Entries for the 2018 Pacific Brewers Cup are now being accepted and are due no later than Friday, September 14th. On-line registration is available at http://strandbrewersclub.org/pbc/bcoem/. Strand Brewers Club will be running the show this year. This is a large competition is hosted on a rotating basis between Pacific Gravity, Strand Brewers and Long Beach Homebrewers. All styles based on the 2015 BJCP Style Guides are accepted. Each entry requires three (3) 12-oz bottles, with a fee of $9.00. Alas, with the closing of the Culver City homebrew shop, your entries need to go to one of the other local shops, listed below.
Judging for PBC will be held Saturday morning, September 29th at The Verandas Beach House 401 Rosecrans Avenue, Manhattan Beach, CA 90277. Plan to be there around 8:00 AM, PDT. Strand Brewers Club has helped us out quite a bit with our past PBC efforts, so I’d like to see a good turn-out of Pacific Gravity members to help with judging or stewarding.
After PBC, the last competition for the Pacific Gravity Brewer of the Year Award will be the California Sate Homebrew Competition. Registration is open at https://castate.brewcompetition.com/ . Entries need to make it up to San Francisco. If anyone is interested in doing a road trip to drop off the entries, please drop me a line at Competitions AT pacificgravity.com sometime before the next club meeting (Sept 20th). The club will reimburse yo for some of your gas money. Timing of the trip is flexible, preferably in the last week of September or first week of October. Entries would need to arrive at Ferment Drink Repeat 2636 San Bruno Avenue San Francisco, CA 94134 Must arrive by October 11th. If no one steps forward to drive, each entrant will be on the hook to ship entries.
PBC Drop-off sites:
Please pay attention to the notes provided for each drop-off location. There could be earlier deadlines for some drop-off locations listed, particular hours when entries are accepted, certain individuals to leave your entries with, etc. All entrants are responsible for reading the information provided by the organizers for each drop-off location.
South Bay Brewing Supply
1311 Post Ave Torrance, CA 90501
*entries will be picked up starting at opening time on 9/15
Stein Fillers
4160 Norse Way Long Beach, CA 90808
*entries will be picked up starting at opening time on 9/15
Ballast Point – Home Brew Mart
5401 Linda Vista Rd #406, San Diego, CA 92110
(619) 295-2337
*entries will be picked up starting at opening time on 9/15
Eagle Rock Home Brewing Supply
4981 Eagle Rock Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90066
*entries will be picked up starting at opening time on 9/15
The Home Beer, Wine, And Cheesemaking Shop
22836 Ventura Blvd Woodland Hills, CA 91354
*entries will be picked up starting at opening time on 9/15
More Beer Riverside
1506 Columbia Ave Suite 12 Riverside, CA 92507
*entries will be picked up starting at opening time on 9/15
Monrovia Homebrew Shop
1945 South Myrtle Ave, Monrovia, California 91016
*entries will be picked up starting at opening time on 9/15