Stuffed Sandwich FIRST SATURDAY!

Greetings Pacific Gravity!

For our February First Friday, we are switching it up to FIRST SATURDAY!

Please join us at the Stuffed Sandwich, Saturday February 4th at 12:00 NOON in San Gabriel.

1145 East Las Tunas Dr.
San Gabriel, CA 91776 (626) 285-9161

Marlene has agreed to set up a blind tasting. Price according to # of participants but about $10. If you know Marlene; then you know you want in on this!  The theme for February for the taps is Barley Wines so we strongly recommend carpooling with a designated driver or public transport!!! Stuffed Sandwich is part of our local beer history as it specialized in craft beer before it was even called craft beer.  There is seating in the outside patio… but dress for the weather!

This is a ‘drive yourself’ event so try and arrange car pools if you can!

It is gratifying that we have resumed gathering in person, but as always we encourage and expect everyone will be vigilant about their own health to ensure the groups safety! Please observe all safety precautions and stay home if you do not feel well.

Hope to see you all there!

Looking for a home for some growlers

A note from Adam of the closed Harajuku:
“I have pretty much wrapped up everything with the Taproom. One of the last things I’m trying to find a home for is about 270 remaining growler bottles and a case of caps to go with them. Would the Pacific Gravity group be interested in them, or do you know of any smaller breweries that might want them? I’m not looking to sell them. Ideally, I could trade them all for a few beers. The growlers have both a 32 oz. and 1 liter fill line. Here’s a cut sheet below with specs.”

Upcoming Events

February 1: Entry Registration begins for Los Angeles Belgian Brew Challenge (LABBC)
February 4th: First Saturday, Noon: Stuffed Sandwich
February 16: Club Meeting at Tortugo Brewing Company Styles include all English Beers
February 25: Entry Drop-off begins for LABBC
March 10: Entry Drop-off Deadline for LABBC
March 11: Bottle Organizing Session at Tortugo
March 25: Main Judging Session for LABBC at Tortugo

Styles of the Month

  • February – English Beers
  • March – Belgian Beers
  • April – German Beers
  • May – Specialty Beers
  • June – Pale Beers
  • July – Summer Party, all styles
  • August – Wheat Beers
  • September – Festbiers and Amber lagers
  • October – IPAs
  • November – Amber and Brown Beers
  • December – Holiday Party, all styles


Pacific Gravity Club Meeting Thursday, January 19th at Tortugo Brewery

Greetings Pacific Gravity!
Our first club meeting of the year is on January 19th, 2022 at Tortugo Brewing Co, located at 916 W Hyde Park Blvd, Inglewood, CA 90302.
We will get started about 7:30 PM.January Monthly Meeting; Thursday 1/19/2023 at 7:30 PM.Tortugo Brewing Co.

916 W. Hyde Park Blvd.
Inglewood,  CA  90302
(424) 227-9963

New Year New Beer!

Join us for the January club meeting to kick the year off right. We will discuss upcoming events, fundraisers, brewing competitions and more!

The style of the month for January is winter beers, though all styles are welcome.
It is gratifying that we have resumed gathering in person, but as always we encourage and expect everyone will be vigilant about their own health to ensure the groups safety!  Please observe all safety precautions and stay home if you do not feel well.

We hope to see you all at our meeting!


Pacific Gravity Polo Shirts

The shirts are in! For all those who ordered Pacific Gravity polo shirts, they will be available for pick up at the January meeting at Tortugo.

Upcoming Styles of the Month

  • January 2023 – Winter Beers
  • February – English Beers
  • March – Belgian Beers
  • April – German Beers
  • May – Specialty Beers
  • June – Pale Beers
  • July – Summer Party
  • August – Wheat Beers
  • September – Festbiers and Amber lagers
  • October – IPAs
  • November – Amber and Brown Beers
  • December – Holiday Party

Upcoming Events

  • January 19th 7:30 PM. January Club Meeting at Tortugo Brewing Company. Style of the month is Winter Beers.
  • February 1:  Entry Registration begins for LABBC
  • February 3 or 4th:  First Friday or Saturday TBD
  • February 16:  Club Meeting at Tortugo Brewing Company
  • February 25:  Entry Drop-off begins for LABBC
  • March 10:  Entry Drop-off Deadline for LABBC
  • March 11:  Bottle Organizing Session at Tortugo
  • March 25:  Main Judging Session for LABBC at Tortugo

Brew now for the Los Angeles Belgian Brew Challenge

After a long gap triggered by the COVID pandemic, we have resurrected the Los Angeles Belgian Brew Challenge for 2023.  This competition focuses on the Belgian styles as defined in the 2015 BJCP guidelines. This year, judging will be hosted at our home brewery, Tortugo Brewing Company on March 25.  This will give you time to brew for most of the styles.  The Best in Show entry will be brewed by Tortugo as a Pro-Am entry in the Great American Beer Festival.

