AHA / Stone Rally Bus to San Diego!

Road trip January 11, 2020.

This just in from the AHA and California Homebrewers Association.    Please read carefully; the procedure is a bit complicated.
If you are not already a member of CHA, you will need to join.

In addition to getting a bus ticket, you need to respond to the AHA Rally RSVP at:

If you are not already a an AHA member, you will need to join.


California Homebrewers Association
December 10, 2019
The American Homebrewers Association / Stone Brewing Co. Homebrew Brew Competition and AHA Rally is on Saturday January 11, 2020, at the Stone Liberty Station location. The CHA has chartered a coach bus to take members from the LA area to San Diego and back.
Bus tickets are for sale in our online shop at calhomebrewers.org. 2019 and 2020 Members can purchase tickets; 2020 Memberships are now available and cards will ship in January. A direct link is here:
See the sales page for more details.

Important Notes:

1) 21+ Only On Bus! You will be carded before entering the bus. Please being valid ID (in-date Driver’s License, Passport, Military ID)
2) Pricing: December, $40 (CHA Members Only), January: $50 (Open to all)
2) Bus ticket is non-refundable but is transferable.
3) Your bus ticket is NOT admission to the Rally! See our FAQ.

The bus schedule is as follows:

Saturday January 11, 2020:

Passenger Pickups:
8AM: Leave LA Union Station (800 N Alameda Street, Los Angeles, CA)
9AM: Leave Willow Blue Line Station (200 E 27th St, Long Beach, CA 90806)
9:30AM: Leave South Coast Plaza (3333 Bristol St, Costa Mesa, CA 92626)

11:00AM-2PM: Stone Brewing Liberty Station (2816 Historic Decatur Rd, San Diego, CA 92106)

2PM Depart Liberty Station
2-5PM: Brewery Stop (Location TBD)
5PM Depart TBD Brewery

Passenger Dropoffs:
South Coast Plaza (3333 Bristol St, Costa Mesa, CA 92626)
Willow Blue Line Station (200 E 27th St, Long Beach, CA 90806)
No later than 8PM: LA Union Station (800 N Alameda Street, Los Angeles, CA)

Andy Carter
President, California Homebrewers Association
Be sure to check out our new social media accounts on Twitter and Instagram, @calhomebrewers, for the most up-to-date information about the festival and Southern California homebrew.

Like us on Facebook      Follow us on Twitter        View on Instagram

Pacific Gravity Holiday Party Saturday Dec 7th


It is time for the Pacific Gravity annual holiday event. Mark your calendars! This year the party is happening on Saturday, December 7, 2019 at Neil Saund’s duplex – at: 12966 Rubens Ave, Los Angeles, CA (at Alla Road).

The party will kick off about 5:00 P.M. If you have not attended one of the past holiday events, let us tell you this is one party not to be missed!

We really, really need your help with the following:

Although the club will be providing some of the main dishes, this is still a potluck party and YOUR favorite party dish will be greatly appreciated! The menu should mostly reflect past holiday parties featuring Carbonnades ala Flamandes, deep fried turkeys, spiced ham and much more!

Suggestions of what to bring would include any kind of main dish but especially all side dishes, veggie dishes, salads, desserts and appetizers. So, if you have a favorite family holiday recipe and want to share it with the rest of us, this is your chance. Please let us know what you will bring. If you have any questions about what to bring, please contact Club Chef Ian (masterchef@pacificgravity.org).

The dinner portion of the event will be ongoing beginning at approximately 7pm. Please note that there will be very little space available for reheating food, so please bring your food ready to serve, not ready to cook.

Crockpots and chafing dishes with sterno fuel would be a great idea of how to bring something and keep it hot.

Also, don’t forget to label your containers or anything you want back.

Got beer? We need all types of beer, meads, cider and sodas for this event. Pull out your favorite holiday beverage, dust off the bottle or keg and bring it down! We’ll have the Wave of Beer set up to help dispense your holiday homebrews. If you plan to bring beer, soda or other seasonally festive beverage, please contact Carl (competitions@pacificgravity.org) and let him know what you will bring. Everyone who signs up in advance will have a colorful tap tag.

VOLUNTEERS needed for setup & cleanup
On Saturday, Dec 7th from approximately 10am to 12noon, we need help with final setup at Neil’s.

On Sunday, Dec 8th, starting at 10am, we need lots of people to help with clean up. The more we get the faster it goes. (probably ending around 12noon-1pm).

If you’d like to volunteer for set up or clean up contact us: PG Board at president@pacificgravity.org.

