AHA NHC Entry Drop-off Volunteer Needed

We still need a volunteer to take the National Homebrew Competition entries down to San Diego sometime between now and March 9th.  If you can make the trip, please contact me at Competitions@PacificGravity.com

Entries need to be delivered to:
Ballast Point Home Brew Mart
5401 Linda Vista Road, Suite 406
San Diego, CA 92110
(619) 295-2337
Attention: George Cataulin

The club will contribute up to $50 for gas money.  Let me know what day you can make the trip.  I’ll put out the word to get entries collected ahead of time.

For those you you who have entered at other AHA NHC sites, please note that you are on your own to ship the beers.

Thank You
Carl TownsendCompetition Coordinator
