Smog City Monster Brew March 11th

Smog City Brewing Company 1901 Del Amo Blvd, Torrance, CA 90501

On March 11th, 2017,  Smog City Brewing Company  and its Brewmaster, PG’s Jon Porter, will be hosting their Fourth Pacific Gravity Monster Brew!

Update:  We have plenty of wort!  If you want to order more batches, they are available!! 

Jon Porter and Carl Townsend have developed the base wort for this event with an English theme.  But, keeping with past monster brews, the recipe can be the base for whatever creative endeavor you might want to do.  Consider this your blank slate.  For the hop heads, boost up the bitterness with your favorite English or American hop tea to make an awesome IPA, or darken it up with roasted malts to make a porter or stout. Use your imagination to make the most awesome beer ever.  Each person will need to pitch a yeast of their choice, add adjuncts to the wort, dry hop in secondary, or do nothing special to it at all.

You can always contact Carl at Competitions AT for any suggestions and look for Carl’s article  can work on “How to Modify my Monsterbrew”.


The cost will be $30 for each 5 gallons of wort.  Read more

February Club Meeting

Hey PG!

I’m sending you all this quick reminder that our February club meeting is THIS Thursday. We’ll meet at Culver City Home Brew Supply, the style of the month is Amber and Brown Ales, and Andrew W. will host the commercial tasting. There will also be a little food and a few announcements, and a raffle and best beer of the meeting competition as always.

See you there!


16feb7:30 pmFebruary Club Meeting7:30 pm Culver City Home Brew Supply

Competition Corner – February 2017

Ahh, I love the cool winter months where I actually have to keep by beer WARM to ferment well.  My mash tun does double duty this time of year, keeping the fermenter warm with the help of a small submersible aquarium heater.

We have a bunch of competition dates coming up sooner than I had thought, so take note.

TODAY is the last day to apply for entry slots to the AHA Nationals.  You must be an AHA member, in which case you should have gotten a personal notice (well, actually an automated message) with the application details.   Your entry authorization and payment must be done by February 15th.  Physical entries will need to be shipped off by the last week of February.  Like last year, we will be asking for a volunteer to drive them down to San Diego.  Drop me a line at Competitions AT if you can make the trip.  We’ll reimburse you gas money.

Next up, surprisingly enough is the California State Fair.  On-line registration is open now and runs only until February 11th.   Physical entries can be dropped off from February 13th through the 19th  at the Eagle Rock Homebrewing Supply Co or South Bay Brew Supply.  Do NOT leave entries at the Culver City shop.

Judging for America’s Finest City (AFC) Homebrew Competition has been completed.  Check back soon for results at .

Next up on the radar is the 3rd annual Belgian Brew Challenge.  Entries will be due on March 17th, with judging on March 26th.   Look for more details from Brian on this competition for volunteering, stewarding and judging opportunities  at   Best of show this year will be brewed at Los Angeles Ale Works.    Speaking of volunteering, we will be running Pacific Brewers Cup this September and will need everyone’s support.  The balance of the official list of competitions for accumulating Brewer of the Year is listed below.  Check back frequently as exact dues dates become known.

For those of you who can help out with other competitions, the Romancing the Beer Competition needs judges Monday Feb 6th and Saturday Feb 11th.

If you are hard-core competition junkie, there are a bazillion other contests to enter.  The AHA has their master list at