We need a few more heat lamps and fire pits so please donate them if you can.

We NEED lot & lots FIREWOOD! If you can bring wood please do so. December evenings can be cold so please help bring some wood so we can all stay warm.

We need more TABLES, e-z ups (canopies), and power strips.

We also need jockey boxes and CO2 cylinders and Sanke taps to help make sure all the beverages flow cold with perfect carbonation. We have more kegs than taps on the Wave, and the jockey boxes help out big time.

If at all possible, please bring your kegs and heavy stuff to setup on Friday evening or between 10am – 12noon on Saturday. This makes the last minute activities at party time go much more smoothly. The early kegs get the best slots on the Wave. Make sure all your kegs, coolers, tanks taps, and other equipment are well labeled so they all return to their rightful owners Sunday morning.

Note, if you can’t deliver beer kegs to the Neil’s house at setup on Friday evening or Saturday afternoon, then please email Carl Townsend at Competitions@pacificgravity.org to make arrangements to drop off your kegs at his house.

It’s time to clean out your closets…Pacific Gravity is having our 4th annual Holiday CLOTHING DRIVE!

We will have boxes for any donations you can bring to the party.
For clothes & other items, please see the list below which will be donated to The People Concern (formerly, OPCC). They are mostly in need of men’s clothing in large sizes. Clothing can be “gently used” and should be clean.
Monetary donations will also be accepted – checks or cash. Special donation envelopes will be available at the party. Tax receipts for monetary donations will be sent to you by mail.

Below is a list of items that we can always use:

Sweat socks – for men, women and children
Sweat shirts and pants for adults – all sizes especially larger sizes
New underwear – men’s, women and children
Flannel and long sleeve shirts for adults

Personal & Household items
Hygiene Items: toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, shampoo, disposable razors, bar soap, hand & body lotion,etc.
Blankets (preferably wool)
Sleeping bags for adults

Final Party Details:

Dress warm for our winter party, bring food and bring beer!

Highlighting the evening will be the crowning of the Pacific Gravity Club Member of the Year, and awarding of the trophy for Brewer of the Year.

Santa is sure to make an appearance to give away lots of great door prizes (prize donations welcome).
All club members and their guests are welcome, so plan on joining us…Celebrate the season, good beer, good food and friends the Pacific Gravity way!

Ian Fraser
President, Pacific Gravity

Club Meeting, Chili Cook-off and Elections Saturday Nov 9th


This coming Saturday is our November meeting, packed with activities and events!

The meeting is two weeks early this month, so don’t miss out!  The Molloys were generous enough to host us (again) and this weekend was the best fit for their schedule. Remember, it’s a private residence so carry-in & carry-out and be on your best behavior!

Event:  November Club Meetings; Elections and Chili Cook-Off!
Where:  Casa Malloy:  6738 W. 87th Place, Westchester, CA 90045  (Please note, it is PLACE, not Street!)
Time:  12:00 Noon until 7:00 PM

We will be conducting our annual chili cook off and all members are invited to bring a crock pot of homemade chili to enter.  The club will provide toppings, rice and corn bread.  All members are welcome to bring any side they wish as well!

We will also be conducting our elections for next years Board and member of the year!   We will accept nominations right up to the day of the event.  Currently we show:

Dean Sussman
Neil Saund
Rives Borland
Ian Fraser

And nominations for next year’s BOARD looks like this so far:
Ian Fraser – President
Parker Waechter – Vice President
Craig Corley – Treasurer
Casey Bond- Secretary
Derek Marshall – Secretary

Our style of the month is:  Sour Ale, Wild Ale, and Mead, hosted by Peter Moran & Robert Wilkinson.

Ian Fraser
Pacific Gravity Homebrewers

Upcoming Dates to remember:
December 1, 2019 First Friday (on a Sunday!)  Set up and bottle share at Neil’s duplex.
December 7, 2019 Pacific Gravity Holiday party!


First Saturday – LA Ale Works and Common Space


For our November First Friday, we are shifting it to another First Saturday.  But in exchange we are offering you not one but 2 breweries to visit at one event!

Please join us on November 2, 2019 as we visit:
Los Angeles Ale Works, located at
12918 Cerise Ave.
Hawthorne, CA 90250


Common Space Brewery  located at
3411 W. El Segundo Blvd.
Hawthorne, CA 90250 Read more

Club Meeting October 17th at Tortugo


Please join us at Tortugo Brewing for our October Club Meeting tomorrow night, 10/17/2019 at 7:30 P.M.!

