PG Summer Party POSTPONED!!

Greetings Pacific Gravity! 
Hello All,

Unfortunately, due to some COVID related health issues, the Pacific Gravity Summer Party originally scheduled for this Saturday 8/3/2024 will be POSTPONED.

I understand that many of you were eagerly anticipating this event, and I share your disappointment.  The board and others will be meeting later in the week to determine the best possible date to which we can reschedule and will make an announcement as soon as we have the details.

As a consolation, we will be having a First Saturday at Tortugo this Saturday at 2pm – there will be a Carnitas food truck!

Saturday 8/3/2024 at 2:00 PM
Tortugo Brewing Co.
916 W. Hyde Park Blvd.
Inglewood,  CA  90302
(424) 227-9963

I know we were all looking forward to the party this weekend, and I sincerely apologize that we will be unable to make it happen,  but please join us for a beer and some food at Tortugo on Saturday!

Parker Waechter – President, Pacific Gravity Homebrewers

Upcoming Styles of the Month

  • August 2024 – All styles (Summer Party)
  • September 2024 – German and Czech beers
  • October 2024 – Alternative fermentables beers (using sugars and/or grains other than malted barley)
  • November 2024 – Fruit/spice beers, meads, and ciders/berries
  • December 2024 – No style of the month (Holiday Party)

Upcoming Events

Pacific Brewers Cup Info

Thursday, August 1st is the opening entry day for the 2024 Pacific Brewers Cup.  This has always been a popular competition and is capped at 300 entries, so get you entries registered early!  Also, Judge and Steward registration is already open.

  • August 1:  Opening of entry registration.   Enter at
  • Aug 3:  First Saturday @ Tortugo Brewing Company – 2pm
  • August 22:  Bottle Drop-off at local homebrew shops
  • Sept 5: Pacific Brewers Cup Entry Deadline
  • Sept 6: First Friday – TBD
  • Sept 7: Pacific Brewers Cup Entry organizing
  • Sept 19: Club Meeting at Torgugo Brewing Company – Style German and Czech beers
  • Sept 21: Pacific Brewers Cup Main Judging Session