2017 Pacific Gravity Brewer of the Year Competition Schedule

February 5th:     AHA Nationals Pre-registration

February 11th     California State Fair on-line registration deadline

February 15th:     AHA Nationals registration and payment

February 19th     California State Fair Entry Drop off

Late February:   AHA Nationals entries due

March 17th:       Drop-off deadline for Los Angeles Belgian Brew Challenge

March 26th:         Judging for Los Angeles Belgian Brew Challenge

April                     Mayfaire

July                       Los Angeles County Fair

September          Pacific Brewers Cup

October               California State Homebrew Competition

January, 2017 General Meeting Recap

by Terry Molloy, Vice President
Our January meeting marked the beginning of what is sure to be a fun and educational 2017.  It also marked the debut of the Pacific Gravity Communications Board at Culver City Homebrew Supply.  Be sure to check it when you are picking up ingredients for your next brew.
Our Homebrew Style of the Month was “anything goes”.  These kegs were in attendance:
Tim & Ian’s Jacked Up Cider;
Parker Waechter’s Sage Cider;
Michael Patterson’s Cider; and
Andrew Whittle’s Holiday Spiced Ale.
Bottles included:
Michael Musgrave’s Belgian Trippel;
Simon Ford’s tasty sours; and
Honest Abe Cider courtesy of Paul Bobadilla.
There were a few others floating around that I did not get to sample; thanks to all that brought beer to share.
Education Corner: Michael Patterson led a Hop Aroma and Taste Test, where participants graphed their impressions of the hop itself and a single hop beer.  It was interesting to see the different graphs reflecting different palates.  Who was “right”? Only Michael knows for sure.
Commercial Tasting:  Michael M. led a tasting of English Ales that included Well’s Bombardier (English Premium Bitter), Fuller’s ESB, Fuller’s London Pride, Boddington’s Pub Ale, and, for our Metal fans, the Iron maiden Trooper Ale from Robinson’s Family Brewers in the UK.   Reference these when you brew your next English style ale.
Raffle swag included hops from the Corley Cellar, hop rhizomes from Carl Townsend’s impressive hop garden, a rare t-shirt, and some classic PG Glass-&-A-Beer specials.
Welcome New Members:
Kevin Cooke
Keith Edie
Zachary Goode
Brian Pfeiffer
SCHBF news:  Save your registration fee by working a volunteer shift at Vail lake.  Sign up on the SCHBF registration page.
Our next meeting is Thursday, February 16, 7:30pm at Culver City Homebrew Supply.  See you there!

Reminders, updates, and invites…

Hey PG!

I thought it best I send a few reminders, updates. and invites as we roll into February here. I hope this message finds you well, with a glass of beer and some friends and family nearby. 🙂


The team at LA Ale Works cordially invites us to check out their taproom during the soft-launch this Wednesday February 1st from 7pm – 10pm.  We are so proud of our friends at LAAW and I can’t wait for Wednesday!

Looking further ahead toward the weekend, our friend Drew and the crew at Santa Monica Brew Works invites us into their taproom as well for February’s First Friday. Drew and I had a blast floating FOUR 1/6 bbl kegs of SMBW beer at Surfas this past Thursday night and I’m looking forward to trying the other styles they have, especially the taproom only stuff.


First: Remember, we’ve got our 3rd Annual Los Angeles Belgian Brew Challenge coming up quickly and registration and submissions are due sooner than you’d think. Get those Belgian’s brewing and visit for more info.

Also, we’ve got the VERY fun CHA Southern California Homebrew Fest coming up in May. For more info and to reserve a spot for you and your PG camping party, fill out our sign up form here:

Finally, a brief update regarding the Anchor California Homebrew Club of The Year trip too: President’s weekend created a scheduling conflict for the team at Anchor so they are rescheduling with us on another weekend. As soon as the date is known, I’ll post a sign up with info for those of you who are looking to attend.

I had hoped to be brief but truthfully we have a lot going on. 🙂

Looking forward to seeing you all this week!  Reach out if you have any questions.



1feb7:00 pm- 10:00 pmLA Ale Works Soft Launch7:00 pm - 10:00 pm LA Ale Works

3feb7:00 pmFirst Friday - Santa Monica Brew Works7:00 pm Santa Monica Brew Works

AFC Entry Deadline January 25th

Homebrew entries for America’s Finest City (AFC) Homebrew Competition are due at Alesmith Brewery by Wednesday, January 25th.   We do not have a driver this year, so you will need to ship your entries.   Do NOT leave them at the Culver City shop.  Registration can be found at .

Shipping Address:
9990 AleSmith Court
San Diego, CA 92126


January Third Thursday Meeting

Hey PG!

Just a quick reminder that our January Third Thursday club meeting at Culver City Home Brew Supply Shop is this coming Thursday night starting at 7:30pm!

