Beer Tasting Schedule for 2010

The beer tasting schedule for 2010 club meeting has now been released.  The list has three sets of beer to keep in mind.  The most important is the club meeting homebrew keg styles of the month.  Kegs of homebrew are the basic fuel that keeps our club meetings running, so we need several every month.  Take a look at the list now to see what you can brew for the club this year.   Each keg of beer brought to the monthly meeting in this set of styles will be eligible for “Best Beer of the Meeting” award.  We’ll have a voice vote just before the raffle.  The winner gets a gift certificate from the Culver City Home Brewing Supply Company.   Note that we don’t have a keg style of the month for the summer party (which will be in August this year) or the Holiday Party in December.  The reason for this, of source, is that we need kegs from everybody of all styles.


Styles of the Month 2010

Month Homebrew Kegs Styles
of the Month
Judging of
Competition Entries
Commercial Styles
of the Month
Leader of
English Pale Ales
and Scottish/Irish Ales
English Brown Ales
(BJCP Cat. #11)
English Pale Ales
and Scottish/Irish Ales
(BJCP Cats. #8-9)
Reed & Mike
Belgian and French Ales N/A Belgian and French Ales
(BJCP Cat. #16)
Jon Porter
American Ales
and Stouts
American Ales
(BJCP Cat. #10)
American Ales
and Stouts
(BJCP Cats. #10, 13)
Ian Fraser
Extract Beers
(all categories)
Extract Beers
(all categories)
Wood-Aged Beers,
and Specialty Beers
(BJCP Cats. #22, 23)
Nathalie Caldwell
Lager Beers N/A Pilsners and Bocks
(BJCP Cats. #2, 5)
Peggy Robinson
Fruit Beers,
Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beers,
Wood-Aged Beers,
and Specialty Beers
N/A Fruit Beers and
Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beers
(BJCP Cats. #20, 21)
Need a volunteer
German Wheat/Rye Beers and Mead Mead
(BJCP Cats. #24-26)
German Wheat/Rye Beers and Mead
(BJCP Cats. #15, 24-26)
Need a volunteer
N/A Sour Ales
(BJCP Cat. #17)
India Pale Ales N/A India Pale Ales
(BJCP Cat. #14)
Need a volunteer
Strong Ales Strong Ales
(BJCP Cat. #19)
Strong Ales
(BJCP Cat. #19)
Need a volunteer
Hybrid Beers N/A Hybrid Beers
(BJCP Cats. #6,7)
Need a volunteer
December 2010** N/A English Pale Ales
(BJCP Cat. #8)

*The club’s summer party will be held in August 2010. No styles of the month will be designated.
**The club’s holiday party will be held in December 2010. No styles of the month will be designated.

The next column shows the Club-only Competition entries that will be judged each month.   We will run a small judging panel with BJCP judges to select the best beer to send on to the national level.   Quite often, this is the same list as one of the kegs of the month.  If this is the case, you can use your keg to supply samples for the evening judging, but you’ll need to have at least 2 twelve-ounce bottles that can be shipped off.   Bring 3 bottles if you don’t have a keg.   Let the Competition Coordinator Carl Townsend know that you brought an entry.  If you can, please remember to fill out the entry forms before the meeting, which you can download from the AHA website at:  The club picks up the entry fees and shipping for this one, so it is free to you.

The third column in the schedule shows the commercial style tasting that we’ll do at the club meeting.  We are actively looking for volunteers to lead the monthly tasting sessions.  The session volunteer gets to select which beers to buy and gets to espouse his or her knowledge of the styles during the pouring.  The club has a budget set aside to buy the beers.  Based on past experience, it is a good idea to go buy the beers a couple of weeks in advance.  And of course, the more rare and exotic you commercial selections are, the better.  Dean Sussman is our Style Tasting Coordinator, so drop him a line if you are interested in volunteering.

