Extra Batches Available at Tustin Monster Brew

There is still room in the mash tun at the Tustin Monster Brew this Saturday.  If you want more than 2 batches, let me know.  And everyone who wants 2 batches will get both.

Drop me a line at Competitions@PacificGravity.com.  We need to have a final count of batches by Wednesday, February 29th.

By the way, because of the early start time, there is no First Friday scheduled on the 2nd.

Cost is $30 per batch.  If you haven’t already paid, bring cash or check with you to the brewery Saturday morning.
Brewing starts at 6:00 AM and will finish up around 1:00 PM.
You must bring a pre-sanitized plastic bucket for each batch you buy.  NO GLASS CARBOYS!
There will be breakfast snacks in the morning.
The kitchen opens at 11:00 AM for lunch.  We recommend that everybody buy lunch.
You will need to get yeast for your beer and whatever additional ingredients you may wish to add.  Read here for how to modify your wort.
Read more here for details of the event.
Here is a map of how to get there.

Carl Townsend & Jon Porter
