Entries by Tad Johnston

Competition Corner – January, 2015

Well, a new year is upon us as well as a fresh brewing competition season.   Each year, Pacific Gravity honors the brewer (or team) with the most homebrew competition wins. This year we are adding a new competition:   the First Annual Los Angeles Belgian Beer Challenge, with entries due at the end of February. Also, […]

Upcoming Events!

First off I hope everyone has had an awesome holiday season!  2015 is right around the corner and I wanted to remind all of you that we have a couple of events this week. Brew Years Day On New Years Day Kingsley and I will be hosting our “Brew Year’s Day” brew day for anyone […]

Holiday Party Reminder! This Saturday!

Hi All! With the Holiday party just 2 days away we still need contributions for the party to make it a great success. The items we need are: Tables Jockey Boxes CO2 Beer (of course) And food (Turkey, Ham, Carbonade, Salad, Sides, appetizers,desserts, etc) We will be setting up at Neil’s duplex tomorrow night at […]

Club Member of the Year 2014 Voting

If you didn’t vote for member of the year at the club meeting, you can do so via email.  Please send your vote via email to MOY@pacificgravity.com  You may cast up to two votes. The deadline  is Friday, November 28th at 9AM.   The following are the nominees: Kip Barnes Brian Holter Ramesh Khalili Kingsley […]

Holiday Party Volunteers

Since we are on a bit more of a tight schedule this year than usual, we will need as many volunteers as soon as possible for the following: THIS SUNDAY (11/23/14) CLEAN-UP AND PREP- Neil Saund’s house pressure wash the sidewalks clean up the inside wash the windows Help move stuff around where Neil needs […]

Pacific Gravity Holiday Party – December 6th

Mark your calendars for Saturday December 6th, 2014 as Neil Saund has graciously let the club host the annual Pacific Gravity Holiday Party at his duplex.   Volunteer We need volunteers to help pull off a 150+ person party!  We will be doing preliminary clean-up THIS Sunday (11/23/2014).  Please help us out this Sunday and any other time […]

FIRST FRIDAY! 11/8 | THE DAILY PINT (Santa Monica)

Just a friendly reminder that we are meeting up at the DAILY PINT this First Friday (11/8). Rumors are that there will be something special there for us…and I’m not talking about Kingsley in a bear costume…although that is always a viable option… If you have never been to the Daily Pint…you haven’t experienced arguably […]

OC Bus Trip Tomorrow @10AM

It’s not too late to sign up for the bus trip tomorrow! We still have about 20 available spots. Show up with $25 in cash, check or credit card for your entry onto the bus PLUS cash for lunch! See details below:   Orange County Road Trip Join Pacific Gravity as we travel down to […]


Hello PGrs! We’re trying something a little different for FIRST FRIDAY for October…THE EL SEGUNDO TRIFECTA! EL SEGUNDO BREWING COMPANY http://www.elsegundobrewing.com/ RICHMOND BAR AND GRILL http://www.richmondbarandgrill.com/ ROCK AND BREWS http://www.rockandbrews.com/elsegundo/ We’ll start out @ El SEGUNDO BREWING COMPANY’s tasting room for the newest selections of hoppy goodness from Rob Croxall and crew. When we are […]

State Competition Entries Due Oct 1st at the Culver City Shop

Thanks to Rives Borland, we can drop off entries for the California State Homebrew competition at the Culver City shop and he will hand carry them to Berkeley.  Entries are due Wednesday, October 1 at the close of business (7PM). Registration and other details can be found at http://nchfinfo.org/castatecomp/. If you miss the drop-off date, […]