There are just a couple of days left for Pacific Gravity members to reserve Monster Brew wort.  We will be reaching out to the other homebrewers clubs in the area on Saturday, February 10, 2018.

To reserve a 5-gallon batch or two, send an email to Tim Bardet:

For more details, click here.

Deadline for AFC Homebrew Competition Thursday Noon 2/8 at the Culver City Shop

Thanks to a generous offer by the Musgrave family, we will have personal hand-delivery service for America’s Finest City (AFC) Homebrew Competition.  Drop off your entries at the Culver City shop no later than Noon Thursday, Feb 8th.    If you haven’t already registered for AFC, registration is open at   The Musgraves get to sample a couple of beers at Alesmith for their efforts.

A big thank-you to Keith Edie for stepping up to the plate to organize the Los Angeles Belgian Brew Challenge.  Look for fresh details on this competition in the next week or so.

For those of you who requested entry slots for AHA, you should be getting word in the next day or so as to how many entry slots you will have.  Your entry authorization and payment must be done by February 14th.  Physical entries will need to be shipped off to the regional entry point of your choice by the last week of March.  For those of you wishing to send beer to San Diego, we will be looking for a driver.

Coming up earlier than usual this year is the California State Fair.  Registration is already up and runs through February 12th at  Entries can be dropped off of the Eagle Rock or South Bay Brew shops.

A new competition we are adding to the Brewer of the Year cycle is the Jeff Sanders Memorial Competition.  This is a small event run by Strand with a selection of beer styles enjoyed by Jeff.  Registration begins January 26th and runs through April 7th.  Details can be found at .  The competition is limited to 100 entries, so don’t delay.

The balance of the official list of competitions for accumulating Brewer of the Year points is listed below.  Check back frequently as exact dues dates become known.

For those of you who are hard-core about entering competitions, here are some more local events. In addition to our official competition list, there are a couple of other local competitions you might want to enter:

  • Congratulations to Kingsley Toby who got Runner-up Best of Show for “Second Sleep” wood-aged beer in the Doug King Memorial competition.
  • The Romancing the Beer Competition, hosted  by the Thousand Oaked Homebrewers need judges Saturday Feb 10th.

If you are hard-core competition junkie, there are a bazillion other contests to enter.  The AHA has their master list at

2018 Pacific Gravity Brewer of the Year Competition Schedule

Now:                    America’s Finest City registration open

February 8th      NOON Drop- off for AFC at the Culver City shop.

February 12        California State Fair

February 14       AHA Nationals confirmation deadline

Late March:        AHA Nationals entries due

March, TBD:       Los Angeles Belgian Brew Challenge

April 7:                  Deadline for the Jeff Sanders Memorial Competition

April                       Mayfaire
July                        Los Angeles County Fair
September         Pacific Brewers Cup
October              California State Homebrew Competition




First Friday at Smog City

February’s PG First Friday is almost here.  Please join us on Friday February 2 at Smog City Brewing.  We’ll get started at the usual 7pm, so come on down and see what Jon Porter & Co have on tap.  Smog City has long been a strong supporter of Pacific Gravity.  A visit to their taproom with the PG gang is a great way to return the favor.  Hope to see you there.



Smog City Brewing

1901 Del Amo Blvd., Suite B



Other Upcoming PG Events:

February Club Meeting @ CCHBS – Thu Feb 15
Monster Brew @ Smog City – Sat March 3

Competition Corner – January 2018

Well, a new year is upon us as well as a fresh brewing competition season.  Each year, Pacific Gravity honors the brewer (or team) with the most homebrew competition wins.  I’m eagerly awaiting someone to knock me off my Brewer of the Year perch! I hope you took advantage of the cool weather over the holiday season to get some batches fermenting.  I did!   We have a couple of competitions coming up right away, but you still have plenty of cool weather to brew for some of the later upcoming competitions.  Read more

REMINDER: Pacific Gravity Meeting This Thursday, January 18

Where: Culver City Homebrew Supply, 4234 Sepulveda Blvd, Culver City.
Time: 7:30pm
Homebrew Style of the Month: Anything goes.

