Summer Party Now 8/31


Greetings Pacific Gravity! 

Hello All,

We have now selected a new and improved date for the 2024 Legendary Pacific Gravity Summer party – Saturday August 31, 2024.

It will be at the usual location of Il Palazzo di Sussman from 2pm until 10pm. Chef Ian is planning a Hawaiian theme, so please bring some island style sides to share with your PG Ohana.  Of course we will be holding the annual informal competition for best homebrew/soda so please share your excellent works of zymurgy and/or non-alcoholic soda!

Also, we definitely need setup help the night before, so please come by if you can, and, as always, we need help cleaning up in the aftermath to restore the Palazzo grounds to their original, pristine state on Sunday morning..

Please also be sure to let Carl know what beers/sodas you intend to bring so we can manage serving equipment.  Send him an email at

Setup: Friday 8/80/2024 6:30 pm

Event: Saturday 8/31/2024 2pm
Dean Sussman’s
1310 Amalfi Drive,
Pacific Palisades, 90272

Informal Stuffed Sandwich Visit 8/17

In her most recent monthly newsletter, Marlene mentioned that she needs to shutdown for a while due to medical reasons on 8/29.  I just spoke to her briefly and she said it might be for 3 months.

I suggest anyone who is interested should informally drop by Stuffed Sandwich on Saturday 8/17 and grab a sandwich and a beer to help support.  I specifically asked to her NOT to plan anything for us because we don’t want to add to her workload at a time of stress, but I think extra patrons would be appreciated.  It may be very crowded or not… no way to know, but it is always a good time!

Their hours are 11am-8pm

Pacific Brewers Cup Info

Entries are open  for the 2024 Pacific Brewers Cup.  This has always been a popular competition and is capped at 300 entries, so get you entries registered early!  Also, Judge and Steward registration open.  Enter at


Parker Waechter – President, Pacific Gravity Homebrewers

Upcoming Styles of the Month

  • August 2024 – All styles (Summer Party)
  • September 2024 – German and Czech beers
  • October 2024 – Alternative fermentables beers (using sugars and/or grains other than malted barley)
  • November 2024 – Fruit/spice beers, meads, and ciders/berries
  • December 2024 – No style of the month (Holiday Party)

Upcoming Events

Pacific Brewers Cup Info

Thursday, August 1st is the opening entry day for the 2024 Pacific Brewers Cup.  This has always been a popular competition and is capped at 300 entries, so get you entries registered early!  Also, Judge and Steward registration is already open.

  • August:  Entry registration NOW OPEN.   Enter at
  • Aug 17:  Informal Stuffed Sandwich Visit
  • August 22:  Bottle Drop-off at local homebrew shops
  • Aug 31:  PG SUMMER PARTY 2024
  • Sept 5: Pacific Brewers Cup Entry Deadline
  • Sept 6: First Friday – TBD
  • Sept 7: Pacific Brewers Cup Entry organizing
  • Sept 19: Club Meeting at Torgugo Brewing Company – Style German and Czech beers
  • Sept 21: Pacific Brewers Cup Main Judging Session