Here are some of the key details for 2023:

  • Entry Registration begins on February 1st and runs through March 10th.
  • Two bottles are required for each entry with a $10 entry fee.
  • Bottle drop-off begins February 25th and runs through March 10th. Entries can be dropped off at the brewery, or the local homebrew shops.
  • Volunteers for Judges, Stewards and other assistants can sign up now. Volunteers will get the official competition tee shirt.
  • Bottle Organizing will be held at Tortugo on Saturday, March 11th.
  • Main judging Saturday, March 25th at Tortugo.

For general information about the competition, go to  In addition to the beer styles that can be entered, we will cover some sponsor highlights.

Sign-ups for Judges, Stewards and other assistants can be found at  Entry registration can be found here as well starting February 1st.

So get those brew kettles going now and good luck with your entries!
Carl Townsend
Competition Coordinator

Other Upcoming Events
January 19th 7:30 PM. January Club Meeting at Tortugo Brewing Company. Style of the month is Winter Beers.
February 1:  Entry Registration begins for LABBC
February 3 or 4th:  First Friday or Saturday TBD
February 16:  Club Meeting at Tortugo Brewing Company
February 25:  Entry Drop-off begins for LABBC
March 10:  Entry Drop-off Deadline for LABBC
March 11:  Bottle Organizing Session at Tortugo
March 25:  Main Judging Session for LABBC at Tortugo

First Saturday at Library Alehouse

Greetings Pacific Gravity!

Happy New Year!

For the first month of the year this January, we will be having a First Saturday instead of the usual First Friday. We are headed to The Library Alehouse in Santa Monica.

The Library Alehouse
2911 Main Street Santa Monica, CA 90405

We will congregate on the patio at about 12:00 Noon on Saturday 1/07/2023.

Many thanks to Ian Fraser for facilitating this!

See you there!

It is great that we can all get together in person, but as always we encourage and expect everyone will be vigilant about their own health to ensure the groups safety!  Please observe all safety precautions and stay home if you do not feel well.

Pacific Gravity Holiday Party

Greetings Pacific Gravity!

We are throwing a holiday party on Saturday 12/10/2022!

But first we need your help!  On Saturday 12/03/22 we will be decking the halls and doing the set up (and drinking beer!) over at Neil’s, so come on down and lend a hand!

Then we will make merry the way we know how!
Holiday party
When:  Saturday, December 10, at 5:00 PM.
Where:  12966 Rubens Ave, Los Angeles, CA. (at Alla Road)

The Holiday party will be a Neil’s Duplex on December 10th at 5:00PM.  Rumor has it that Santa will be making an appearance.  Also, we will announce the Member of the Year Award and the Brewer of the year award, and introducing the new officers for 2023.

You can help!  Because although the club will be providing much of the main dishes this is still a pot luck party and your favorite party dish will sure be appreciated!  The menu should mostly reflect past holiday parties featuring Carbonnades ala Flamande, meat on the BBQ, deep fried turkeys, spiced ham and much more!

So if you have a favorite family holiday recipe and want to share it with the rest of us, this is your chance!  If you have any questions about what to bring you can ask me  Suggestions would include any kind of main dish but especially all side dishes, veggie dishes, salads, desserts and appetizers!

Got beer?  We need all types of beer, meads, cider and sodas for this event.  Pull out your favorite holiday beverage, dust off the bottle or keg and bring it down!  We’ll have the Wave of Beer set up to help dispense your holiday homebrews.  If you plan to bring beer, soda or other seasonally festive beverage, please contact Carl at: & let him know what you will bring.  Everyone who signs up in advance will have a festive tap tag.


We need a few more EZ-Ups, heat lamps and fire pits so please donate them if you can.  Bring a chair if you can!

We need lot & lots FIREWOOD!  If you can bring wood please do so.  December evenings can be cold so please help bring some wood so we can all stay warm.
This is an outdoor event…it will be cold!  Please plan accordingly!

We ask that all attendees are vaccinated and can provide proof of same upon request.

See you there!
Cheers and Happy Holidays!

Ian Fraser

Pacific Gravity Club Meeting, Chili Cook-off and Elections

Greetings Pacific Gravity!

Our November meeting is packed with activities and events!

The Molloys were generous enough to host us (again) for the meeting and the chili cook-off. Remember, it’s a private residence so carry-in & carry-out and be on your best behavior!

