It’s Time to Enter LABBC On-line registration will run up until March 6th at 6:00 PM. Entries can be dropped off at the local homebrew shops, or directly at our host brewery, Los Angeles Ale Works in Hawthorne, starting on February 21st.
Pacific Gravity’s first homebrew competition for 2020 is now open for business! Registration is now up and running atJudging for Los Angeles Belgian Brew Challenge will be held this year at Los Angeles Ale Works, on Sunday, March 15, 2020. Back again are all your favorite Belgian styles as described in the BJCP guidelines, along with the ever-popular Belgian Specialty Category 35A.
A new feature this is is that we will have TWO Pro-Am opportunities for the Best of Show Beer and a second beer to be selected between Los Angeles Ale Works and Smog City Brewing.
In addition to your entries, we need judges and stewards to make this all work. You can sign up for either at . All volunteers will get a tee shirt, so make sure you enter in your tee shirt size.
Other upcoming events:
Feb. 7, 2020 First Friday at Smog Cites newest taproom, Smog City West
Feb. 15, 2020 25th anniversary bottleshare at 4th Horseman
Feb. 20, 2020 25th Anniversary Club meeting at Neil Saunds
March 7, 2020, 1st Saturday Bus Trip to Stuffed Sandwich