Competition Corner

Results of the California State Homebrew Competition have been announced.  The best effort of the club this time was carried by Pete Morris, who picked up two 2nd place ribbons and a 3rd.  Close behind him is a new name to the winners’ circle, Heath Haynes, who picked up two 3rd place ribbons.  Rounding out the field were one ribbon each for Craig Corley, Carl Townsend and Chris Simental.  Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone who entered.  Best of Show Read more

California State Homebrew Competition Entries Due Oct 11

Entries for California State Homebrew Competition will be due at the Culver City Homebrew Supply Company shop on October 11th.   Since there is no local pick-up for this competition, you must have all your entries packaged up for shipping by UPS.  This means plenty of bubble wrap and strong cardboard boxes.  Wine boxes work well, since the extra space allows plenty of padding for your 12 ounce bottles.  Entries that are not packed for shipping will not be sent.  The club will pick up the cost of shipping, but you are on your own for entry fees.  Forms and all the rules can be found at  Note that the categories have a rather unique structure, so don’t try to make them fit the BJCP styleguide.  This is the final open competition for both Pacific Gravity’s Brewer of the Year Award and the California State Brewclub of the Year Award, so give it your best shot.

In addition we still have one remaining Club-Only Competition, this time for Belgian Strong Ales, BJCP Category 18.  We will judge these at the November Club meeting on November 19th.   Please bring 3 bottles for each entry, and please fill out the entry forms which you can download from the AHA website at:  The club picks up the entry fees and shipping for this one, so it is free to you.

Results of Pacific Brewer’s Cup have been announced.  Our very own Ian Fraser picked up Best of Show for his Humulus Bruin Brown Ale.  Way to go Ian!  We had a total of nine entrants scoring 15 ribbons.  See all the winners below.  Strand Brewers will be holding their awards ceremony at their club meeting October 14th at Naja’s Place, 154 International Boardwalk in Redondo Beach.  All entrants are welcome to attend.

Get those brewkettles going and don’t stop until the 2009 Brewer of the Year has been announced.  If you need still more competitions, you can find the whole list at

Pacific Brewers Cup Results:

Best of Show
Ian Fraser Humulus Bruin Brown Ale
HM Bardet/Beron/Townsend Strong Scotch Ale
1st Chris Simental Munich Helles
2nd Chris Simental Extra Special/Strong Bitter
2nd Craig Corley Oktoberfest/Marzen
2nd Fraser/Bardet Christmas/Winter Specialty Spiced Beer
1st Ian Fraser American Brown Ale
2nd Jeff Koehler Flanders Red Ale
2nd Jeff Koehler Cyser (Apple Melomel)
3rd Jeff Koehler Other Fruit Melomel
HM Jeff Koehler Brown Porter
3rd Peggy Robinson Christmas/Winter Specialty Spiced Beer
1st Pete Morris Vienna Lager
1st Pete Morris Robust Porter
3rd Ray Powell Standard/Ordinary Bitter
HM Ray Powell Christmas/Winter Specialty Spiced Beer

Brewer of the Year Point Tally as of Oct 4th:

Chris Simental



Craig Corley



Jeff Koehler



Carl Townsend



Neil Saund



Jon Porter



Pete Morris



Ian Fraser



Zach Bradshaw



Eric Moreau, Christopher Briles, Scott Stonberg



Joseph Nascenzi/Enegren/Enegren



Jason Levin



Peggy Robinson






Dave Lasdon



Ray Powell



Thomas Lee Bakofsky



Club Brew and Chili Cookoff Coming on September 26th

gravity-cookoffHey Graviteers,  it’s Chili Cookoff time again!! Get that meat, beans, onions, garlic and lots of chilis mixed up in your own unique way and see if you can be crowned this year’s  King or Queen of Chili.

Can you out-chili the Chili Master?

For the last two years Ian Fraser has been the holder of the title, Chili Master, and fully expects to keep the crown. This is your chance to prove that the Master’s chili is not all powerful, by breaking out your favorite recipe and defeating him in a winner take all competition.