Event:  November Club Meetings; Elections and Chili Cook-Off!
Where:  Casa Malloy:  6738 W. 87th Place, Westchester, CA 90045  (Please note, it is PLACE, not Street!)
Date: Saturday November 19th
Time:  12:00 Noon until 7:00 PM

We will be conducting our annual chili cook off and all members are invited to bring a crock pot of homemade chili to enter.  Fabulous prizes (well, bragging rights and a beer) will be given for the chili voted as “best” and “most unique”.

Our “style of the month” is dark beers, so come share your stouts, browns, quads and that blonde where the SRM calculator failed you (and of really ANY home-brew you are willing to share).

We will also be conducting our elections for next year’s Board and Member of the Year!   We will accept nominations right up to the day of the event.

We hope to see you all there!Cheers,
Parker Waechter
Vice President, Pacific Gravity

Upcoming Styles of the Month

  • November – Dark beers
  • December – Holiday Party, all styles

Upcoming Events

  • November 19: (Saturday) noon -November meeting, chili cookoff and election
  • December 10: 5pm – Pacific Gravity Holiday Party!

Club Meeting 10/20, Order Your Polo Shirts

Greetings Pacific Gravity!
Our next club meeting is on October 20th, 2022 at Tortugo Brewing Co, located at 916 W Hyde Park Blvd, Inglewood, CA 90302.
We will get started about 7:30 PM.Tortugo Brewing Co.916 W. Hyde Park Blvd.
Inglewood,  CA  90302
(424) 227-9963Ziggy, Zaggy, Ziggy, Zaggy, Oi, Oi, Oi !!  Just when you thought Oktoberfest was over, Pacific Gravity pulls you back in!  Our style of the month is German beers, especially Festbier and other amber lagers.  Brats and some simple Bavarian eats will be available… There may even be a small contingent of the PG lederhosen brigade standing around and looking embarrassed.We will discuss upcoming events, fundraisers, board elections and more!It is gratifying that we have resumed gathering in person, but as always we encourage and expect everyone will be vigilant about their own health to ensure the groups safety!  Please observe all safety precautions and stay home if you do not feel well.

We hope to see you all at our meeting!

Parker  VP


Pre-Order Your Pacific Gravity Polo Shirts Now

We’re doing a batch of Pacific Gravity logoed polo shirts for our next fund raiser.  These shirts will feature the Pacific Gravity logo, above and seen on last year’s hats, embroidered on the pocket area.  They will be available at a cost of $30 each. These cotton/polyester blend shirts will be available in black or ash colors in sizes small to XXXXL.

The polo shirts will only be available via pre-orders.  We’re only going to make what has been pre-ordered, there will be no extras.  We’ll be accepting pre-orders online through the end of October or in person at the October 20th club meeting.  We’re targeting delivery of the shirts at our November club meeting.

You can pre-order and pre-pay for your polo shirt(s) via PayPal at the following link:

Because of limitations with PayPal ordering, please specify the color and size of polo shirt(s) you want separately via email (  You can pre-order without paying now by emailing  Again, be sure to specify the quantity, color and size of polo shirts you want.  You can also pre-order and pre-pay (cash or PayPal) at the October 20th club meeting.  Whichever way you go, you’ll need to do your pre-order before the end of October.

Upcoming Styles of the Month

  • October – Festbiers and Amber lagers
  • November – Dark beers
  • December – Holiday Party, all styles

Upcoming Events

  • October 17:  Club Meeting at Tortugo Brewing Co.
  • November 5: First Satuday at LA Ale works new Culver City taproom (tentative)

September First Friday at Tortugo Brewing!

Greetings Pacific Gravity!

It is September already!

For our First Friday in September, we have decided to head back to Tortugo for our home court advantage.

First Friday:  September 2nd, 2022 @ 7:00 PM at Tortugo Brewing Co, located at 916 W Hyde Park Blvd, Inglewood, CA 90302

Note: We will not be gathering in the meeting area, but will have a table near the bar.

We hope to see you all Friday!

It is great that we can all get together in person, but as always we encourage and expect everyone will be vigilant about their own health to ensure the groups safety!  Please observe all safety precautions and stay home if you do not feel well.

Yeastside Brewers San Diego bus trip next month, September 17

The YS is planning a bus trip to some San Diego breweries for September 17th and we wanted to extend an invite to PG.  We’re still in the planning stages and looking to get as good a deal as we can for the bus and for us, so the more, the merrier, and cheaper.  We also have a call out to the WASH folks for interest.

