than one brewer is listed on the entry form (i.e., a team entry), points are awarded to the team, not to individual brewers.

3)      Points can be earned in the following competitions:

a)      All AHA Club-Only Competitions (COC).

4)      You may enter as many beers as you have that fit the specific style rules for each of the competitions.

a)      The club’s representative beer will be selected by a panel of at least two judges assigned by the Competition Coordinator.

b)      Only one beer can be entered by the club.

c)      The AHA National Regionals and Finals Competitions

d)      America’s Finest City Homebrew competition, Mayfaire, California State Fair, Los Angeles County Fair, Pacific Brewers Cup,  the California State Homebrew Competition and the “Queen of Beer” Women’s Homebrew Competition.

e)      Best keg of beer at Club meetings that matches the monthly style tasting.

f)        Best keg of beer and best specialty beverage at the Summer Party.

5)      Entries for competitions at remote locations (except COCs) must be packaged for shipment by UPS.

6)      Points are awarded as follows:

a)      Three points for 1st place, two points for 2nd place and 1 point for 3rd place.

b)      Additional 3, 2 or 1 points for Best of Show, first runner-up and second runner up.

c)      1 point for the club selection in COC’s and 3, 2, or 1 point for placing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd at the national level.

d)      Three points each for the best monthly or Summer Party beers (no 2nd or 3rd).  Three points also for the best Special Beverage of the Summer Party.

7)      Points will be tallied after the results of the Cal State comp, November Club meeting and last COC are in.

8)      The trophy will be presented to the brewer or team with the highest point total at the annual Holiday Party.

9)      In the event of a tie, multiple awards will be given.

2009 Brewer of the Year Rules

  1. All members or brewing teams in good standing of Pacific Gravity are automatically entered when they enter beers in selected competitions.
  2. If more than one brewer is listed on the entry form (i.e., a team entry), points are awarded to the team, not to individual brewers.
  3. Points can be earned in the following competitions:
    1. All AHA Club-Only Competitions (COC).
      1. You may enter as many beers as you have that fit the specific style rules for each of the competitions.
      2. The club’s representative beer will be selected by a panel of at least two judges assigned by the Competition Coordinator.
      3. Only one beer can be entered by the club.
    2. The AHA National Regionals and Finals Competitions
    3. America’s Finest City Homebrew competition, Mayfaire, California State Fair, Los Angeles County Fair, Pacific Brewers Cup, and the California State Homebrew Competition.
  4. Entries for competitions at remote locations (except COCs) must be packaged for shipment by UPS.
  5. Points are awarded as follows:
    1. Three points for 1st place, two points for 2nd place and 1 point for 3rd place.
    2. Additional 3, 2 or 1 points for Best of Show, first runner-up and second runner up.
    3. 1 point for the club selection in COC’s and 3, 2, or 1 point for placing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd at the national level.
  6. Points will be tallied after the results of the Cal State and last COC are in.
  7. The trophy will be presented to the brewer or team with the highest point total at the annual Holiday Party.
  8. In the event of a tie, multiple awards will be given.
