Entries for the world’s largest homebrew competition are due by this Friday, March 26th: the American Homebrewers Association’s National Homebrew Competition. Entries for this event must be registered on-line at http://www.brewingcompetition.com/NHC/nhc.php . You only need to submit one bottle per entry for this round, but if you beer advances to the finals, you need to have three more, which will be due in early June. Cost for each entry is $9.00 for AHA members or $14.00 for non-members, and must be paid with the on-line site. Make sure you are registering for the Southwest region. Bring your bottles to the Culver City shop by this Friday, March 26th and we’ll transport them down to San Diego for you.
Technically, you can register your beers up through April 1st at 5:00 PM Pacific time, but you’ll be on your own to ship them down the San Diego.