Event:  Club meeting
Where:  Tortugo Brewing, 916 W Hyde Park Blvd, Inglewood, CA 90302
When:  7:30 PM

The style of the month is:  Smoked Beer and Wood Beer, Hosted by Derek Marshall.
We will be opening nominations for next years Board and member of the Year, talking about the upcoming chili cook off and the holiday party.
There will be ‘Octoberfest’ themed food served by Parker and Ian.

See you there!

Ian Fraser
President, Pacific Gravity Homebrewers


Nov. 2, 2019:  First Friday on Saturday!  Common Space Brewing and LA Ale Works
Nov. 9, 2019:  Chili cook-off and Club meeting (plus elections) at Terry Malloy’s
December 1, 2019 First Friday (on a Sunday!)  Set up and bottle share at Neil’s duplex
December 7, 2019.  Holiday Party at Neil’s Duplex.

Competition Corner – October 2019

As we await the final results of Pacific Brewers Cup, don’t lose sight that the final competition of the year is fast approaching.  Entries for The California State Homebrew Competition are due Friday, October 11th.  Registration is up and running at https://castate.brewcompetition.com/ .  Since there are no local drop-offs for this competition, each entrant is responsible for shipping off their entries.  Entries cost $12 each and must include 3 bottles.

The shipping address is:
Oak Barrel Winecraft
1443 San Pablo Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94702
(510) 849-0400
Read more

First Saturday this Weekend in the Arts District!


The October First Friday occurs on the First Saturday this month!

Please join us at the Imperial Western Brewing Company at Noon on Saturday. This is an opportunity to use public transportation to an event.

The Arts district area is a short distance away if a pub crawl ensues or even trek up to Stone Brewing in Pasadena and swing by Lucky Baldwins! This central location makes all these options possible!

Come on down on the Metro, have some beer and food and pub crawl away! See you there!

Date: October 5, 2019
Time: 12 Noon – …
Place: Starting at Imperial Western Beer Co. 800 N. Almeda St. LA CA 90012


Ian Fraser

Pacific Gravity

Upcoming Dates:

October 17, 2019: Monthly meeting at Tortugo
Nov. 1, 2019: First Friday; Location TBD
Nov. 9, 2019: Chili cook-off and Club meeting (plus elections) at Terry Malloy’s

September Club Meeting


Welcome to fall!  Our meeting this month will be held at Niel’s Duplex party pad located at Niel’s duplex 12966 Rubens Ave. Los Angeles, CA. It is the house on the corner of Alla Rd. and Rubens Ave. and is the location of our Holiday parties.

Date:  9/19/19
Time:  7:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Address:  12966 Rubens Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90066

Our style of the month is India Pale Ale (BJCP category #21) with our commercial tasting hosted by Michael and Tania.

See you There!

Ian Fraser,

Pacific Gravity


Upcoming styles of the month:

September 2019 India Pale Ale
(BJCP category #21)
India Pale Ale
(BJCP category #21)
Michael and Tania Musgrave
October 2019 Smoked Beer and Wood Beer
(BJCP categories #32 and #33)
Smoked Beer and Wood Beer
(BJCP categories #32 and #33)
Derek Marshall
November 2019 European Sour Ale and Mead
(BJCP categories #23, #M1, #M2,
#M3, and #M4)
Sour Ale, Wild Ale, and Mead
(BJCP categories #23, #28, #M1, #M2,
#M3, and #M4)
Peter Moran and Robert Wilkiins


Dates to remember:
10/5/19:  First Saturday:  Imperial Western Beer Co. and Arts District pub crawl  800 N. Alameda St.  Los Angeles, Calif. 90012
10/17/19:   October Club Meeting @ Tortugo Brewing
11/16/19:  SATURDAY!  November club meeting, Annual chili cook-off and Elections of 2020 Board at Terry Malloy’s home

Competition Corner – September 2019

The entry deadline for Pacific Brewers Cup is fast approaching!  Entries are due Saturday, September 14th. Registration is up and running at http://www.longbeachhomebrewers.com/comp/pbc/bcoem/.  Long Beach Homebrewers are running the operation this year, which rotates among Strand and Pacific Gravity as well.      Entries can be dropped off at any of the following locations: Read more

First Friday is this Friday at The Daily Pint!


Please join us this Friday, 9/6/19 for the September First Friday at the Daily Pint.

Located at 2310 Pico Blvd, we will get started about 7:00 PM.

The pint is known for its beer and whisky selection but does NOT sell food, so either eating in advance or bringing food with is highly recommended!

We hope to see you there!


Ian Fraser

President, Pacific Gravity