Entries by Carl Townsend

Pacific Gravity Holiday Party This Saturday

Happy Holidays Pacific Gravity!!! One last reminder that our Holiday Party is this Saturday December 14th at 5pm at Neil’s Duplex.  We will also announce announce the Member of the Year and the Brewer of the Year awards. The menu will likely be similar to past holiday parties featuring meat on the BBQ, deep fried […]

First Friday Nov 1 at El Segundo Brewing Company

Please join us tomorrow for our November First Friday at El Segundo Brewing Company.  They were one of our sponsors for Pacific Brewers Cup, so we want to give them some love. Last Saturday’s Chili cook-off was a great event, as expected.  There were 7 entries, and all we very good.  The big winners were […]

Pacific Gravity Chili Cook-Off this Saturday 10/26

Please join us for the much-beloved Pacific Gravity Annual Chili Cook-Off this Saturday at noon, once again graciously hosted by Terry and Noel at Hacienda Molloy (formerly “Casa Molloy”, now upgraded to “Hacienda” after extensive renovations!).  All attendees vote for the “Best” and “Most Unique” chili, so grab Igor, fire up your cauldrons and conjure up […]

First Friday & PBC Awards Oct 4th at Wurstküche Venice

Guten Tag Pacific Gravity! I hope that everyone is enjoying this Oktoberfest season and finding lots of excellent German food and beer to enjoy.  To that end, Tomm Carroll has helped us set up our October First Friday at Wurstkuche in Venice.  We will have a table outside in the back. They serve a pretty […]

PG Summer Party Saturday 8/31!!

Aloha! Chef Malahini Ian here to tell you all about our big time luau plans! This year our theme is a Hawaiian style luau and we plan to take it to the max bruddah! The party will be happening on August 31, 2024 at Dean Sussman’s little grass shack in the Pacific Palisades.  The address […]