
February First Friday at El Segundo Brewing

Please join us this Friday the 3rd for our monthly First Friday beer outing.  We’ll be showing our support for new local breweries (and homebrewers-gone-big!) by paying our first club visit to El Segundo Brewing Co. – brewers of “Blue House Ales”.

Rob Croxall was a longtime homebrewer before he took the necessary steps toward “living the dream” and opened the brewery in his home town of El Segundo.  On tap will be his 4 production beers: Blue House Pale AleBlue House IPA, White Dog W.I.P.A (a wheat IPA), and Hyperion’s Double Stout.  There may also be a “taproom only” experimental beer on.

Here are the details:

  • Date:  Friday, February 3rd.
  • Time:  Taproom hours that day are from 4:30pm to 8:30pm.  You’re welcome to arrive early, but it’s likely that many of us will get there around the official start-time of 6pm.  If we make a good showing, they may be able to stay open past 8:30 for us.
  • Food:  They’re strictly a brewery, but you’re welcome to bring your own munchies or order-in from local restaurants.
  • Location:  140 Main Street in El Segundo, 90245.  Phone is 310 529 3882.

Thanks, and hope to see you there.

— Victor

Pacific Gravity Holiday Party December 10

Don’t forget, all you Graviteers-Tomorrow is our annual Holiday Party, hosted by Pacific Gravity and Neil Saund. Party begins at 6pm and ends when you go home. We’ll have lots of good food and beer, thanks to the club and all of you who will be bringing snacks, appetizers, side dishes, and desserts.

The weather promises to be good, but a bit cool. We have patio heaters, outdoor fire pit, and lots of warm bodies to go around, but bring a jacket.
Be sure to have enough money for a cab ride home, or a designated driver.

Most of all, be ready to have a great time.

See you all Saturday.

Michael Steinberg, President


The Pacific Brewers Cup is now in the history books, and I’d like to extend my congratulations to all the participants and ribbon winners. I’d also like to extend a special thank you to Competition Coordinator, Carl Townsend. Carl performed yeoman’s work this year, keeping the crew on track, and making sure that the PBC was a successful event. We had a great crew working with Carl, including Head Judge- Jeff Koehler, Cellarmaster-Tim Bardet, Database Coordinator- Terry Molloy, and Head Steward- Peigi Robinson. Activities Directors Audrey and Mimi worked hard to put food and coffee on the table, and unsung heroes Neil Saund and Tom Rierson worked all weekend helping with transportation and setup. Dave Stickel handled the Website, and Tomm Carroll and I gathered sponsors for the event.

Elections Are Coming!
As is tradition, at the October 20th meeting the membership of the Pacific Gravity Homebrew Club will nominate candidates for Club Officer positions, as well as Club Member of the Year. The elected offices are President, Vice President, and Treasurer. Anyone who is interested in performing much needed service to the club is urged to run for office. I have served for one year, and will be unable to run again, so the field is clear for a new PG President. If you think you are up to the job, and want to find out more about what the President does, just ask any of the current Board members.
Pacific Gravity Club Member of the Year recognizes the individual who has performed work for the club above and beyond that asked or expected of all club members. This is the most prestigious award that club members can grant to one of our own. The nominees don’t have to be great brewers, or sit on the PG Board of Directors. The criteria for nomination is being present, taking part in activities, helping out when needed, and generally helping to make Pacific Gravity a great club, one we can all feel proud to be members of.
As in past years, nominations will be made by voice, taking place during after announcements are made. Nominees must be members in good standing, meaning they must have paid their dues in full by the time the meeting commences. All nominations are seconded by a club member.
This year we will do something we have not done before. Anyone who nominates a candidate for one of the Board positions, or Member of the Year, will be asked to write a short paragraph stating why (s)he has nominated that person. The statement should be no more than 1 paragraph long. All of the paragraphs will appear in the November newsletter, and be available prior to the actual election.
The reason for having nomination statements available to the voters is to allow everyone to know what makes each nominee deserving of the Board position, or Member of the Year award. Many of our new members may not know who the “unsung heroes” are; those quiet people who, year in and year out, work hard to keep the club vital.
Please come to the October meeting in order to take part, and have your voice heard.