Breweries we’re considering stopping at are White Labs, Setting Sun (sake), Lost Cause Meadery, Duck Foot, Pure Project, California Wild Ales, and Black Plague.  Ambitious, but a few of these are very close to each other and we’ll be making adjustments as necessary on the day of.  Some of these breweries should have food trucks, so no dedicated eating stop – we’ll all be responsible for ourselves.

We’ll meet at Union Station and be on the bus and on our way at 10am latest.  We expect to be back around 8pm or so.

Cost will be approximately $35 to $50 per rider depending on how well we can do on the bus / turnout.  Payment could be via email / Venmo, or we might have a Square on the bus, and cash.

Anyone interested should contact Terry Molloy (brewfest @ pacific gravity)

Club Meeting Thursday (8/18) at Tortugo Brewing

Hope your summer is going well!  We have one more chance to party before fall sets in.  Please join us Thursday August 18th at Tortugo Brewing Co, located at 916 W Hyde Park Blvd, Inglewood, CA 90302.   We will get started about 7:30 PM.  We will have a recap of the Summer Party (thanks Dean!), as well as announcements of upcoming events such as club elections, upcoming First Friday or Second Saturdays, and important news about upcoming homebrew competitions such as Pacific Brewers Cup and the California State Homebrew Competition.

Our President Ian will be be pouring commercial samples of our styles of the month Wheat and Witbier.  And, of course, if you bring your homebrews to share, we will have a full slate of enjoyment.

We have no organized food plan this month, so please plan on dropping a few buck on Torgugo’s grill, or eat before the meeting.

Hope to see you there!

August 18:  Club Meeting at Tortugo Brewing Co, located at 916 W Hyde Park Blvd, Inglewood, CA 90302
September 2:  First Friday at Tortugo
September 15:  Club Meeting at Tortugo Brewing Co.
September 3 – 25:  Entry Drop-off Window for Pacific Brewers Cup
October 8, 15: (Maybe other dates too) Judging at Project Barley Brewery & Pizzeria


  • August – Wits and Wheats
  • September – IPAs
  • October – Festbiers and Amber lagers
  • November – Dark beers
  • December – Holiday Party, all styles


Competition Corner August 2022 – Here Comes Pacific Brewers Cup

Call for Entries- 2022 Pacific Brewers Cup

It is my pleasure to announce this year’s Pacific Brewers Cup Homebrew Competition will be hosted by Strand Brewers Club.  This most prestigious event is hosted on a rotating basis with Pacific Gravity Homebrewers Club, Long Beach Homebrewers Club and Strand Brewers Club.

Registration for Entries for the 2022 Pacific Brewers Cup Homebrew Competition is now open at:

We are also seeking Judges, Stewards and Competition Volunteers for this event.  Registration for these positions will be available at the same website beginning August 15, two weeks from now.  2022 PBC T-shirts and other perks will be available when registering as a Judge, Steward or Competition Volunteer; please consider helping Strand Brewers Club with this event.  Breakfast snacks and lunch will be provided to all Volunteers at the Final Judging on October 15.

Final Judging for the 2022 Pacific Brewers Cup will be held on Saturday, October, 15, 2022 @ Project Barley Brewery & Pizzeria, 2308 Pacific Coast Hwy. Lomita, Ca., 90717, starting at 8:30 AM.  We are planning a morning and afternoon Judging session.

This is a BJCP and AHA-sanctioned competition.  This is also a full-category Competition based on the 2015 BJCP Guidelines, including meads and ciders.

As this Competition will be judged live and in-person and the PBC Organizing Committee cannot predict future Covid-19 activity, we are asking that all judges and stewards be fully vaccinated.  Please be advised that the PBC Planning Committee and Project Barley Brewery & Pizzeria will be doing everything possible to ensure a safe Event, in compliance with current L.A. County and BJCP/AHA recommendations.  We will also ask everyone to observe COVID protocols such as wearing a mask whenever possible and your nose is not inside a taster cup, as a courtesy and precaution.

Judges, Stewards and Competition Volunteers are invited to submit entries as well.  Due to limits on comfortable size and space, we will be limiting the competition to 300 total entries, as an added safety measure.  Registration of Entries will run from August 1 to September 25, 2022.  Please note the deadline for Competition Entries is September 25, 2022.  For more information, including conveniently located drop-off locations, as well as an Entry Mail-in Location, please refer to the above website.

Cheers & Thank You
Jeffrey Hoy, Organizer, 2022 PBC


Upcoming Events

August 15:  Registration starts for Pacific Brewers Cup
August 18:  Pacific Gravity Club Meeting at Tortugo Brewing
September 3 – 25:  Entry Drop-off Window for Pacific Brewers Cup
October 8, 15: (Maybe other dates too) Judging at Project Barley Brewery & Pizzeria