Holiday Party-Again

O.K. PG’ers, we’re headed down the home stretch for this coming Saturday’s Annual Holiday Party at Neil Saund’s Duplex. The address is 12966 Rubens Ave. It’s at the Southeast corner of Alla Rd and Rubens Ave in Los Angeles.

A group of loyal members went to Neil’s house this past Sunday to set up, and the place is ready to go, including the roaring fireplace.
Final setup will happen early Saturday, and the party will begin at 7PM, ending around midnight.

Don’t forget, this is a pot luck, with the club supplying main dishes, including prime rib, Carbonnades a la Flamande (Beef & Beer stew), deep fried turkeys, and shrimp platters. Appetizers, salads, and desserts are welcome additions to the festive occasion. Seasonal side dishes such as sweet potatoes, hot veggies, turkey dressings, and the like have been brought in the past, and are guaranteed to be hits once again.

We need volunteers for the clean up crews. Some night owls can help when the party winds down, and most will be needed Sunday morning, around 10AM.

Please contact me at,  Ian Fraser at, or Craig Corley at  if you are willing and able to help.

Lastly, it is likely that the weather will be cool, and perhaps rainy (we sure hope not). Dress accordingly. We will have some canopies set up, should it rain, and heaters outside to keep us warm. Weather permitting, we will also have one or two fire pits going for your enjoyment.