Michael Steinberg

President’s Message

By now, the PG Summer Party has ended, Dean’s house has been cleansed of our presence, and we’re on to other events. I’d like to thank Dean, his gracious wife, Chiara, and the Dynamic Duo of Laura and Peter Sussman, for once again allowing us to throw our summer shindig at their house. Dean and the family are now off to Italy for the next year, where Dean intends to single handedly fix what’s wrong with their government, eliminate the last vestiges of the Mafia, and ride in the Giro d’Italia next year. We all wish them well while on the Sussman Family Adventure, and hope they stay long enough for at least some of us to fly over and freeload off of them.

It’s mid-summer, and the dog days are back in some parts of the country, but not on the West Side, home of Pacific Gravity. The weather is perfect for brewing those beers in time for the Pacific Brewers Cup and the Holidays. How about a Double IPA, and a Second Runnings Pale Ale? More bang for your buck, and you may win a ribbon on September 24th.

The Summer Party was a grand success, and August is packed with beer related club events. First Friday will be at Brewster’s Pool Bar at the Sheraton 4 Points. Mead Day is coming up, hosted by Dan Hakes, and the Annual Chili Cookoff and Club Brew is on August 27th.

Of course, we have our August Club Meeting at CCHBS on the 18th. Styles are Fruit Beers, Ciders/Perries and Meads. If you don’t have any of those libations to bring, then bring something else you’d like to share. For details on any of the above events, please consult the Club Calendar, as well as the Activities, and Competitions Corner articles.

On another note, a few smart PG members have reminded me to mention that we will be holding our Club Elections in November.

We need nominees for the following positions, President, Vice President, and Treasurer. I will not be running for President next year because I will be retiring from the workforce, selling my house, and taking off for parts unknown in the land cruiser. In order to not leave the club in a lurch, it is better if I don’t continue serving the club as an officer. From my experience working with many of you, I know that we have many members who are more than capable of becoming club officers. Infusion of new blood into the management ranks is good for the club, and keeps the club moving forward. Please consider stepping up to the plate, and joining the ranks of those of us who have served Pacific Gravity for the last 16 years. If you have questions do not hesitate to contact me, Reed, Craig, Carl, Audrey, Mimi, or any of the other Board members.

photo credit: Luis Di Stefano

Learn to Brew/Chili Cookoff Day Nov. 6

As in past years, Learn to Brew Day (formerly Teach a Friend to Homebrew Day), a nationwide AHA event will take place the first Saturday in November. Due to the Summer Party having been held in August, we were forced to pospone the cookoff until November, so Pacific Gravity will also be conducting our annual Chili Cookoff on that day.

The event will be held at the home of our Competition Coordinator and Brewmaster, Carl Townsend. The address is 3621 Redwood Ave, L.A. 90066. It’s just a few blocks west of Beethoven, north of Venice.
Carl will brewing on his all grain system, and there is room for 4 additional brewers. If you want bring your equipment and brew, send an E-mail to me at, or to

For the past 2 years, club chef, Ian Fraser has taken the prize for Best Chili. This year, he MUST BE BROUGHT DOWN! Ian has begun to think he owns the prize, and must be taught a lesson. Who’s gonna do it? YOU, of course.

The competition is simple. Make you best chili, bring it in a crockpot or any other vessel which can be heated. A tasting will take place, votes counted, and a winner announced. All serving utensils, garnishes, rice, crackers, salad and dessert will be provided by the club. Just label your entry.

BEER: Bring some. Kegs, bottles, commercial beers are all welcome.

TIME: Brewing commences at 10am
Chili serving and voting starts around Noon.

First Friday July 2

July 1st Friday we once again have the pleasure of being entertained at The Carriage House, AKA the home of Dan and Anne Hakes.