You don’t want to miss our preview of the exciting events we have in store for 2018 including:

  • the 2018 Monster Brew
  • First Friday plans
  • Craft Day: Build your own jockey box
  • 2018 Big Brew: Check out other members’ brew rigs
  • Club bus trip plans
  • Southern California Homebrew Festival update.

AND … our first Super Raffle of the Year!!!!

See you there!

Rob Rubens Guest Brewer Competition

At our recent First Saturday visit to Rob Rubens, Rob brought up a new opportunity: The Rob Rubens Guest Brewer Competition. The winner will get not one, but up to three opportunities to brew on their 15 BBL system in El Segundo, to be put on sale at the Smoky Hollow tasting room.  Participants must submit recipes for each entry, along with two 12-ounce bottles.    This is an excellent opportunity if you are looking to take the step up to commercial brewing.  Commercial brewing experience is a strong plus.   See the Rob Rubens Guest Brewer Competition flyer for more details.   Entry deadline is January 16th 2018.   Submit your entries to the Rob Rubens Brewery/Distillery at 909 E. El Segundo Blvd, El Segundo CA  90245.

While I have your attention,  the entry deadline for the Doug King Memorial Competition is January 12th.  This is a limited-style competition.  Complete details can be found at





Reminder: First Saturday at Rob Rubens Distilling & Brewing, El Segundo

January’s First Friday is actually a First Saturday homebrew share at Rob Ruben’s, 909 E. El Segundo Blvd, El Segundo starting at 3pm (changed from original 1pm). We’ll be cooking up some burgers and brats while sampling Rob’s beers / spirits and sharing our brews with Rob and his staff.

Please bring some homebrew to share. Bottles, growlers and kegs are welcome.

If you plan to attend, please email me at Rob would like a headcount for planning purposes, and it will help us with food planning, too.

See you there.

End of a GREAT year!

Hey PG,


Michael here, I hope this message reaches you all well rested and satisfied now that the busyness of the holidays are over. As I look ahead to 2018, I can’t help but reflect on what a great year we’ve had.


The first milestone of 2017 that comes to mind for me is all thanks to our member of the year and vice president, Terry Molloy. This year, thanks to Terry’s diligent work, we became a recognized 501(c)(3) organization which opens many doors for us for growth and events. Terry’s work as VP over the past year has been hugely helpful and I am very proud to volunteer alongside him again in 2018.


Then more recently, the holiday party, and what a festive and fun party it was. Chef Ian, who chopped his index finger pretty good just days before the event, directed a gang of volunteers and put together a fantastic feast (picture him waving around that bandaged finger.) Neil’s generously donated property was mobbed with members & friends and tap after tap of delicious homebrew. Rare bottles were abundant and smiles were ear-to-ear.


2017’s Southern California Homebrew Festival, our Monster Brew with Smog City, the 3rd annual Los Angeles Belgian Brew Challenge, the summer party at Dean’s, and our hosting of Pacific Brewer’s Cup this year are others that shine brightly for me. All of the above were made possible by volunteers (like our Competition Coordinator Carl), and I’m very proud of and thankful for each.


A few things to be aware of as we get ready to step into the new year…


  • Rob Ruben’s Distilling & Brewing in El Segundo has invited us to a homebrew share on Saturday January 6th at 1pm. We can bring bottles or kegs of homebrew to share and there is room for 40 of us. Please drop us a line at board @ if you’re interested in joining, to reserve your spot(s). Friends and family are welcome.
  • There is currently a Pacific Brewer’s Cup Best of Show Pro-Am beer on tap at Yorkshire Square and the runner-up BOS will soon be available at LA Ale Works. Make sure to tell them you’re with Pacific Gravity!
  • Adam at the brand new Harajuku Tap Room in Culver City (previous location of Grey Block Pizza) has offered us a 10% discount on dinner. You’ll simply need to print the email at the following link and bring it with you. 
  • Finally, a quick reminder that the 2018 Southern California Homebrew Festival is approaching fast!  Ask a fellow member who has been if you’re not familiar, it is an awesome time and I highly recommend you put it on your to-do for May. We’ll begin collecting reservations in January but if you want to reserve early, reach out and we’ll get you on the list.


