Big Brew @ Neil’s: Saturday, January 28th

What’s up, my fellow club members?  I’d like to remind you all that we’ll be holding another Big Brew at Neil’s palatial duplex on Saturday, January 28th.

For those unaware, a Big Brew is simply a multiple-brewer event, usually held outdoors.  If you’re new to homebrewing or want to make the jump to all-grain, these events are great opportunities to observe some of the myriad processes, equipment, and techniques our legion of club homebrewers employs to create the fine fermented beverages we consume at our meetings and parties.  Or in garages.

Neil will likely be brewing an all-grain cauldron of something hoppy or strong (or both), I’ll probably brew something weird extract-style, and there’s plenty of room for more brewers.  If you’d like to brew with us, please shoot me an email at and inform.  Remember to bring your own “brewing rig”, ingredients, fermenter, etc.  Neil will have filtered water available.

Here are the details:

  • When:  Saturday, January 28th.  Brewing should begin around 10am and we’ll finish up around 6pm or so.
  • Where:  Neil’s Duplex: 12966 Rubens Ave, Marina Del Rey-adjacent, 90066
  • Beer:  As provided by those in attendance, so feel free to bring a keg, a growler, bottles, or any other vessels of brew.
  • Food:  We’ll have a gas grill available if you’d like to bring something to sear.  We may also order some “community” pizza for those willing to pitch in a few duckets.  Potluck stuff to share is always welcome too.

Here’s a link to a recap I wrote of our last Big Brew in November for AHA “Learn To Brew Day”.

Thanks, and hope to see you at Neil’s on the 28th.

— Victor