Dan has the best home “tavern” in the club, and welcomes all PG members to partake of his hospitality.

As usual, the event officially begins at 7:00pm, ends when Dan and Anne kick the last one of us out (around 11).

Since this is not a Public House, any and all beer and snack donations will be more than welcome.
Bring homebrew, commercial beer, and anything else you like.

Address: 2379 W. 21st St.
L.A 90051

Take the 10 freeway to Arlington Exit.
North to Washington (from the West, make a Left at the exit – about 4 short blocks).
Right 1 long block on Washington to Cimmaron.
Right on Cimmaron to 21st St.

Park anywhere in the neighborhood, and walk to Dan’s.

Michael Steinberg
PG Activities Director

March First Friday

If it’s March it MUST be Irish Times. As usual, PG will begin its month long St. Patrick’s Day at First Friday, 3/5. For those of you who have never been there, Irish Times is one of the premier Irish bars on the West Side. It has long been known for corectly pouring a Guiness. It takes a 2 full minutes, and the wait is well worth the time. The food menu is moderately priced, with the usual burgers and fish & chips.
The bar is conveniently located at 3267 Motor Ave, just North of the corner of National and Motor.
Parking is in the street.
Official start time is 7, but if you want faster bar and food service get there a little earlier.

First Friday-February 5

This coming month we’re all going to Bar Food, a new destination for Pacific Gravity.
Bar Food is located at 12217 Wilshire Blvd., 1 block West of Bundy, in West L.A. Tel: (310) 820-3274

They have 24 taps, most at very reasonable prices.
The bar opens at 5PM and has a Happy Hour menu until 7PM, including FREE hot Dogs and other food from 2-6 bucks.
House beers (Blonde, Amber, and Pale Ales are $3.50 during H.H.
Check out their website for more information.
P.G. members have said it’s a place worthy of our presence as a First Friday destination, so we’ll grace them with our presence.

Check out their website

Hope to see you there.

First Friday-January 8

Get ready for the First Friday of the New Year, to be held on the second Friday of January.

Because the 1st Friday is New year’s Day, we are meeting at the 5th Amendment in Santa Monica the second Friday .

The 5th Amendment is owned by fellow club member Dan Petrovich, and we’d like to have a good turnout to show him our support.

Address: 129 Broadway (at the South-West end of the Promenade)

Santa Monica

Parking: Public parking structure at Bway and 2nd.

Maximum fee is 3 bucks after 6PM

Dan and his lead bartender Dave are trying to put together something special for us, and it would help to give them an idea of how many of us will be going to the event. Starting time is usually around 7, but the bar opens at 5, and there’s no reason people can’t start earlier.

Please let me know if you intend to come, or even if you THINK you might come.

Holiday Party-Again

O.K. PG’ers, we’re headed down the home stretch for this coming Saturday’s Annual Holiday Party at Neil Saund’s Duplex. The address is 12966 Rubens Ave. It’s at the Southeast corner of Alla Rd and Rubens Ave in Los Angeles.

A group of loyal members went to Neil’s house this past Sunday to set up, and the place is ready to go, including the roaring fireplace.
Final setup will happen early Saturday, and the party will begin at 7PM, ending around midnight.

Don’t forget, this is a pot luck, with the club supplying main dishes, including prime rib, Carbonnades a la Flamande (Beef & Beer stew), deep fried turkeys, and shrimp platters. Appetizers, salads, and desserts are welcome additions to the festive occasion. Seasonal side dishes such as sweet potatoes, hot veggies, turkey dressings, and the like have been brought in the past, and are guaranteed to be hits once again.

We need volunteers for the clean up crews. Some night owls can help when the party winds down, and most will be needed Sunday morning, around 10AM.

Please contact me at,  Ian Fraser at, or Craig Corley at  if you are willing and able to help.

Lastly, it is likely that the weather will be cool, and perhaps rainy (we sure hope not). Dress accordingly. We will have some canopies set up, should it rain, and heaters outside to keep us warm. Weather permitting, we will also have one or two fire pits going for your enjoyment.