Again, thank you all for helping to make 2017 such an exceptional year. I’m honored to be President again in 2018 and pledge to (with help from our board and all you volunteers) make 2018 just as memorable and exciting as 2017.


On a personal note, I’m excited to announce that Tania and I celebrated the holidays at our new home in Downey. Housewarming gifts (beer!) are encouraged.  😉

See you on the 6th at Rob Ruben’s, if not sooner!

Hoppy Holidays – 2017 Edition!

It is time for the Pacific Gravity and Culver City Homebrew Supply Shop annual holiday event.  Mark your calendars!  This year the party is happening on Saturday, December 9, 2017 at Neil Saund’s duplex – at: 12966 Rubens Ave, Los Angeles, CA. (at Alla Road)

The party will kick off about 5:00 P.M.  If you have not attended one of the past holiday events, let us tell you this is one party not to be missed!

We really, really need your help with the following:


Although the club will be providing some of the main dishes, this is still a potluck party and YOUR favorite party dish will be greatly appreciated!  The menu should mostly reflect past holiday parties featuring Carbonnades ala Flamandes, deep fried turkeys, spiced ham and much more! Suggestions of what to bring would include any kind of main dish but especially all side dishes, veggie dishes, salads, desserts and appetizers. So, if you have a favorite family holiday recipe and want to share it with the rest of us, this is your chance.  Please let us know what you will bring. If you have any questions about what to bring, please contact Club Chef Ian at: or Mimi at  (Attached is a list of what members have signed up to bring to date.)

The dinner portion of the event will be ongoing beginning at approximately 7pm. Please note that there will be very little space available for reheating food, so please bring your food ready to serve, not ready to cook.

Crockpots and chafing dishes with sterno fuel would be a great idea of how to bring something and keep it hot.

Also, don’t forget to label your containers or anything you want back.

Got beer?  We need all types of beer, meads, cider and sodas for this event.  Pull out your favorite holiday beverage, dust off the bottle or keg and bring it down!  We’ll have the Wave of Beer set up to help dispense your holiday homebrews.  If you plan to bring beer, soda or other seasonally festive beverage, please contact Carl at: & let him know what you will bring.  Everyone who signs up in advance will have a colorful tap tag.

VOLUNTEERS needed for setup & cleanup:

On Friday, December 8th, starting around 6pm, we need help with setup at Neil’s. (probably ending around 8-9pm) We will be setting up tables, E-Z ups, lighting, the beer wave and anything that can be done and left out overnight.

On Saturday, Dec 9th from approximately 10am to 12noon, we need help with final setup at Neil’s.

On Sunday, Dec 10th, starting at 10am, we need lots of people to help with clean up. The more we get the faster it goes. (probably ending around 12noon-1pm).

If you’d like to volunteer for set up or clean up contact us: PG Board at


We need a few more heat lamps and fire pits so please donate them if you can.

We NEED lot & lots FIREWOOD!  If you can bring wood please do so.  December evenings can be cold so please help bring some wood so we can all stay warm.

We need more TABLES, e-z ups (canopies), and power strips.

We also need jockey boxes and CO2 cylinders and Sanke taps to help make sure all the beverages flow cold with perfect carbonation. We have more kegs than taps on the Wave, and the jockey boxes help out big time.

If at all possible, please bring your kegs and heavy stuff to setup on Friday evening or between 10am – 12noon on Saturday. This makes the last minute activities at party time go much more smoothly. The early kegs get the best slots on the Wave. Make sure all your kegs, coolers, tanks  taps, and other equipment are well labeled so they all return to their rightful owners Sunday morning.

