The Summer Party’s right around the corner! Time to get crackin’…

Greetings, all.  We’re on approach to one of the hallmark events of the Pacific Gravity calendar: the always-epic Summer Party on Saturday, July 21st, from 1pm to 8pm, at Neil’s palatial duplex!  This reminder is a call to all PG members to review our President Audrey’s previous post regarding this event, and also to ask you, our loyal membership, to step up and help to make this grand tradition of ours the best ever. This message is lengthy, but please bear with us and read it through – lots of important info contained herein.

  • Volunteers:  The Summer Party is a big event, and we need all PG members to volunteer in some capacity.  Some of you signed up at the June meeting, and we really appreciate your prompt responses – but we need everyone to pitch in.  There are several ways you can help.  We’ll be at Neil’s at noon on Saturday, July 14th, doing some of the heavier pre-party setup and decorating.  We’ll be back at Neil’s on Friday the 20th doing even more, plus some last-minute stuff.  Several of us will be there early, but come on over after work and start your weekend right – helping your beloved homebrewing club prep for a massive gathering!  Don’t forget to bring some beer to share – volunteerin’s thirsty work!  We’ll also need help the day of – even before the party starts.  Duties will include, among other things, working the front gate or prepping / grilling food.  Shifts will be an hour long, and you’re welcome to work more than one if you’d like.  Then there’s cleanup at 10am the day after – it sounds worse than it is.  Remember – most, if not all, of the kegs from the party will still be there, and cleanup’s also thirsty work, so….yeah.  As you can see, your contributions through volunteering are not only appreciated, but wholly necessary.  Please consider doing your part and email to let us know how you’ll help – don’t be a weenie and fall into the “someone else will step in” mentality – that won’t git ‘er done.  Thanks!
  • Food:  In keeping with our “Oktoberfest In July” theme, the main fare will be of the sausage variety, and we need your potluck contributions to round out the menu.  Remember that we’ll be conducting a “Best German Potato Salad” competition, so bring ’em on!  Additional entrées that compliment this type of cuisine are also encouraged, as well as any other appetizers, sides, salads, and desserts.  If you’d like to stay in-theme but are unfamiliar with Teutonic delicacies, do some research!  Get creative – this is your party, so go to town!  For logistics’ sake, if your dish needs to be served hot, do your best to bring it hot – we can’t guarantee being able to reheat stuff, as the available facilities may not permit it.  Conversely, if it needs to stay cold, bring it in a cooler.  Please email to let us know what you’ll be bringing, along with any special requirements for same; we’ll do our best to accommodate you.  Thanks!  As an aside, we plan on organizing this party like a big backyard bbq – sending out waves of food throughout the afternoon & evening as opposed to setting a specific “dinner time”.  We’re striving to avoid the massive line of parties past, all the while having your potluck contributions on offer as they arrive.  Munch early, munch often, but most importantly, enjoy the variety of homebrew on tap and have fun!  Speaking of homebrew…
  • Beers And Other Beverages:  As ever, it’s YOUR beers or non-alcoholic beverages that get consumed at this fete.  Several of you signed up at the June meeting to bring kegs; again, we thank you.  But as with many things, more is better, and you can never have enough homebrew, kegged or bottled, for a party of this magnitude.  Please email Carl and let him know what you’ll be contributing.  Provide him with all details at your disposal: beer name, style, abv, how many gallons, etc.  Kegs can be dropped off at Culver City Homebrewing supply for transport to the party – please have them there no later than Thursday, July 19th, by 7pm.  You can also bring your keg(s) directly to Neil’s on one of the setup days – we just need them all before the day of the party.  We could also use more jockey boxes and will likely need CO2 tanks for dispensing, so if you can help in this regard, let us know that as well.  This sort of equipment should be brought by you directly to Neil’s on one of the setup days, as the shop won’t have room to store it.  Please don’t forget to label all of your equipment so that we know what’s whose.  Thanks!
  • Cost:  All attendees will be required to show proof of legal drinking age, so please bring your valid ID.  Pacific Gravity members who are current with their yearly dues receive free admittance.  If you’ve neglected to pay your dues this year, you’re more than welcome to pay them at the front gate on the day of the party, but note that if you’re 60 days or more overdue, you’ve incurred a $5 late fee.  All guests of PG members in good standing gain admittance for the paltry sum of $10.  We’ll also be sending out an email soon for RSVP-ing and volunteer signups; if you don’t receive it, chances are your dues aren’t current or we don’t have a working email address for you; let us know if either applies to you.  If you do receive it, please RSVP.  Remember also that this year, children and pets won’t be allowed entry to the party.
  • Other Stuff To Bring:  Folding chairs, blankets, lawn games, solar protection (like a hat or yucky sunscreen).  We also have need for things like tables, EZ-ups, BBQ utensils, plastic drink tubs, and drinking water coolers.  If you can help, please email us and let us know.  Oh, right – also, don’t forget your lederhosen and dirndl
  • The When And The Where:  Saturday, July 21st, from 1pm to 8pm, at Neil’s Duplex – 12966 Rubens Ave, Marina Del Rey-Adjacent, 90066.
  • Taxis, Designated Drivers, And The Like:  Please be responsible for yourself – plan appropriately for your departure.  We’ll have some taxi phone numbers posted at the party for your convenience.

Thanks for your attention to this call for assistance and participation.  Let’s work together to make the 2012 Pacific Gravity Summer Party one for the ages!

See you there.