In the past we have had as many as 10 chili entries. Two prizes are awarded, one for Best Chili, and the other for “Most Unique”. Veggie, Sea Food,  and All Meat have been represented in past competitions.

The Club supplies all sides and additions for the chili, as well as snacks and dessert. Attendees are encouraged to bring homebrew or commercial beer to the event.

What is a Club Brew?

This year the event will take place at the home of Eric Moreau in El Segundo. Eric will be using his brew system to brew 10 gallons for the club.

For those who are new to PG, a Club Brew is a 1 batch brew, belonging to the club. The host uses his equipment and skill, and the club gets the beer. Of course, there is the opportunity to help the chief brewer, learn to use the equipment, drink beer, and eat.

EVENT TIME: 10am-6pm.
COMPETITION: Begins around 12:30.
WHERE: 1225 East Maple St. (West of Sepulveda), El Segundo

Pacific Brewer’s Cup Entries Due Now!!

Entries Due Sept 4th

Entries Due Sept 4th

Entries for Pacific Brewers Cup will be due at the shop on September 4th.  This year the competition is hosted by the Strand Brewers’ Club.  Judging will be held on September 19, at the Courtyard Los Angeles LAX/El Segundo. The hotel is located at 2000 East Mariposa Avenue in El Segundo, about 1 mile south of LAX.  We’ll want to have a good turnout for this one, both from an entry standpoint and from a judging/stewarding standpoint.  More details of the competition can be found at:

The AHA has announced the rest of the Club-only competitions for 2009 and beyond, so you can plan these well in advance.  The next competition is for European Amber Lagers, BJCP category 3.  We will judge these at the September Club meeting on September 17th.   Please bring 3 bottles for each entry, and please fill out the entry forms which you can download from the AHA website at:  The club picks up the entry fees and shipping for this one, so it is free to you.

Winners of the California State and Los Angeles County Fairs have now been announced!  Congratulations to Read more

Mead Day


Did you know that Saturday August 1 is the American Homebrewer’s Association National Mead Day?  It is, and Pacific Gravity will be having a Mead Day Celebration at the home of Dan Hakes (that’s me!).  We will be brewing, tasting and talking about mead.  Last year Mead Day was held at my house and we put some black walnut and fresh apricot in two separate batches of two-year-old mead.  We will be sampling these on Saturday.  We can also sample the mead we made last year and see how it’s coming along.  I have a few others sitting around and you never know what I might find in the cellar.  If you have some mead to share, bring it along.

Michael Steinberg will be bringing snacks, and the Carriage House Taproom will be open.  Drop by, socialize, and watch how easy it is to make mead!

Also on mead day, we will be selecting the Club’s next entry for the AHA Club-only competition.   The next competition is for Amber Hybrid beers, BJCP category 7.  We will judge them at Dan Hakes’ place.   Please bring 3 bottles for each entry, and please fill out the entry forms which you can download from the AHA website at:  The club picks up the entry fees and shipping for this one, so it is free to you.

Saturday August 1st
12:00 noon

2379 W 21st Street, Los Angeles, CA 90018

LA County Fair Homebrew Competition

As we get ready for the Summer Party, don’t forget the entry deadline for LA County Fair Homebrew Competition is this Friday.  Please note a couple of special rules for this competition:

  1. The entry forms and fees for the LA County Fair should be mailed in to Pomona, not attached to your entries.  Entry fee is $7.00 per entry.  Here is the mailing address:
    Los Angeles County Fair
    Attn: Home-Brew Competition
    1101 W. McKinley Ave.
    Pomona, CA   91768
  2. Your bottles can be left at the Culver City Homebrew Supply Co.  Given that the store closes early on Saturday for the summer party, I’d suggest getting them to the Culver City Homebrew Supply Co. no later than Friday July 17th.
  3. This competition uses the Maltose Falcons style guide, which can be found here.
  4. You can find entry forms and info on the LA County Fair website here.

Good Luck!
Carl Townsend
Competition Coordinator