Upcoming Competitions and Important Dates

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Competition Corner – September 2023

We are fast approaching the end of the 2023 Brewer of the Year with just two more competitions to go. First up:  Pacific Brewers Cup, which is being run by Long Beach Homebrewers this year. Registration is currently open at https://www.longbeachhomebrewers.com/comp/pbc/bcoem/ , with the deadline of September 23.  This is a full-on competition with all BJCP […]

Pacific Gravity Club Meeting Thursday, February 16th at Tortugo Brewery

Greetings Pacific Gravity! Our meeting this month will take place on February 16th, 2023 at Tortugo Brewing Co, located at 916 W Hyde Park Blvd, Inglewood, CA 90302. We will get started about 7:30 PM. February Monthly Meeting; Thursday 2/16/2023 at 7:30 PM Tortugo Brewing Co. 916 W. Hyde Park Blvd. Inglewood, CA 90302 (424) […]

Brew now for the Los Angeles Belgian Brew Challenge

After a long gap triggered by the COVID pandemic, we have resurrected the Los Angeles Belgian Brew Challenge for 2023.  This competition focuses on the Belgian styles as defined in the 2015 BJCP guidelines. This year, judging will be hosted at our home brewery, Tortugo Brewing Company on March 25.  This will give you time […]

Competition Corner August 2022 – Here Comes Pacific Brewers Cup

Call for Entries- 2022 Pacific Brewers Cup It is my pleasure to announce this year’s Pacific Brewers Cup Homebrew Competition will be hosted by Strand Brewers Club.  This most prestigious event is hosted on a rotating basis with Pacific Gravity Homebrewers Club, Long Beach Homebrewers Club and Strand Brewers Club. Registration for Entries for the […]

Competition Corner – March 2022

We have two competition updates that need your attention: First up is the American Homebrewers Association National Homebrew Competition.  This is a multi-step process, and you must be an AHA member to register.  Step 1 is to enroll your desire to enter the competition, which you must do by March 29th, 3PM Mountain time.  AHA […]

Pacific Brewer Cup Winners Announced

Greetings Fellow Homebrewers: After a year and a half of covid-related delays, we are please to announce the winners of the 2021 Pacific Brewer Cup.  Congratulation to Steven Severn of the Orange County Mash-ups for his Best of Show entry Janet’s Brown Ale, brewed as a memorial to Mike “Tasty” McDole, a renowned homebrewer who […]

Stewards and Judges Needed for Pacific Brewer Cup Saturday Nov 6th

The 2021 Pacific Brewers Cup will be held on Saturday, November 6, 2021 starting at 8:30 AM.  We are still short of our desired number of judges and stewards.  The registration site for Judges, Stewards and other volunteers is now up and running at http://comp.pacificgravity.com/ . We will be running both a morning and afternoon […]

Entry Window Open for 2021 Pacific Brewers Cup

Greetings Fellow Hombrewers: After more than a year-long hiatus, October is here and we are eager to do some homebrew judging!   The official registration page of 2021 Pacific Brewer Cup is now up and running!  Pacific Brewers Cup is run annually (usually) on a rotating basis by Long Beach Homebrewers, Strand Brewers Club and Pacific […]