Note, if you can’t deliver beer kegs to the Neil’s house at setup on Friday evening or Saturday afternoon, then please email Carl Townsend at to make arrangements to drop off your kegs at his house.

It’s time to clean out your closets…Pacific Gravity is having our 3rd annual Holiday CLOTHING DRIVE!

We will have boxes for any donations you can bring to the party.
For clothes & other items, please see the list below which will be donated to The People Concern (formerly, OPCC). They are mostly in need of men’s clothing in large sizes. Clothing can be “gently used” and should be clean. (Please see this link for all donations ideas:

Monetary donations will also be accepted – checks or cash. Special donation envelopes will be available at the party. Tax receipts for monetary donations will be sent to you by mail.

Below is a list of items that we can always use:
Sweat socks – for men, women and children
Sweat shirts and pants for adults – all sizes especially larger sizes
New underwear – men’s, women and children
Flannel and long sleeve shirts for adults
Personal & Household items
Hygiene Items: toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, shampoo, disposable razors, bar soap, hand & body lotion,etc.
Blankets (preferably wool)
Sleeping bags for adults
Please see website for more donation suggestions.

Final Party Details:

Dress warm for our winter party, bring food and bring beer!

Highlighting the evening will be the crowning of the Pacific Gravity Club Member of the Year, and awarding of the trophy for Brewer of the Year.

Santa is sure to make an appearance to give away lots of great door prizes (prize donations welcome).

All club members and their guests are welcome, so plan on joining us…Celebrate the season, good beer, good food and friends the Pacific Gravity way!

PG Holiday FOOD signups-2017

P.S.  Also, don’t forget this month’s First Friday will be happening at Smog City Brewing in Torrance:  Friday December 1st @ 7pm

REMINDER: Nov-11 Pacific Gravity Chili Cook-Off, Elections, Mead Tasting

The Pacific Gravity November meeting will be held on Saturday, November 11, at the Casa Molloy event center, 6738 W. 87th Place in Westchester.  That’s 87th PLACE.  There is an “87th” Street, but we won’t be there.

1) We will be voting for President, Vice President, and Treasurer at the Nov-11 meeting.

If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for 1 of the 3 elected positions, please email us at by 11pm Thursday .  All nominees must agree to serve for the full 1-year term.

Current nominees are:

President: Michael Musgrave

Vice President: Terry Molloy

Treasurer: Tim Bardet

2) Club Member of the Year:

This is our way of honoring the club member who you feel has gone above and beyond the call of duty to make our club great. If you would like to nominate someone, please email the nomination to by 11pm Thursday.

Current Nominees:

Terry Molloy

Ian Fraser

Mimi Bardet

Carl Townsend

Parker Waechter

If you cannot vote at the meeting, email you selection for Club Member of the Year to Dean Sussman,

3) Unseat the Chili King:

This is your chance to show Chef Ian that you know your way around the kitchen. We will vote for Best Chili and Most Unique Chili. To enter, bring a pot of chili. we will assign your entry a random number.  There will be electrical available for electric crockpots. There will be tasty prizes for the winners.

4) We need beer!

Our style of the month is meads and ciders.  Feel free to bring a keg or bottles of beer to sample during the chili cook-off.

5) Mead Demonstration:

Michael Patterson will once again be demonstrating his excellent no-boil mead making technique.  The demo starts at 12pm.  If you would like to make a mead, you are welcome to bring your equipment and make a batch. Please note: chilling water will not be available.

6) Mead Commercial Tasting:

Following the announcements, we will be sampling commercial meads.  Please bring along your homemade meads or ciders to share.

7) Meeting Schedule:

Mead making demo:  Noon

Chili tasting:  1:00 PM

Announcements:  2:00 PM

Elections:  3:00 PM

Commercial Mead Tasting: 3:15 PM


See you there.