Show off your Homebrew!! Craft (Beer) Night @ Craft & Folk Art Museum and a new LB HB Fest Comp.

template_logo_01Hi PG members,

Here’s a chance to show off your homebrew to the public!! Thursday Nov. 3rd, the Craft and Folk Art Museum is doing a Craft Beer Night. Sorry its kind of last minute, my fault for not getting this out there sooner.

Pacific Gravity member, Lindsey Vaniman now works for the museum and thought this would be a fun thing to do with some of the members. So the Museum is calling out to all craft homebrewers to join them for the night and share your creations.

If you have any beers ready and would like to sign up, just email the Museum organizer at:
Here’s the link to the events page for the month with the Craft Night listed on it:

Also let me know, Lindsey and I would be interested to hear if any PG members sign up!

If you have never done something like this in the past, I assure you it will be a blast. I did one for an art event in the past and it was an awesome way to show off some beer, talk beer, and introduce people to new beer styles and watch what they end up liking the most. Plus everyone loves the person pouring their drinks!



14681891_10157636743760203_5720631095947930937_nAlso, there is another event going on in Long Beach in early December on the 10th (2-5pm) as a Homebrew Comp and pouring festival. I imagine kind of like the Stone Homebrew comp coming up in November.

Here is the link to the sign up sheet and more info on dates of submission and festival. Along with a bunch of other questions.
You can email any additional questions to: or