We’ll firm up some details about our trip to Anchor coming up in February and discuss some other things coming up here in quarter one of 2017. We’ll share some home brewed beers and partake in the commercial tasting brought to you this month by yours truly. Also, Michael P. mentioned that he has a single hop IPA to taste and the cone hops to check out and evaluate with some spider graph action. 🙂

The commercial tasting style for the month is English Bitters & Commonwealth Ales

The Best Beer of the Meeting competition style is any just like last January. Bring whatever you’ve got on tap! 

So if you are interested in attending the Anchor party and you enjoy great beer… I’ll see you there!

Happy Friday!



19jan7:30 pmJanuary Club Meeting7:30 pm Culver City Home Brew Supply


3rd Annual Los Angeles Belgian Brew Challenge

Calling all members and home brewers! Our 3rd Annual Los Angeles Belgian Brew Challenge is coming up fast and I’m excited to announce the details here today!

LA Ale Works has signed on to host judging at their location in Hawthorne and they’ll brew a Pro-Am version of the Best of Show winner. We’re beyond stoked to have them on-board; as you may already know there are three PG alumni in the ranks at LAAW and working with them during their first few months after launch is a HUGE honor.

Think about it this way: That Belgian inspired beer you’ve got bubbling away in the fermenter? Or those bottles you squirreled away? Could go Pro-Am with the LAAW! 😀    How cool is that?!

We’ll begin accepting registrations and online submissions on February 1st and drop off starting March 1st through March 17th so you’ve got some time to get over to Culver City Home Brewing Supply to grab ingredients and brew your entries.

Judging will occur on Sunday March 26th at 9am. We’ll need plenty of volunteer stewards and judges so please make sure you opt-in appropriately if interested, while registering.

For more details navigate to  and if you have any questions please email

26mar9:00 am3rd Annual Los Angeles Belgian Brew Challenge9:00 am LA Aleworks

Competition Corner – January 2017

2016 WinnerWell, a new year is upon us as well as a fresh brewing competition season.  I hope you took advantage of the cool weather over the holiday season to get some batches fermenting.  I did!   We have a couple of competitions coming up right away, but you still have plenty of cool weather to brew for some of the later upcoming competitions.  Each year, Pacific Gravity honors the brewer (or team) with the most homebrew competition wins from the list shown below.

Coming up quickly are the America’s Finest City (AFC) Homebrew Competition, hosted by QUAFF, and the AHA Nationals Competition.  Registration for AFC is already open at .  Entries are due at Alesmith Brewery by Wednesday, January 25th.  Like last year, we will be asking for a volunteer to drive them down to San Diego.  Drop me a line at Competitions AT if you can make the trip.  We’ll reimburse you gas money. For AHA, you must be an AHA member and need to sign up for your entry slots, between the dates of January 30 – February 5, 2017.  Your entry authorization and payment must be done by February 15th.  Physical entries will need to be shipped off by the last week of February.  Again, we’ll need a driver. Read more

Happy New Year!

Hey PG!

I hope you all had happy holidays and rang in the new year surrounded by friends and family. Planning the club agenda for 2017 is almost finished, so our calendar will soon be peppered with events each month and you’ll be hearing about upcoming events via the site regularly as well.

A few items to plan for in the near term…

  • First Friday is THIS Friday at Father’s Office here in Culver City. Tania and I will be there starting around 7:30pm, bring some warm clothes and your appetite for beer and a very tasty house burger.
  • Our trip to celebrate as home brew club of the year at Anchor Brewing is coming up in early February. I know of a number of members that have expressed interest in going and I’ll be sharing more details and collecting sign ups soon. A group hotel rate seems very probable at this point and we’re still hashing out the details of transportation.
  • Tickets for the California Homebrewers Association’s Southern California Home Brew Fest (May 5th and 6th) go on sale starting on January 6th. Same venue, Vail Lake in Temecula. Last year’s festival was an excellent getaway filled with great beers, awesome food (thanks Ian), and very cool people. I highly, highly, recommend attending.

Anyway, let’s discuss and plan the 2nd and 3rd items together in person at First Friday!   See you there!


6jan7:30 pmFirst Friday - Father's Office Culver City7:30 pm Father's Office