Smog City Brewing Company

On March 5th, 2016 @ Smog City Brewing Company  and its  Brewmaster, PG’s
Jon Porter, will be hosting their third Pacific Gravity Monster Brew!

About the date, Yes I know its backed up to PG’s First Friday at Irish Times.
March 5th was really the best available date for PG and Smog City.
So Club Member Up and make it one amazing PG event filled weekend,
but make sure to plan ahead doing any Yeast starters.

Jon Porter and Dan White will be developing the base wort for
this event with the theme “English”. A marris otter base, with just a

small amount of carafoam and acidulated malt to keep ph in spec.  This will be a great starting
point for just about any lighter beer.
Keeping with past monster brews, the recipe can be the base for whatever creative
endeavor you might want to do.  For the hop heads, boost up the
bitterness with your favorite English or American hop tea to make an awesome IPA, or
darken it up with chocolate malt to make a porter or stout. Use your
imagination to make the most awesome beer ever.  Each person will need to
pitch a yeast of their choice, add adjuncts to the wort, dry hop in secondary,
or do nothing special to it at all.

You can always contact Carl at for any suggestions
and once we have the actual recipe values Carl can work on a
“How to Modify my Monsterbrew” post.


The cost will be $30 for each 5 gallons of wort.  Everybody will be
guaranteed 1 batch, and if mash volume permits, a second or third batch.  Please
sign up as soon as you can, by dropping an e-mail at
or singing up at the next club meeting on Feb. 18th.

Yeast and any additional ingredients you wish to add are not included.
You can bring your yeast to the brewery, or pitch it at home.
If possible, please pay in advance. You can Pay at our next Club Meeting Feb. 18th,
or you can drop off a check at Culver City Homebrew Supply.
Be sure to include title “Monsterbrew SmogCity” your name, telephone number,
and E-mail address. Lastly you must pay in full at the day of the monsterbew.
We take Cash, Check, and Credit Card payments.
If you paid in advance, but find you cannot attend, a 24 hour notice
must be given in order to obtain a refund. On event day, all monies collected
will be given to Smog City Brewing. Such notice may be sent to
Pacific Gravity Treasurer, Tim Bardet at  or
to the current board members at

Some of us may want to purchase more than 10 gallons. Initially, only 5 – 10
gallons may be purchased. However, if there is wort left over at the end we
will hold a lottery to determine who may get an additional 5 gallon allotment.
Bring an extra fermenter if you are interested.
Don’t forget to bring a sanitized fermenter for each 5 gallons you buy!


Fermenters MUST be either plastic or stainless steelAbsolutely NO Glass
fermenters will be allowed in the brewery due to the danger of breakage on the
tile floor. You may bring small glass vessels with yeast or other additions,
however. Please make sure you fermenter has a wide opening so we can use the
fire hose when it is time to pour in the wort.  Plastic buckets are ideal, but you can
use a Cornelius keg if you want.  Please do not bring any skinny-neck
containers.  Our aim isn’t that good!


The event will be starting EARLY, at 7:00AM. If that is too early, you may
show up by 12 noon and still get your pre-purchased wort. Of course, you’ll not
get to take part in the actual brewing. Projected ending time will be 1:00 PM.

Smog City Brewing Company is at 1901 Del Amo Blvd., Ste B, Torrance,
CA 90501


Please park on the WEST side of the building to keep the tap room lot open.
The tap room will be opening to the public at noon.


Smog City will have coffee and other breakfast items in the morning.
As well Porter will arrange for a food cart later that afternoon.
In addition Porter will be supplying tasting samples of some of his fine brews
during the mid morning. Cut off time for free pours will be determined by Porter.
Probably close to 11am, after that beer will be available for purchase.


Thank you and we will post more info about this event as is comes,
also at some point we will open it up to the other clubs around the area.


Lloyd Johnson

Carl Townsend

Tim Bardet

The Board